
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It is in your mouth

Our world offers neither help for today nor hope for tomorrow. The news
 everyday seems to tell us that we are hopeless and useless. We hear of wars
 and rumours of wars, famine, poverty, diseases, shootings, untimely death and the likes. You can't seem to be able to avoid it; it's in the newspapers,
on Television and internet; it's just everywhere! It is easy to allow these
discouraging events around our environment affect our lives and our
perception about who we are and what Christ has done for us. But thanks be
 to God who leads us to triumph! Yes! He is leading us to triumph over the
 host of hell and the enemies of our soul. He is leading us to victory over
 affliction and all strange infirmities. He is leading us to cast down every
 word and strange imagination which has risen against us and against his
 word and will. Thanks be to God for we are not swallowed up by the heart
 breaking news we hear daily rather we rise above the storms of bad
 news by counter- attacking them with Gods word.

·      God's word is strong, powerful and very efficacious. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands for ever (cf. Isaiah 40:8).
·      Heaven and Earth shall pass away but God's word shall not pass away (cf. Luke 21:23)
·      By his word the heavens and the earth was created (cf. John 1:4)
·      God’s word is life, strength for the weak, hope for the hopeless, grace for tomorrow. His word is sharper than any two edged sword (cf. Hebrews 4:12)

indeed the word of God is a light that shines in darkness  and darkness cannot comprehend it.

 We need to understand the power that we have in God's word. For when we
 understand that, we are able to overcome the attacks of the evil one and
 his wiles. The evil one has connived with several of his agents  (including all propagators of bad news) to weaken and frustrate us, but we  can overcome him by '…the word of our testimony*…' Revelation 12:11. Yes!
 The word of our testimony!

 There are two important things we need to consider:
1.     The word of God as a tool
2.     Our testimony as a weapon

 *The word as a tool*

 Faith comes by hearing…and hearing 'word' (cf. Romans 10:17). So also fear comes by hearing words. If we continue to hear negative words, it won't be long before fear envelopes us. But the word of God is a strong device with which we counter every negative word. The more of God's word we speak the less effect the enemy has on us. The more we speak God's word the more we weaken the hold of the devil upon our lives.

For “it” to be 'word' it has to be spoken.  ["Logos" is Jesus, the spoken word of our Creator; the action in God's command.  The "doing" moves things from God's 'to do list' to God's 'it is done' or 'it is finished' list].  Jesus came as God's spoken word to convey the good news, which we call the Gospel. What if He would not speak of God's love to us?  But He did, He could not remain quiet.

You do not keep quiet and hope that the word which you know will make a way or fight for you. Even though you know the word and have it in your heart, you have to 'speak' for it to have effect. The lord said to the prophet 'prophesy to these bones and SAY …' [emphasis mine (cf. Ezekiel 37:4)]; what this implies is that the bones have ears. Those challenges in your life have ears. Prophesy to them. Speak to them! If you can say to this mountain be removed, it shall be moved. For nothing is impossible for you (cf. Matthew 17:20). Just speak the word!

*Our testimony as a weapon*

 "In the law <>, *testimony* is a form of  evidence <> that is obtained from a witness <> who makes a solemn  statement or declaration of fact"  (

When we open our mouth to tell of the goodness of our Lord, we declare to the world that God's word is true. Many times we speak the word of God over our circumstances and yet do not have results, could it be that it’s because we have neglected the great commission given to us by our Lord Jesus. *The gospel is the '…power of God unto salvation…' (cf. Romans 1:16) *and not telling the good news of God's wonderful works in your life may just delay someone's salvation.

I know you may have some temporal challenges in your life right now, but there is a lot God has done for you and sharing it can save someone out there. There may be weaknesses in your body right now but your miracle may just be in your reaching out to those who are lost. You may be facing some "goliaths" right now but you can overcome them by '...the word of your testimony'. Child of God, open your mouth and tell your friends and neighbours about the goodness of the Lord.

There is a miracle in your mouth; speak the word to our sick world. Raise your voice, hold not your peace. Tell about God's faithfulness. Let the world know that indeed 'our God reigns'

 *God In need*
 We often pray for the Lord to meet our needs, but how many of us have interest in meeting God's need? God has a need too! He needs you and me to be his worthy ambassadors here on earth. He needs you to be his agent of truth in a world where lies have been magnified and 'holyfied'. He needs us to be instruments of change, restoration and healing to a dying world. God needs you.

Let us not keep asking God to meet our need. If you know how to meet His need he will take care of you. I dare you to meet God's need and watch him bless you beyond your wildest imagination. I dare you to commit yourself to God's mission and see the lord make a wonder out of you. Then you will be a victor rather than a victim. You will become the head and not the tail. Be a man/woman after God's heart; meet the masters need. Talk about his awesome faithfulness. Let the world know that our God is an awesome God.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, " Your God reigns*!-Isaiah 52:7 (NKJV