
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Less talk, more action

I spoke to a lady recently who told me how much she loves the Lord. When I met her the first time, I didn’t doubt that she loved the Lord, or so it seemed.  “Thank you Lord!” occurs frequently during every conversation. It doesn’t matter if the discussion was God/church related or not, she would often go “…oh thank you Lord”.  Her love for the Lord seemed very obvious until I quizzed her further on “the things of the Lord” and boy, was I shocked! Indeed, she was a clear example of people “…having a form of godliness but denying the power…”  How do you say the “Spirit” told you who I am, but when I ask how you can support what I do you reply “…I might have to pray for the Lord to tell me if I should support your project”? If by divine revelation, you know I am a missionary, what else do you need to know?

Why will people act very sanctimonious but have no clue of what righteousness and godliness is!? I wonder why people go to church, act very spiritual on Sundays and in church, yet do not live by the instructions in the Holy Book. Why would you call yourself a believer in Christ but do not act like Christ? If Christianity is all about Christ-likeness, then are we not required to live and love like Christ? Do you not know that it is a sign of the end time to love yourself more than you love the Lord? And do you not know that you cannot say you love the Lord when all your concern is about yourself and your “want”?

Driven by greed
The church, as we have it today, has been overthrown by greed, I’m sorry to say. From the pulpit, to the pew, the clergy and laity, the church stinks of selfishness.  Preachers tell the people to come to church so they can be blessed; people go to church looking for what the Lord would do for them.  It seems that the church has lost understanding of the purpose of her existence.  Did God call us out to come ask for more blessings or are we called out to worship and be a blessing to our world?  Is it all about what we get or what we give?

God promised to supply our need, but these days we have allowed our greed to prevent us from being the light of the world. Many of us are even bold enough to display our voracity by showing off our several shoes, clothing, jewelries, and cars and don’t feel any form of shame or guilt. We have become worldlier than the heathen and we portray more of our flesh and less of God. Is godliness about feeding yourself fat when a brother is starving to death? Or have we forgotten that to love God is to “…share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter”?

Why are we here?
If you ask me why the church is still here, I will tell you it is not so we can build more churches. We are not here to acquire wealth and become more famous. The church is not here to prove that we can survive. We are not here to be local noise makers; we are here to reach out and bring healing to a sick world. The church is called to be dynamic and missionary. That’s not to say that everyone in the church should leave their local church and move to the mission field, no! What it simply means is that we are to have a missionary mentality. We are to have a global mindset.  Every one of us must be concerned about the state of other believers around the world. If one is hungry, it should be our concern. If one is sick, it should be our problem.  We cannot afford to isolate ourselves from the need of other members of the fold who are not near us. 

Yes we can!
I suspect that most of you reading this article have your homes full. When I say full, I mean full. Many sisters have the challenge of what to wear every day; your wardrobe/closet is full and over flowing, yet you struggle to find something to wear.  Your refrigerator is full of food and yet you still go grocery shopping that you almost have nowhere to store them.  Some of you are full of food that you are almost about to, erm…do I say explode?! Do you have plenty to eat such that you are sick from eating? Doesn’t that tell you something?  Don’t you think it is time to buy and eat what you need and send the rest to those in need? Don’t you think that your over indulgence has become an obstacle to your life?  Do you know that the price of your new jewelry might just save a dying child or even a family, or maybe, a generation? Instead of another suit, why don’t you send money to support a starving family!? Yes you can be a solution giver, just cut down on your excess purchases and send the extra to the needy.

Not all of us can go to the mission field, but all of us can send what we have been blessed with to support mission.  Every one of us can send support to those in need and that makes us all missionaries. I pray that the good Lord will open your eyes to see the millions of brethren who cry to heaven daily, hoping that your hearts will be touched. I pray that the Lord, whom you love, will stimulate your heart and make you remember those who are dying of hunger. I pray that as you read this, you will be motivated to take action.

As you reach out to support missions, may you find peace that passes all understanding (and misunderstanding); may your children never lack. May the Lord hear you even before you cry; may He keep you in sound health and where you are sick and in need of healing, may the Lord heal and make you whole. Amen!


  1. Heaven help those who help others. Help me with my friend's problem and we will help you with you project. very simple

    1. Who's this one always talking out of context.

    2. Which bible are you reading and quoting?

  2. This is true sir. We are now collectors of blessings and yet somebody near us is dying of hunger. And some pastors are not helping, they tell us to give to the church so that we can be blessed. but there are blessings we have recieved that she should always be thankful for. God have mercy on us.

  3. May God touch every heart to help missionaries. amen

  4. Churches where you are maybe acting according to the way you just explained here in this article,But trust me most churches here "don't wanna call names'' No one wanna show that they are poor because of the society we are in today. Too much of competition in the house of God, packaging here and there so even the poor packaged themselves more than the rich people. so is really no need trying to sow seeds to the poor. If you wanna sow seed go to the street, orphanage homes etc and not in the house of they believe if you don't sow a seed to your pastor you will end in hell. They force people to do things they really don't wanna do. After sowing seed to a pastor he will use it and build schools which are more expensive than normal schools, when they are supposed to go out there and make someone smile.

    1. Joy, you have a strong point. I think the church should be very relevant to the community in which they exist; but when a church leader uses church funds to build schools and poor members cannot attend such school, it is questionable. God have mercy!

  5. It is very tru, selfishness and greed is what we see in the church these days. everybody showing their clothes and cars but nobody looking at the hungry children everywhere. Wardrobe full yet people keep buying. thank you for telling the truth, you are a breath of fresh air.

  6. For sure that is the direction the churches are Going. The worse part of it is happening here in the Northern part of the country Uganda a land which was under war for over 28years. To make it look like your talking the reality, they are even dictating for the amount to be given into the offertory basket. With no accountability for the resources which is being got from the community around them. The only true religion is that which take care of the orphans and the widowers. And the churches which are doing such things, do not have the clear methods to Evangelized and disciple Christians. Only they open church with some Christians from other churches and keeps on till the number of be-leavers grows. God should help us for from that we are not adding any number to the Kingdom. like we struggled to raise up but in some time one goes away without being commission for the working of the Kingdom.

    1. God help us!
      Brother Kilama, if this is you, please send me an email. I have been trying to reach you. We have some information for the brethren in Northern Uganda. Blessings!

  7. This is the truth that we all as Christian be you Pastor or follower needs to hear. The love of self is now greater than the love we have for God. No man loves God as we ought to that will not have love for the poor, needy and homeless. Because by so doing we are doing it unto the Lord. May God bring us revival in the church of today, we we wake up to our responsibility of being the light of the world and the salt of the earth.


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