
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stand and be responsible

If two is company…what’s five?
The other day I saw the news about a young lady who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot into the air to halt her alleged abusive husband from attacking and hurting her. Her punishment surprised me and several other sympathizers, considering that just recently someone else shot and killed a young man and was acquitted of his crime. Is it a case of different strokes for different folks? Troubling times you say!? It was some kind of relief to hear that her conviction was eventually overturned; but I am still startled that the so called husband had five baby mamas. F.I.V.E (5) different women had children for this man and…what!? How does a man do that? How can a young man make babies with five different women? What makes him jump from one to the other until the fifth? If he treated them well would he need five of them to make all those babies? And how does a woman get entangled with such complex and tricky situation? What blinded her eyes and mind to think that if he didn’t treat other women nicely, he would be different with her? Is it wisdom, desperation or foolishness that makes a lady go into such? If two is company and three is a crowd, then what would five and six be?

Over the years, as I relate with and counsel people, I have come across several relationship-related situations that some would consider simple “open and close” case; but that it keeps happening again and again means it requires attention and someone needs to address them properly. I have heard and read a couple of people’s opinion about matters of irresponsibility, child care and support, but many approach it differently. So I chose to proffer my opinion here.

There are 3 groups of people I want to address:
1)     Those who have the guts to have sex but do not have the means to take responsibility
2)     Those who keep taking and never give back.
3)     Those whose kids are well supported but yet the women still act irresponsible.

Warning: If you are one of those people who do not like the truth and shy away from reality, please do not continue reading. The following will be an honest evaluation of things happening around. If you are a sincere person and find yourself erring, you should find some tips to help you do better.

Go further
I am a strong believer in people taking responsibility for their actions. For instance, I think it is irresponsible to blame your parents (or anyone for that matter) for your present predicament. It is juvenile to blame your husband, wife, lover, or an ex for your inability to take care of your children. It is also irresponsible for a man to ignore and not provide for his child/children for whatever reason. If you considered yourself old, bold and strong enough to have sex and produce children, is it not commonsensical to also take responsibility for the fruit of your sexual act? If you do not have the means to provide for your children, should you make babies? Why should you think of making babies when you know you cannot afford to provide for them? Why would someone say he has no job, or that he is so broke that he cannot take care of his child? It beats me! I do not understand how a man that is not crippled could say such a thing. If there is no job to do, what about doing a few businesses here and there? How about some services you can provide to friends and family that can earn you income? I think several men look for good excuses not to take responsibility. Don’t cover up your laziness and stupidity with excuses. Oh man, you are inexcusable.

Some men, however, do make attempt to support their children and I doff my cap for such men. Everyday as I drive through the streets, I see several young men working hard to market some products. DVDs, clothes, perfumes, wrist watches, books, and many other items; they do what they can to make money. While some people say they do not trust such boys, I do. I trust them. I believe in them. And yes, I do patronize them even though sometimes I do not really need the things I buy from them. Would you rather they go about armed with weapons, attacking and stealing from people? Probably not! I like the fact that they make goods and services readily available. First I thought all of them use the money they get for illicit drugs and etc, but I found out that many of them are out there hustling to take care of their families. Some people sit in their posh cars, with their aristocratic mind-set and judge them, but the boys are only taking steps to provide for those who look up to them.

I also see some others who wear designer shoes, fancy shirts and cool face caps; they love to drive fancy cars, play video games, eat 5 times a day and like cute girls with cash. When I ask them what they do for a living, they answer “I got no job; the government ain’t helping the people”. In many cases, some of these boys have children and many of them do not support their children. So I wonder: “how can you find the money for expensive things and not afford to support your children?” You eat daily, you change your cloths from time to time, you can afford a smart phone, you even have some money to buy cards and gifts for your girlfriend, or friends on their birthdays, but you do not have anything to support your children. Does that sound normal? Is that fair on your children? Did those children ask to be born? If you have a problem with their mother, does it mean you should punish the children?

C’mon guys, lets be real. We should not, for what ever reason, ignore our responsibilities. If you do not have all that is required to take care of your children, you should at least have something to support. Some women are nice enough to pay all the bills for the children; we should be appreciative and supportive by making regular contributions to help such women. If you are privileged to have a wife or baby mama who makes any kind of contribution towards the upkeep of your children, be appreciative by augmenting what she does. There are few men on earth who have such women who would work or do business to fund their children’s bills, don’t take such women for granted. Please support them. You have taken the first step to make babies; nobody forced you into making them. Take the next step, go further, show that you are a man and provide for your children.

