
Thursday, July 18, 2013

While you wait

 A few weeks ago I spoke with a young man who told me he was waiting for the “waters to move” so he can jump in and take his portion. It sounded good to me so we spent some time discussing the details. He gave me some very sweet scriptures and you know I love scriptures. But shortly before I left I asked him how long he had been waiting and he said “twelve (12) months”. Sounded long to me but to make sure it was not what I was thinking I asked him “what have you been doing during those twelve (12) months” and he said “nothing”. Ladies and gentlemen, I froze. I was shocked. Nothing!? Who sits down for a whole year doing nothing? Now listen, I cannot spend a day doing nothing, how much more one year.

Does waiting on the Lord mean doing nothing? Is my young friend acting in “faith” or is he simply foolish? Do not let anybody convince you that it is an act of faith to waste a whole year doing nothing. No, it is not faith because whoever has faith also takes action. “But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20 NASB) A man of faith is known by the kind of step he takes. You do not have to tell us that you have faith; we can see your faith by your works. A man/woman of faith has vision and every day he takes steps towards his/her vision. If you have faith then you know that no day should be wasted.

Does that mean people should not wait on the Lord for as long at it takes? Of course not! What it means is that as you wait on the Lord there is a lot you can achieve. You pray and study. And if you pray and study you will get creative ideas and the Lord will speak to you which means you will also write. Some of those ideas will require immediate action so you will be on your toes taking action. If you truly wait on the Lord, it is never a dull moment.  

When this same young man called me today to say he is depressed and feels like God had abandoned him I snapped at him. “Do not bring God into this, God cannot tell you to wait on Him and let you get depressed” I yelled. And yes I meant it. God will not lead you to a place and abandon you so if you are depressed, you can be sure that God is not in it. People who have faith are too busy to be depressed. Faith does not give room for worry. Faith makes you enthusiastic. I challenge you today to mix your faith with action and you will experience unprecedented breakthroughs.
PS: And by the way if you are wondering where I have been all this while, I have been busy working on a couple of projects one of which is my new book. It should be out soon so watch out. I am back now and will load ya’ll with a lot to read. Enjoy!