
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Never again!

My dad may not have been the best teacher, and his methods of teaching may not have been orthodox, but he did teach me certain things that have stuck with me all my life. He taught me, from his lifestyle especially, how to fight hard and fight smart. He taught me that until I am ready to change something about myself and my environment, everything will remain ‘normal’. My dad taught me not to be satisfied with the status Quo. He really didn’t like me fighting in school but he also didn’t like that I came home telling stories about being bullied and harassed by some lad in class. Almost every week I came home telling him about a guy who beat me and took my pencil and he always asked me ‘what did you do in response?’ I told him I cried and ran back home. And for a while his answer did not change ‘OK!’ was the answer. I guess he was expecting me to do something about it, but I was clueless. One Monday morning I asked him for another pencil and he said “the reason why you keep coming back is because when you ask I give you another pencil, so, I will not give you anymore pencils”. I got the message. Yes I did.

I went to school that day and the same boy came to harass me again but this day, he met another ‘me’. Since I didn’t have a pencil to loose and I was sure my dad was not going to give me another pencil I had no option but to stand up for myself and fight. He hit me and I hit him back. He hit me again and I fell. I almost gave up, but I stood up to fight back. I was ready for that to end. I had taken enough. I stood up and hit him with my ‘reserve energy’ and when he fell I rushed over him and…the rest, they say, is history. At the end I took all the pencils in his bag (I wasn’t sure who owned all the pencils in that bag but I had lost enough pencil to worry) and that was the end of his ‘terror’ over me.

The reason why your enemy keeps ‘terrorizing’ you is because each time they beat you, you cry and retreat. Your tears empower your enemy, it exposes your weakness. Until you can’t take that mess anymore, it will reign over you. Until you stand your ground and ‘resist evil’ it will continue to harass you.

You must come to a place where you decide that nothing will keep you down and hold you back. You must get to that point where you are not willing to stay on the floor but rise from the rubbles of your loss and reach for greatness. You have to come to the point where you do not tolerate that insult and do something about it. Yes you can! Yes you can stop that mess!


  1. The truth is that sometimes we know when we can't take somethings, but how about the cultural implications of our decisions? When a woman says she can't take abuse any more, should she leave her marriage or pray? Answers pls

  2. I am realy humbled by the way in which you pass your Messages.. Working with your Dad as the current Block Sec.. I have learnt alot from Him,He knows how to follow issues up,when there are matas arising He's usually the first to stand to it.. Despite His Age,He is still the most Active amongst the parents around now. He is a Mentor. This is my own lesson from Daddy! In life anything you want to Achieve,you must be ready to Pay the price & most importantly Followup!

  3. I am realy humbled by the way in which you pass your Messages.. Working with your Dad as the current Block Sec.. I have learnt alot from Him,He knows how to follow issues up,when there are matas arising He's usually the first to stand to it.. Despite His Age,He is still the most Active amongst the parents around now. He is a Mentor. This is my own lesson from Daddy! In life anything you want to Achieve,you must be ready to Pay the price & most importantly Followup!


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