Give back time
I would also like to address those who keep receiving and never give back. There are several people who have been privileged to receive support from parents, guardians, or even non family members. When you were young, in need and helpless, people invested into you. It is only normal if, when you are grown, you pour back into them. But for many this is not the case. Some grow up and instead of finding ways to support those who helped them, they begin to think of how to enjoy and get all the fun they believe they deserve. If someone stood by you and helped you stand, is it not wise to find a way to support them in return when you settle? If someone puts you through school, what is the first thing you should think of when you graduate? Is it to upgrade your wardrobe? Or is it to find a way to alleviate the burden of your helper(s)?

This generation seems to be more materialistic than ever. People no longer pay attention to what’s important. Always learning, but hardly coming to knowledge. It looks like many young people have not come to understand that life is about give and take. They probably do not understand that if you keep taking from a source and do not give back, it dries up. Few of them see visions of the future, they rather emphasize on immediate gratification and things ephemeral. In our days, when we came out of school, we went all out to make income and support our parents and extended family. These days, many come out of school and ask for more; more money, money shoes, more clothes and more of everything. And when you think they are getting to understand their responsibility, they tell you they are in love and want to start a new family. I have nothing against starting a new family, but I do believe that there is time for everything. Every one who plows does so in hope; why dash their hope by your negligence!

You may have very good excuses for acting irresponsibly; “things are not going too well for me”, but you still survive somehow. “I’m waiting to do something big for my helper”, but you can start small; if you are not faithful in little things, you probably will not be faithful when you have much. “I have other responsibilities too”, everyone has responsibilities yet someone chose to support you”. Act responsibly, reciprocate every kind gesture. Remember, one good turn deserves another.

It takes two…
The other side of this story is that, whereas so many men do a lot to provide for their children, some mothers are actually very irresponsible and ungrateful. It is not enough to confess love for your children, the least a mother can do to show her love is to support in paying their bills. It may sound rather awkward and rare, but there are woman who do not add a cent to pay for mortgage/rent, school fees and other utilities. I know a friend whose wife said her culture forbids a woman from paying bills or even making any contribution to support her family. She earns income but uses it for, well, you know what! Some men are actually over burdened by bills while some women sit back and watch. A man once told his leader “I hear that some women contribute financially to take care of their children, but I have never had a single financial support from my wife” He certainly is not alone as many other men have made such complaints. There are two things I believe are responsible for this:

a)    Laziness  
Let’s be honest, some ladies are actually very lazy. These days we see several ladies getting very involved in every sector of the society, making things happen and some even make more money than men. Still a number of women are too lazy to even get up and take a walk. Last week I was at the mall and walked into an argument. A staff of the mall was struggling to explain to a young lady why she gave the last motorized shopping cart to an elderly handicapped woman. Nothing he said convinced the young woman contrary to her argument. One of the security men stepped in and asked her “ma’am can I ask you, ‘what is your handicap?’” At that point she felt she lost the argument. She couldn’t say what her handicap was because she was too shy to say what it was. The security man said to her “yes you cannot say what it is, you are too ashamed to say that your handicap is fat. You are too fat to walk around and buy food but you stand here to give the impression that you were mistreated”. At this point she bent her head in shame and walked away. I left the scene wondering how many women out there act like they are handicapped when indeed the only malady is that they are too lazy to carry themselves up and around.

There is nothing wrong if you do something to help in footing the bills. It is not enough to love your children, do something to help with paying their bills too. Don’t cover it up, if you are lazy, face it, motivate yourself and get busy. If not for yourself, do it for your children.

b)    Backwards mentality
Some women still live in the archaic mindset that says it is the man’s responsibility to pay all the bills. No darling, it is not so. It takes two to tango. Two of you made the babies and it is both your responsibility to provide for the children. Even if you think the man has enough to pay all the bills, common sense should make you take up one or two of the bills and make it your own. If you cannot take up one of the bills, then at least, make regular contributions to the bills.

It is a shame to think that some mothers have never supported in the payment of bills and when you ask them they tell you “he should be paying me for watching over them”. Or “Is he not happy to see his children taken care of?” Not as if they are ill or that they have no means. Some are probably impious. Woman, it is an act of irresponsibility not to make contributions to your child/children’s bills.

