
Monday, July 28, 2014

Someone needs you

Do you feel Useless?
Two weeks ago, I had a conversation with a lady who felt like she was the worst woman on Earth and she did not believe that God or anyone had need of her. Her past had a hold on her; it hindered her from being useful to herself, her children, her family and indeed her generation. Her tale of woe almost got me to accept that she was the most useless woman. But by divine prompting, I recommended that she read my book “Winning Ways for Wise Women” and get back to me. She called me back today sounding so excited about the book. When I asked her what Chapter challenged her the most, she said “from the foreword, to the positive confession, every part of the book inspired and encouraged me; but if I must choose one, then it will be chapter 18” She thanked me for the book and promised to make sure all the women in her life read it. After the phone call, I quickly opened chapter 18 of Winning Ways for Wise Women and yes, it is very encouraging. 

Sweet Sisters Serving the Savior
God is raising women from all across the globe and He is placing them strategically at the right places for the Master’s use. They are everywhere and they got it all. They are beautiful, skilful, intelligent, creative, enterprising, spiritual…name it, they have it; they are the Sweet Sisters Serving the Savior. The moment they met the Lord they gave their hearts, time, resources and all they have to worship the Master. They do everything within their ability to propagate His love to those in need. From every tribe and tongue, racial barriers are broken, as God’s loving ladies take their place in the forefront to ensure this gospel is preached in every nation. They served in the days of Christ, the Apostles and till date, women are holding it down in the name of the Lord.

Saved to serve- From the well to the City
John 4:5-30
When Jesus stopped by to ask for a cup of water from a Samaritan woman, the disciples thought it was a little bit odd that:
1) He was talking with a woman and no one questioned Him
2) The woman was from Samaria and the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans.

They wondered “why would Jesus relate with a woman who, under normal circumstances, He should not relate with?” Well, I know. Things are not always as they seem at first; to the ordinary eyes it looked as if He wanted water to drink because He had come from a long journey. To some it might look like He wanted to chit-chat with a lady. Some may even think Jesus was trying to foster peace between the two communities. But no, Jesus knew this woman would become a sweet sister who would use her knowledge and experience to advance His cause. It was much more than the cup of water, the woman or her tribe; it was not even about Jesus this time, it was about God’s Mission

This woman, whom the writer did not identify, had no clue when she woke up in the morning that she was going to have a life changing experience. She probably went to that well daily to fetch water, but this day was different. She met a man, a different kind of man. Her conversation with Jesus led them to the issues she had battled with all through her adult life- Men issues. She was living with a man whom she was not married to, and she had married five men before the present man. I am not too sure if I agree with some who claim that this woman was a prostitute. In the first place, prostitutes do not marry their clients do they? Probably not! And Jesus said she has had five “husbands” not five “civil partners”. Not five “Live-in lovers”. Not five “clients”. The master said she had married five men, so it is clear that this woman was married to five separate men at different times, and each of the five marriages ended for whatever reason. She must have gone through all manner of issues with these men that she probably was not ready to marry anymore. I mean, that is my explanation for her not marrying the one she was living with at that time. She probably is one of those hurting women who put up a front so nobody knows what they have been through. Maybe some of her ex-husbands abused her and abandoned her. Maybe others just found another woman they considered better than her. Or, it could be that some cheated on her and she dumped them. Or may she cheated on one and was dumped. We can look at her from afar and judge her but what ever the case, Jesus was not as interested in her past life as He was interested in giving her “a future and a hope” (cf. Jeremiah 29:11).

When Jesus told her who she is and her antecedents, she was amazed and concluded that He was a prophet. She was that deep; you may see her as a sinner but she was sensitive enough to know that standing before her was a God sent man. Like someone said and I agree “men have sight but women have insight”. That deep knowledge that Jesus was a man sent from God, would have been enough to convince her; but to get more revelation, she quizzed Him further and Jesus exposed some divine mysteries to her and opened her eyes to see more than the ordinary. Hit by the power of Jesus’ revelation, she ran back to the city and told all the men of the land about Jesus. She lifted up the name of Jesus and drew men unto the Lord “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me” (John 12: 32 KJV). Mission accomplished! But wait a minute; during the few minutes she spent with Jesus, she contacted a prophetic anointing? “The woman then left her water pot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:28-29 KJV). To call Jesus a prophet was deep but to tell the world that He is the Messiah? That is prophetic anointing right there.

Are you like this woman and you have had your heart broken in pieces, and you doubt if there is any hope for you? There is healing for you right now. If you have not received Jesus, let Him in today. He is ready to work on you. If you have embraced Him but still hurting, it is time to let go and let Jesus fix you. It is time to let him reveal to you the depth of His love. You have been in the house of the Lord carrying this pain all over; the time for your healing is now, because the master has need of you. The woman ran back to “men”, same people who hurt her; she went to give them the good news. When you are truly healed, you will be bold enough to face your past headlong and deal with it. This sister was no longer shy, hurt, or unforgiving; she went to the men of the town and told them the good news of her new life. She became one of the sweet sisters serving the savior.

Sometimes your past holds you down and does not allow you become the woman God made you to be. The enemy comes to steal your peace, to kill your joy and to destroy your life; but Jesus came to give you an abundant life full of testimonies, and he wants to help you live beyond your every limitation (cf. John 10:10). The Lord needs you physically, psychologically and spiritually whole. He does not want anything that will weigh you down and not allow you do the work He has called you to do. So like the woman at the well, who left her water pot behind to go do the work, let go of every weight that will be of hindrance to your serving the savior. “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1 NASB). 

Free your heart of every hurt. Free your spirit of every burden. Free your body of every weight. The master needs you.

Excerpt from Winning Ways for Wise Women. Get yours @: 
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