
Monday, September 17, 2012

How funny is this?

A few weeks ago while I was out in the field exercising, a young boy fell off his bike and his friends broke out into wild laughter. I know how it hurts when you fall off your bike and for that reason I walked over to the boy to make sure nothing serious had happened but alas, he was injured. He had scratches here and there and was bleeding (and probably had a broken toe); I wandered “who laughs and jokes about a fall?” “Who makes a mockery of a fallen friend?” Yeah, I know who does such; Children!  Immature people who don’t know when to laugh and when they should show empathy.

I have observed that many things that should make us weep and pray to God for mercy make us laugh. Why is it that when something negative happens to a Christian leader we- fellow Christians- spread the news, laugh and make mockery of the person involved? When did it become funny that a comrade is wounded? What exactly is funny or praiseworthy in the failure of a fellow believer?  It is childishness, irresponsibility, illiteracy and absolute foolishness to laugh and publicize the failure or fall of another.

How come it is very difficult for us to pick up our phones to call people to share the good news of Gods love, yet, when we hear of an issue with our fellow laborer in the vineyard we have plenty time to call as many people to talk and laugh about it. We used to have zero tolerance for gossip and backbiting but these days several Christians and even some so called pastors have made their homes a place for gossip. It should not be so. We should be instruments of healing and not objects of destruction; but we have made a mockery of ourselves and the World is watching us disgrace ourselves thereby dragging the name of the Lord to shame.

Some gossip with fellow Church folks and others gossip with non-believers; are we not shamed of what is happening among us? If a brother falls into sin should we not pray for his restoration rather than laugh about it? If a brother’s marriage fails should we make a mockery of him and spread the news? Is the Bible not clear about how we should handle issues relating to a brother/sister’s error?  Did the Bible say “when you hear your brother has fallen, pick up your phone, or jump on your computer and make a call/send an email and spread the bad news abroad”? Did the Bible teach that we have a right to judge and condemn those who make a mistake or fall into sin, or fail in ministry/marriage? No! When things like this happen we cannot “…publish it in the streets…lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph” -2 Samuel 1:20

Before the wrath of God comes upon us I send out this warning:
1)     Refrain from gossiping about men/women of God. God has not made you their judge- Who are we to judge another man’s servant? (cf. Romans 14:4)
2)     Rebuke members of your family or sheepfold who involve themselves in this hideous act
3)     If you are one of those whose wives have what someone has called “verbal diarrhea”, please call her to order before she brings a curse to your home
4)     If your husband is one of the unfortunate men who involve themselves in “old wives’ tales”, I implore you to implore him to desist from such demeaning lifestyle; men ought always to pray and not gossip (cf. Luke 18:1).
5)     It is not too late to repent and ask God to have mercy on us.

Finally my brethren, I urge you to consider your ways. Let us not tempt Christ as some people did in the past and were killed by snakes. Stop gossiping and murmuring as some have murmured and were destroyed. Let him/her who thinks he is standing strong be careful else he fall (cf. I Corinthians 10:9-12). Let God judge His servants who bring shame to His name, stay out of it, you are too small to be involved in this. If you have to say something about it, pray; if you cannot pray about it then, sorry to say, shut your mouth.

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