Share the responsibility.
Maybe the best approach is for both parents to bear the burden of taking care of the children. No man should ignore the needs of his children and no woman should leave any man to carry the entire load. Teamwork makes a lot of sense. If you are the one who shoulders the entire bill (mother or father), it would be right if you ask for help from the irresponsible one. And if you are the one who has been unhelpful, find a way to make contributions. If you cannot get a job and you have no business ideas, then sell your shoes, cloths, and whatever else you have to support your family. You cannot have good things but deny your children of support. In my opinion, the same way you get all those good stuff you use is the same way you should provide for your children; but since you do not have a means to take care of them, then sell those things and pay their bills. That’s a good way to prove your good intentions.


  1. Hard but true. I doubt if we will have many comments. People do not like the truth. Both men and women were hit here; some will not find it comfortable but thank you again for telling it as it is.

  2. Baba ti soro! Father has spoken. Only a father can tell the truth as hard as it is. To be honest, many men are a disgrace the way they ignore their responsibility. If you cannot pay the bills, zip up. Simple! For me what I learnt is not to bite the finger that feed me. Thank you sir.

  3. I hear you Coach, and i think i agree on a lot of points. I also know that a number of women have shared the bills in the home and are usually very willing to help. These women have also been taken for granted over time, because the man begins to relax and gradually all the bills fall on the woman. This is the reason some other women resolve not to even participate at all.

    I've had a pastor's wife who's a pastor herself say to me that she can never "help" her husband pay school fees and rent and he can very well steal to pay these particular bills if he likes. And the man always finds a way to pay when there's no one to help him pay.

    It's a bit difficult to draw the line or know where and when to "help" a man pay bills lest you get burnt in the process when he ends up dumping all the bills on you. God help us.

  4. In some way yes, but I don't think that those men who do not support do so willingly. Sometimes conditions do not allow them. If a man refuse to support the child, then maybe he is suspecting the woman. These days many women are not trust-able. When you think you are the only one, they are busy sleeping with other men behind your back. Even some married women too. So if a man see that he cannot trust the woman, he will leave her and the children

    1. Really? But how long should condition stop a man from providing for his kids?

    2. She is not trustable and yet you trust her enough to have unprotected sex with her? People look for excuses not to take care of their children.

  5. There is much truth in this article; there are men who are impotent in more ways than sexual.
    Impotent means- unable to take effective action; helpless or powerless. I believe many men and women for that matter is impotent in their mind, or lamebrain. I remember listening to a woman make excuses for her husband, why he would not go to work. She told me he had a “big mind” he liked nice things, but I observed that he would not work. He told her his vision and she went to work while he wore suits and drove around all day in expensive cars with the look of success, while she worked, even cheating on her.
    Then there are woman who have many children, who sit around all day watching TV and won’t lift a finger to cook, clean, or train the children. Come on people. Ladies if you have a man, who gives you a child and is willing to work to support you and the child, cherish that man. When he come home treat him like a king, he earned it. Men if you have a woman who works to financially support you and your children by going to work, and give you money to meet yours and the children needs, cherish such a woman, treat her like a queen; after all she earned it.
    Word of Wisdom to ALL- Men if you have sex with a woman and believe the child she is carrying is not your child, deal with your suspensions before you destroy the child’s life, rejection and or abandonment is not a small thing. If you make more than one baby by the woman your suspect, own up to your responsibility. There is something wrong with your mind if you believe the water is dirty yet you continue to go for a swim. DO NOT make more children, do the world a favor, do not create more of your kind. Do not use the lack of work as an excuse, start your own business. Your lack of vision is killing you!
    Women if a man tell you he has many children and NO job, RUN!! Do not think you can change anyone but YOU! “SELFCONTROL” means you control yourself, not the other person. Any man who makes babies and refuses to support them is not a man at all it’s called” sperm donor”.
    Are you are giver or a taker?

    1. Well said Mr anonymous. I really don't get the point of view that a man abandons his children and won't pay their bills because he suspects their mother meanwhile the chicken bear his name.

