
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep moving-Don't stop

In the last few weeks I have been traveling a lot and the least I can say is that my eyes have seen a lot, my ears have heard a lot, my mind has learnt a lot, my spirit is renewed and I cannot say I am all impressed, but I’m sure not depressed. In the 1st place, I am very convinced that ignorance is not bliss; ignorance is a huge disadvantage and whoever has chosen to remain that way is in the dark; more like living in the dark ages. I pity such people, they are in an unfortunate state. In the 2nd place, I have come to agree with Saint Augustine that “the world is a book and those who do not travel have only read a page” Well, indeed the world is a very informative and educative huge book (a book of several hundreds, if not thousands, of pages) and those who do not travel or move around have not started reading it at all. That’s what I think. The only way to read this book is to start traveling. Start moving. There is no better way to understand life, indeed, the world around us, other than to see it, so move.

I realize that one reason people are not growing or progressing is because they don’t move and lack of movement is what they call stagnation. When you are stagnant you become a problem to yourself, your family, your friends, your leaders, in fact, you become a problem to everyone and everything. A stagnant person wakes up in the morning and is frustrated with him/her self and of course everyone who they meet that day gets a taste of their “bitterness”. Like they say stagnant water smells and that is so true.

So why don’t people like to move? One reason comes to mind, attachments-attachments to people, places, things and etc. There is really nothing wrong with attachments, only that any attachment that does not allow you grow and improve has become an impediment. I know someone who was so attached to a house that he didn’t want to move. Several years later most of his friends had moved out from the area and had achieved a lot and he wouldn’t move because it was his first house. No he didn’t build or buy it, it was a rented house and he still pays the house owner. It took him many years to realize how the attachment to the house kept him stagnant, but at that time, most of his contemporaries had gone far ahead of him. His attachment beclouded his reasoning such that he didn’t know that there was life outside his location.

Some of you are attached to a place-like a country or state. You have come to love that country/state so much that you do not think that there might be possibilities/opportunities elsewhere. Well, maybe you don’t have such problem; but if you live in a place and you neither function to your optimum nor prosper at the speed God wants you to, you do yourself great injustice not to move. You don’t know what you are missing.

To some others your attachment might be to a friend, family, relationship, job, church or something you consider important but not productive. Why will you stick with something that is not productive? Why will you continue to be attached to something that is not profiting you or others? Why will you be attached to something/someone God doesn't want for you? When will you ask yourself if your presence in a place has become a problem to you and others? That’s the problem; many times you are the problem but you do not see it and all you do is blame others for your misfortune. Maybe, it is time to move and get some fresh air, fresh ideas, fresh skills…

If right now you feel like you are stagnant and you have run out of ideas of what to do to make progress, then I suggest that it is time to move. Change your environment. Relocate. Move to another house. Move to another state. Look for another job. Take a holiday and go somewhere other than where you have always been. Sometimes, when you move and return, things get better, but others times, you just don’t need to return, relocation might just be what you need to reach the next dimension.

Am I saying that everyone has to travel before they succeed? No. Not at all! All I am saying is that if you have climaxed at the wrong time, or you have observed that you are not making progress where you are; or maybe you have been having a nudge in your spirit that you have stayed too long in your present position, or you have become a problem to the people and the system you are in, then it is time to move out and move up. That may be a step that will help both you and those around you; your moving might just bring you and others unbelievable healing and growth. It is risky, but I think it is better to take this risk and get a better result than stay stagnant and risk losing the things and people dear to your heart. It’s up to you.