
Monday, March 10, 2014

What is happening to you?

Just a while ago you had a very terrible experience and you said “never again”, but here you are, back to the same place where you used to be. Here you are, in the same situation you were in the last time. You had sworn that you will never be that stupid again, but here you are, you have played the fool again.

What is wrong with you? You keep making the same mistake again and again and you think nothing is wrong with you? How long does it take for you to realize that you are heading to “sudden death”? How long will it take you to realize that you are on your way to total destruction? Have you not seen that the path you have chosen is the conduit to eternal damnation? Can’t you see this is the highway to permanent failure?

A while ago you started a project and somehow you did not finish; you felt like a failure and you asked for another chance. You promised yourself and the world that if you ever get another chance, you would go all the way and finish. But here you are, you have given up again, you are about to drop out once again. Here you are, at the same cross road where you failed in the past. Looking back to your past, you see all the abandoned projects; while failures of the past challenges and spur others to press on and reach the top, to you it is a sign that you cannot make it. What is wrong with your mind? Is there a reason why you cannot think straight? You started school but did not finish, you started a relationship but did not finish, you started a project but did not finish; you started the weight loss program but did not finish and now you have started yet another and already your heart is faint. What is wrong with you?

What do you see?
Look yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Are you getting closer to the man/woman you dream to be? Are you heading towards your vision/dream? Are you stagnant and have become a pain to those who know you? Do people look at you and pity the woman who begat you? Are you bringing shame to the family whose name you bear? Are you bringing disgrace to the name of the Lord whom you profess to love and serve?

Last year you made a resolution and you said it so seriously that everyone took you serious. That was the same thing you did the year before and the year before that. Yet, after many years, you still have not improved. You still have not lost weight, you still have not gone back to school and you still have not written that book; you still have not made that investment, you have not put yourself together and you are still telling stories about what you wish to do. When people ask you why you are the way you are, somehow you always have the right answer. You play the blame game. “It is my parents’ fault; they didn’t leave any inheritance for me”. “It is the government; they do not have plans for the citizens. “ It is my pastor’s fault, he/she is not anointed and it is affecting me”. “It is because I was raped as a kid, I still cannot get my mind to get over it”. “It is the environment I live in; we are a product of our environment”.

What is wrong with you that you keep going back to your “vomit”? Just the other day you cried and “threw up” all the things you felt were killing you, but now, again, you have gone back to lick that which you threw up.  Isn’t it insanity of some sort, when someone continues to do a thing that’s killing them!? If it is not insanity, do you think someone cast a spell on you? Maybe it is not insanity, maybe it is not a spell. Maybe you have chosen the path of destruction. Maybe it is your choice.

Your choice, your life
Some days ago, I saw a commercial in a public place and each time I see it, I shudder for fear. The commercial shows a pretty young girl who in her teenage years chose to smoke. It showed different stages of her exciting and beautiful life and culminated in her last days before her death. The last days of her life was miserable, her state was deplorable, for want of a better word.   The conclusion was that smoking destroys people and those who engage in it are encouraged to quit. Each time that commercial comes on, it shakes me to my bones and I feel very sad. On this day, as it came on, I watched it with a young girl and when it finished I looked at her and said “sad right?” She said to me “it is just a commercial”. My response was one word “seriously?”  A few minutes later, as I walked out of the building, I saw her smoking and she looked at me and smiled.  I was amazed. But something occurred to me; it is her life and her choice, she can choose to do with it what she wishes and I hope in a few years from now she will proudly sit back and “enjoy” the consequences of the choices she made.
I do not believe you are a failure because of what others did or did not do. It is your choice. I do not believe that it is the spell cast on you that makes you keep going back to your “vomit”; I believe it is your choice. You have chosen not to grow beyond your past and you go back to it because you like the rut. Don’t tell me that the reason you are a failure is because of what your parents did or did not do, accept that you are a product of your choices.  There is a way that seems right to you, but the end of it is destruction, writes the wise man.  

Which one are you?
Is this the first time I am writing along this line? No! Will everybody who reads this choose to do right and do better? No! It may not be the first or the last time anyone will read these lines, but some will choose to make the best out of this and make a decision to be useful and productive and end up enjoying the fruits of the seeds they sow today.  Some will act emotionally and pretend to be touched and in not too long a time, go back to those things that lead to abyss. Some others will look at it and say "it’s just an article” and ignore the message to their own peril.  Which one are you?

Choose today who you will serve, if God, then serve God. Choose today what you must do, if to move beyond your past and rise to the top, why not!? Choose this day to finish that project; the glory is not in beginning but in finishing. Choose today never to go back to your vomit; you may not recover from the next “lick” from your past life.