
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Undaunted by terror

One morning in our mission camp, our team leader summoned us to an urgent meeting. Usually we start our day by six (6) am, but today he woke us up two hours earlier. We all gathered at the village Chapel in our nightwear. This was an unusual devotion; everyone was still slow, sluggish and sleepy thus the praise/worship was not as exuberant as other days. Somehow, as our manner is, we still sang a few songs to prepare us for what God had to say. Few minutes later, our leader took the stage to address us. On a normal day he would greet and ask how well we rested, but today was different “my brethren, I sense in my spirit that the moment is almost here” he started. “We do not have all the time to do the work; I feel that we need to spend less time on frivolities and non-important issues and focus more on our heavenly mandate. There are new territories to cover, several souls to be saved and lots of Bibles to be given away. We must start early today because we need to finish the work around Wundada area and move on to Inatu village”. As he spoke we could feel the urgency in his voice, but also I felt like he may have heard something from the Lord or from one of our informants. As he started to divide us into groups, I felt like I heard some movement outside the Chapel.  I looked out the window but saw nothing. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me.

I called my mind back to the meeting and looked up to continue listening to our leader. Suddenly, in a flash, several masked men had surrounded the Chapel. They had machine guns, machetes, and different shapes of knives and swords. The room became dead quiet; you could hear a pin drop. I said to myself “he was right, we didn’t have much time”.  The leader of the masked men broke the silence “which of you is the leader of these bunch of infidels?”  “I am” responded our leader.  “Do you want to lead your group to death or do you want to save them by telling all of them to recant their faith and convert?” asked the militant group’s leader.  “We will not renounce our faith and we will never deny our Lord” was the response. By this time fear had gripped us all and I knew… this is the moment that we pay the ultimate sacrifice of faith.

Hearing our leader say our creed was the encouragement we needed as we all, one after the other, joined him to declare our faith “we will not renounce our faith and we will never deny our Lord”. In less than a minute, every one of us had joined our hands together and fearlessly declared our unfailing commitment to Christ and His cross. It looked as if the leader of the militant group was saying something, but no one was interested anymore; we continued to chant and it got louder and louder “We will not renounce our faith and we will never deny our Lord”.

Their leader commanded them to shoot us and they shot randomly, recklessly and mercilessly. I could faintly see around the room, not one person was still standing.  It was bloody, it was deadly and unbelievable. I struggled to look around the room to see if they had left, that was when one of them placed his sword on my neck, his boot on my groin and said “you have a chance to renounce your faith and be converted or be beheaded”. I shook my head and yelled at the top of my voice “No!!!!!” and I woke up.

When I woke up from this dreadful dream, I looked out the window and saw that things were looking normal. A drunk fellow walking down the street, people still tweeting their frustration, parties happening, people marrying and given in marriage and people continue to share, retweet, comment on and discuss things they consider very important. As for me, I knelt down and prayed. Not for myself, because I just survived a horrendous dream, but for all the Missionaries who have denied themselves of pleasure, left the comfort of their homes and are at risk of being slaughtered for their faith. For me it was only a dream which I woke up from, but for many others, it is reality. Every week we get news of the merciless killing of a missionary. So far, hundreds, if not thousands, have been killed in the course of performing their duties. 

Will you stop whatever you are doing right now and pray for missionaries? Will you?

Father we pray for missionaries all over the world. Please protect them. Provide for them. Preserve them. Help them keep the faith. For those who are getting discouraged, grant them strength and courage to continue the good fight of faith. And Lord for those who have paid the ultimate price, accept their souls and grant them eternal rest.  In Jesus name!  Amen! 


  1. Amen! Even if we say thank God its only a dream , still other missionaries are going through every second, minute, hour...

  2. God will see us through this journey of faith...

  3. The God who ordained you, sent you and whom you represent will keep you all and preserve you as you carry out His bidding. He is Faithful! Know that the wicked will never go unpurnished.

  4. I seriously think this was more than a dream, it is indeed the reality of many orphans, widows,even widowers who have been left behind. They were not given a choice in the matter, he called the young because they are strong. Are orphans called? Are widows chosen? Not everyone can bear such a weight, it is a harsh reality that widows, widowers and orphans are made daily by the hands of those have no respect for human lives and hate anyone who accept Jesus as Lord. Father I pray for those who are courageous enough to go to the mission field and do the work you have called them to. They willingly leave pleasure and lay their lives down for the cause of Christ, their hope is only in you. I pray that you protect them and their families from those who hate you in Jesus Name.

  5. The Lord will keep all missionaries whose lifes are sold out to Him.
    what a sacrifice.

  6. Some of us in the faith are bound in the Spirit to Mission field just like Paul in Acts 20:22, but we must keep praying for them because its a sacrifice and a calling. And to those who have been called to that aspect of ministry, here is my humble advise and prayer that you constantly inquire of the Lord before ever you move and do anything. I know and I pray that our God will not leave you nor forsake you. I am not in the field but my heart goes with you all in prayers and support as I am giving power to do. Your labour will never be in vain. To the orphans, widows and widowers, be encouraged. If you are alive and survive the unslaught of terror and wickedness, take up the cross and follow hard after the Lord. May you receive understanding of the times that we live in. Luke 9:62. Matthew 24:4 - 10.

  7. Amen. This was a revelation from God. The bible says He reveals to redeem. Therefore, lets be more prayerful and cancel the evil plans of the enemy. The bible says suffer not the wicked to live, Let them all perish. Let them eat their own flesh and drink their own blood. Let their devices (guns, sword, matchet, bombs) kill them. May God cont to protect annd guide His people and guide us all so we are not in the wrong place, the wrong time. Let His word be fufuilled in our lives. The bible says, those that know God and loves God shall be protected, so shall it be in Jesus name, Amen.

  8. Oh Lord arise and fight for your children.


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