
Monday, October 10, 2011

Raw Passion Unrated 3

In other not to make the same mistake she made with Greg, Paula asked Chris straight up if he left a wrist watch in her laptop bag and Chris was surprised to hear that there was a male wrist watch in her bag “how did it get there?” asked Chris “that’s what I’m trying to know you moron, if I knew who did it I wouldn’t ask you will I?” Paula is getting really twitchy and she took it out on Chris who is not finding it easy to understand why Paula chose to ask him about the watch. He has never opened anybody’s bag talk less of touching a girl’s bag who although he considers beautiful and good enough for him, yet he thinks she could be rude and arrogant sometimes. Chris really loves Paula, but he thinks calling him a moron was a bit too harsh but before he could hit back at her she went on “…I’m sorry Chris I didn’t mean to insult you; I feel like I’m loosing my mind. Please forgive me” and she dropped the phone. “It is ok baby, I understand…” Chris responded, not realizing that Paula had hung up “…do you think we have a chance?” he asked. After waiting a few seconds without any word from Paula he went “…hello darling, hello? Are you still there?” It then dawned on him that she had hung up. To the ordinary person that would be rude, but to Chris it meant something different.

Even though many people look at Chris as a nerd, he thinks he is handsome, intelligent, and the best guy a girl can date. He feels as handsome and confident as Nicholas Cage such that he even has Mr Cage’s picture juxtaposed with his own picture on his office and room wall. So while others think of him as a geek, he thinks of himself as the most exiting guy in town. Paula’s call made him think that she has considered his offer so hanging up the phone to him was an invitation to call back. Even though it is rude, yet he thinks that is "romantic rudeness", kind of. Confidently he picks up the phone and calls her back “sweetheart I know sometimes it could be exasperating to be all alone weekends and I know you need some attention and loving. I hereby volunteer to spend time with you at a place of your choice. And don’t think about the bill, wherever you choose for us to go and what ever we choose to eat or drink, the bill is on me.” While he was speaking Paula was busy crying her heart out, so thinking things were working in his favor, he continued “…I feel the pain that you feel, I understand why you cry, but don’t worry darling, everything is going to be alright I promise you.”

Strange enough Paula was not offended by Chris’ words rather she was inspired and encouraged, or so it seemed. “Chris, what are you doing today by 2:30pm?” She asked. “Well, if you want me then I should be available to you, I’m all yours baby!” Chris responded exuberantly. “Could you pick me up today at 2pm so we can go somewhere?” Paula requested “why, not?! Sure” He answered. She gave him her address and you need to see the smile on Chris’ face when he got off the phone “Yeah! I did it!” he exclaimed. He went straight to choose the right garb (that’s what he calls it) for the day.

Meanwhile Paula calls up the girls (Trisha and Sheila) to know where they were going to hang out and all arrangements were made. The weekend was set and Paula, it seemed, was about to have a swell time. Although it started with frightening experiences, she was glad that things had eventually fallen in place so she thought she should straighten up things with Greg. Greg wanted them to go to a bigger restaurant, but she called him up to let him know she was fine with IHOP. She gave the excuse that it was nearer her house and that she was expecting a friend home after their date. This didn’t go too well with Greg but “…half bread is better than none” he thought.

Greg was getting ready for his first date with the girl he dreams of marrying. Although he was a bit apprehensive, (who wouldn’t be), yet he thinks this was his day and planned to get the best out of it. He read through a magazine he bought a few days earlier. The front page read “what to and what not to do on your first date’. He read through the various points over and over again until it stuck in his brain. He also put his house in order in case the girl agrees to come home with him that night. He ordered some flowers, got a hair cut, polished his shoes, got his manicure and pedicure and got a new cologne, the best of the best. He had learned that ladies don’t like guys who don’t smell sweet and he was ready to impress.

Chris on the other hand thought he had won the girl so he thought about ways to further impress ‘his girl’. He got her a little gift to surprise her (don’t ask me what was inside) and he also arranged with some of his old pals to come to the venue and sing her a special song. He didn’t bother to know what kind of music interests her, he guessed she would love country music, and that was what he arranged for. He got some special gel to style his hair, chose his best jeans and practiced the jokes he would tell her. He knew that ladies like guys who can make them laugh and he thought if he told many jokes he would further impress the girl and ultimately get her to fall for him.

Trisha and Sheila planned a surprise for Paula but they didn’t know that Paula also had a surprise for them too. Trisha and Sheila were the other girls among Paula’s friends who are not married yet. And, although they had dated a few guys, none of them seem to have found the right guy. Trisha is not too class conscious, but she likes what every girl likes for a husband-Rich, handsome, Godly and friendly-and in addition to that she believes that her mum and friends must endorse the man. Once she met a guy who met her taste and even got her mum and friends’ approval, but there was a hitch-he had a bad breath. She tried to help him though, but her help was not good enough to cure his ‘ailment’. It was hard, but she had to call it off.

Sheila on the other hand has not been too lucky with guys, so to say. Most of the guys she dated were either unemployed or casual workers. So she has always had to pay their bills, teach them how to use cutlery, when to wear what and almost everything. As if that was not enough, some of them still had enough guts to hit her and she caught the others cheating on her. She could have gone ahead with one of them even though he was a pathological liar; she believed that love can change anyone but one of their friends (Jane-who has been married twice) told her it was an illusion to ever think of changing a man after marriage. Even after the counsel she tried everything she could to change him, but it was all to no avail. The relationship died a natural death, but not before they had a son.

Of the three girls-Paula, Trisha and Sheila- Paula probably is the most inexperienced. She has had fewer dates and she is the youngest of them all. She lives a moderate live, she never drinks, has never been to a club and cannot even think of one crazy think she has done in life. There is no Sunday she doesn’t go to church and unlike the others, she can tell you the preacher’s name, the text from which he preached from and what she learned from the message. Although sometimes her friends think she doesn’t have a life, but she always has a way of making them wish they had her kind of life.

It is 2:30pm on Saturday at IHOP on Bloomfield Avenue Newark NJ. As usual there were many people either eating or on the line waiting to be shown a table. Trisha, Sheila and their little surprise for Paula were at the small room that acted as a reception for those either waiting to be shown their table or those waiting for other members of their group. They were waiting for Paula to show up. Unknown to Trisha and co, Greg also was there waiting but since they didn’t know Paula had invited someone else they didn’t bother to talk with him.

At 2:45 Trisha thought it wise to call Paula up and find out if there was any problem. At the same time, Greg went out to get his mobile phone. Greg thinks it is not courteous to use a mobile phone when you are on a date so he left his phone in his car. While he went out, Trisha called Paula’s home phone and left a voice mail. She also called her mobile and also left a message. Greg did the same, but instead of waiting at the reception he chose to wait in his car.