
Monday, June 25, 2012

Help for my Native Land

Every morning when I wake up, I kneel down to pray and give thanks to God for my life, my family, friends, partners and everyone connected to me in one way or the other. I used to have a prayer list, but now, I must confess I do not have a list anymore. It is probably not possible to keep a list of all the people I pray for. But anyway, I do find a way to pray for everyone connected to me directly or indirectly. However I am concerned about certain things happening in my home land. My motherland.
It hurts me to see that almost every day of the week my home land is in the news. It is either some crazy terrorists have blown up a church and somehow someone connected to me is either hurt or killed, or a plane crashes into a building and several people are roasted. Many times I read about armed bandits waylaying travelers, they rob and sometimes kill. Robbers can strike anywhere; homes, banks, schools and etc and at any time with such impunity and I wonder, do we still have police there? Which should I mention? The ritual killings, Police brutality and acute corruption, the lack of leadership, Government embezzlement of public funds, Poverty, Sicknesses, Commercial Motor bikes maiming people daily?
The most painful is news related to the Church. The so called body of Christ in Nigeria seems to be in a state of complacency. I use the word "complacency" for lack of a better word that will not make it sound like I am anti church. Honestly, I am concerned about the Church. My concern dates back to the 90s when the prosperity message took centre stage. People were told that it was not possible to serve God and not have money. I'm not sure I hate money, I'm not sure I love it either. But the problem is that the preachers made it look like prosperity is money and whoever does not have money is not prosperous. Not as if they taught people the principles of making money. No, people were made to see God as a "money doubler"- "give to God and he will double what you give". Preachers started living extravagantly, brandishing expensive cars, houses, wristwatches and etc. I wonder who they really look like (definitely not our Lord Jesus whose lifestyle was an example for all). After many years of such preaching only the preachers and a few hard working Church goers who understood the principle of 'sowing and reaping' (buying where things are cheap and selling where it is expensive, investing in various fertile areas) and a few others who learned to provide services that people need, prospered. Then came the miracle preaching and preachers.  And then the prophetic preachers. And now, I am afraid to say, might be harsh, but I think the Church in Nigeria needs urgent "Spirituomedical" help.
I am not here to talk about the Church, but my concern for my country is that if the church is in such a state then she is powerless to help the nation. I believe that the church is so powerful that if we, who are called by His name, can only get our act together, team up with others (denominations and Para church organizations, etc.) and take a stand, things will change in that land. I believe that we are not just the salt of the earth; we are the light of the land. But when people's motive for entering the ministry is money then you know that the journey is far. When Christian leaders keep fighting for positions within the church then you know that ignorance has taken over the church. When you see preachers staging miracles just to prove to people that they are what they are not, you know that the end is near. When you see lying prophets in the house and nobody is bold enough to tell them they are telling lies, we are finished. When church folks laugh, applaud and agree with every message preached by different preacher, then something is not right.
I pray for my country Nigeria that God would purge the land and wipe out, in His own special way, all those corrupt politicians. I pray for the great citizens of that country that the eyes of their understanding be opened to know who they are and what the Lord has invested in them. I pray for those bringing shame to the nation that God should bring them to repentance.
And for those killing innocent people, blowing up Churches and shedding blood, I have prayed that the same measure you give shall come back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over; bloodshed will not cease in your household and your generation. To the perpetrators of wickedness and all their sponsors God will punish you and for the remaining days of your miserable life you shall not see anything good.
Indeed it takes more than prayer to solve the problems of my dear native land. We expect the emergence of a new generation of creative thinkers and leaders. I think this current crop of politicians (who indeed are the same old breed), need to sit down or be made to sit down so the fresh brains and fresh hands can apply modern leadership techniques and see how the country can stand back on her feet. I think that people should begin to stand up and speak up. I think we should all begin to do something small in our various corners to effect change. I believe that the time has come for all true Nigerians to stop doing things for self aggrandizement and start doing things for the good of the nation. Let us not criticize the government of corruption when we are corrupt in our own kitchens. If we do not remove the speck in our own eyes as individuals, how can we then see the logs in the eyes of others. Change is now and change starts with you!

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