      If you suspect her, deal with it. Maybe even get a DNA test done. Instead of behaving so cowardly

  6. Well done sir.
    I think you have a point. But some women make it hard. if a woman has more money, she should listen to the leader of the family on how to choose what to pay for. And not the woman spending money anyhow because she earns it. You know sometimes women spend on too many unimportant things. They buy the children clothes when that is not what they need. Why will i gave her money to go and buy more clothes when there are many things the children need that is more important. Sometimes that is why many men dont give the women money, they prefer to spend it directly on the children.But women dont like this. Only God can help us. But i believe that every man should be responsible and pay the bills and women should contribute to the bills too

    1. Ikechukwu,
      You are correct, some women simply lack balance when it comes to money. Please understand that women have a need to shop, even if it is to buy for someone else. If you have a woman who looks to you for leadership, help her in this area. If you totally strip her of her nature it causes confusion, resentment and even depression, which will create an unhealthy environment for the children. As coach Jasper said it takes two. Everyone have a role to play in a healthy home, balance is the key. To often we have the ALL or NOTHING mentality and that is what destroys the family. It MUST be give and take.

    2. So he has enough leadership wisdom to decide on how the money a woman earns should be spent but not enough sense to make some of his own. Interesting!

    3. As for me I think if a man is a good leader but he doesnt have as much money, the woman should let him lead.The problem is if he does not have anything doing.If he does his own business and no much money comes in, he is hard working and the woman should let him lead. I know a pastor who earns less than his wife, but he is working hard in ministry. but the wife is still very submisive. I wont lie we women like shopping too much, if nobody controls us, we will spend all our money shopping and many things we buy we dont need. But i dont like lazy men. there are many of them these days. They have no job, no business, and they wont do some kind of jobs because of their pride.No woman should submit to that kind of man

    4. When were in school we were taught opportunity cost. The forgone alternative. That means that it is not every thing that we must get at every point. You like to shop but your basic amenities are not paid for, is it wise to shop? You want to buy the children new clothes but they need school fees, so you want to act like a woman and buy the clothes when the need fees? It is not really about whether it is your nature or not. If you have money for fees and shopping, why not. but when the family has more important things and you say your nature makes you want to buy the wrong thing, that kind of nature will destroy you and make your family broke. Priority is what we need. What is important and what is not.
      If the woman is the best leader in the family, she can manage the money, no matter how much she earns. but if she is overspends and always buys the wrong thing, somebody should not let her handle money before she destroy the family. Every man must do something to make money, it doesnt matter how much he makes, he should make money and manage the family money.

    5. Ikechukwu you are very correct. You are a correct man. All the men who are broke now was caused by a woman. They always buy thing when nobody needs them. My wife buys cloths that are not even her size and she says she is keeping it for the future when it will size her. The wardrobe does not contain her cloths and shoes. Now she uses my own small part of it. I think out wives should just spend less on cloths and let their husbands use any excess money to to invest in the future of the family. if they will not pay bills they should give us the money for investment. I dont want to say my name because If my wife reads this now its another matter.

      I looked at the picture at the top that how I know this blog is pastor chime. pastor I salute . I will email you now. Am enjoying this your blog o, reminds me of you powerful messages in those days at communion. Bless you sir.

  7. True write-up, men are the head of homes as God made it, women and children look upto them in daily activites. But these days men lostfully and heartlessly neglect their duties should say because of lack of cordination and lost of mind set in communing with God. Men in real sence should always be their for the family no neglegency, no leaving any stone unturn. I wonder what happen these days?...........Lazy women (as you rightly describe in your script) are causes of their men running away from their responsibilties/homes all because of some dirtyness in homes,inability to do things right and satisfy their men too..............Both parents shouldn't forget they are just care-takers as this world is a stage and phase everyone is passing through. TheIr responsibilities shouldn't be over looked since our maker has assigned it to them, Ada Owerri

  8. we women can sometimes be foolish.Sometime what we call love is foolishness thats why a woman will see a man who is as irresponsible as having over 5 children with five women and still date or marry him. One of my friend married a man who has 3 children and till date she regrets it because of how the children's mothers treat her. Meanwhile what she called love has now turned to anger towards her husband and the children because of that. Also when a woman loves a man it is easy to support and follow his leadership. So i think that those women who do not support in the bills dont love their husbands. I am married with a son and I work, just registered to start my maters degree. My husband and I pay the rents,fees and all the amenities. He is an evangelist and entrepreneur, sometimes he does not bring in much money, but I have never treated him anyhow because I know he loves me and one day he will have more than he has not. So if your husband is not making much money now, just be sure you love him then you will not have any problem letting him lead


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