
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Do you want to be a Millionaire?

Those of you who are bible students know that God is in the business of raising men/women from “nothing” and making something beautiful out of them. It is not a hard thing for God to bless you. More than anything, He wants you to prosper (cf. 3John 1:2). He Raises the poor and sets them up to dine with Princes (cf.2Samuel 2:6). God created you to be a great and successful person but somehow many of us are living below God’s standard for us. Nobody was created to fail; no not one. Built into every one of us is a tremendously powerful capacity to achieve success in anything we choose to do. You were configured to be an achiever.

However we must note that nothing “just happens”. You cannot sit back and wait for something to happen “suddenly”. Go make it happen. If you want to change from a nonentity and become a person of significance, you have to get up and get into action. What God wants to do is to release grace to prosper the “works of your hands”. Observe carefully that He wants to bless the works of your hands. It could be your handcraft, business or even ministry; what ever your hand finds to do is what God wants to bless. God wants to make all things “work together” to favor you, but you have to be out there endeavoring.

Understanding the “anointing”
Many of us do not understand how the anointing works. Some people think the anointing brings us automatic success. Some say things like “I am anointed and I do not need anything else”. No! You need the anointing plus more. Anointing is the release of power; it gives you the enablement to do much more than you can ordinarily do. The anointing is spiritual empowerment that facilitates creativity. A man/woman who is anointed has divine inspiration and acts with unusual faith that produces exceptional results. The anointing makes you face life, business, work, ministry and everything you do with courage. The anointed person is bold like a Lion; bold to do what he is anointed to do.

Now that you know what the anointing does, here are more tips to help you in the pursuit of your dreams.

4 “Ps” to Successful Pursuit

The importance of prayer cannot be over emphasized; prayer should be a lifestyle. However there are two aspects to prayer: 1) Talking 2) Listening. As important as it is to talk to God, it is equally important to listen to God. Prayer will not make sense if you do not listen for instructions. If you have been praying about an issue for a long time, you might need to change your approach and start listening for answers. I know you have a lot to tell God, but He also has a lot to tell you. Listen!

Do not take any step until you know what God sent you here for and the best place to find out is in the place of prayer. When you pray, ask God to unveil to you your mission on Earth and when He does, go a step further.  

After you know what your mission here is, you cannot just live aimlessly; you’ve got to have a plan. You cannot achieve anything without a clear plan. How do you want to achieve your vision? How do you want to live your daily life? Who do you need to achieve this vision? What do you need to arrive at your destination? When do you expect to arrive there? You must ask yourself these questions and write down the answers. You must have a plan for every day, week, year and even decade. As I say, without a written plan, you are heading to failure.

Preparation is critical for success. People do not just get Successful, you have to prepare for it otherwise when it comes you might miss it or mess it up. Opportunities are scarce these days so while you wait get yourself ready for the “big day”. It is our responsibility to prepare, but provision comes from the Lord.

Strategic positioning is another key factor for success. After you pray, plan and prepare, you also have to position yourself at the right place. If for instance you are about to go into business, you should identify people and places who do same or similar business. Attend business meetings, seminars, conferences and trainings related to your area of interest. You cannot stay indoors and expect to be discovered; position yourself at a place where you can be discovered. Like my uncle told one of my cousins “if you have goods for sale, you would help yourself to go where your goods are needed”.

As you apply these four Ps, I believe that God will do His part by releasing His grace upon you to make you successful. God has given you a mandate, you can be sure that every step you take is ordered and He will watch over His word to bring it to pass.

See you at the top!

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