
Monday, October 28, 2013

What’s love got to do with it?

The saying “it is better to have a broken engagement than a broken marriage” has become very popular among many folks who quote it to encourage themselves after a broken relationship. But is it a wise saying? Does everyone have to go through a broken engagement before they find the right person? Should negotiations about the relationship/marriage start before or when the parties have agreed to marry? Should anything be strong enough to be a deal breaker when there is love? Should anyone be negotiating from a disadvantaged position? Is anyone really disadvantaged? These questions point to the topic we intend to discuss this week.

In my opinion, the right time to negotiate and talk about what you can and cannot accept in a relationship is before the two parties agree to marry. The first time you feel you like her/him, is the best time to start asking questions about their likes/dislikes, dreams/visions/, faith/belief, attraction and other basic issues. When you get closer and believe that two of you have even the slimmest chance of getting married, you may want to go deeper and talk about more serious topics like finances, sex, family and future expectations. Not talking about these issues early can be dangerous because when you get very close and your hearts have begun to get fond of each other, it may be difficult to break off. Trying to detach from a relationship after you have become emotionally involved with someone can be very painful. Some may want to say it is better to break a relationship when you realize that you two have more disagreements than agreements, more misunderstanding than understanding, but maybe it is much better to not even agree to marry, than to start and then break it halfway thereby hurting yourselves. Before the two of you bond, before you become very attached, before you get to the point where you spend close to half or most of your time thinking about and missing him/her, make sure you know the basic things about them to determine if he/she meets your expectation of a spouse.

Overrated self
Sometimes when I listen to some single people say the things they expect from their prospective spouse, I smile and wonder why some people have bogus expectations.
·        A lady is five (5) feet tall, wears a size sixteen (16), can barely lift herself off the bed to workout and has a “vision” that she will marry a six feet tall well built handsome man who works out daily. Are you being fair on the man?
·         A man has a three (3) feet long pot belly, can barely express himself in his lingua franca, couldn’t finish high school and is still struggling to make ends meet, yet he insists that he must marry a slim (size 6) Master degree holder who works with a transcontinental company and owns a thriving business. If the table was turned and you were the better person, would you think it is a fair deal if you got one like that?

Even the holy book says no one should see himself more highly than he/she is. It is not only spurious to have such imbalanced expectations; I think it is also stupid. It is not feasible to expect someone to give you what you cannot give. Before you set a standard, it is wise to look at yourself, consider your peculiar condition and then determine what is good for you. Evaluate yourself honestly and demand for what you deserve. This does not mean you should not have a big vision. It only means your vision should not be something that will take divine intervention to achieve. You should also be what you expect from the other party, after all the vision is yours why not be “it” too.

When love is not enough
I have always believed that when there is love, marital happiness is guaranteed. I didn’t think there was anything love could not handle. Maybe, it not wrong, but I think it should be rephrased to “all things being equal, when there is love, happiness is guaranteed”. This is so because I realized that you can love someone but for certain reasons you may not be able to have marital bliss with them. Take for instance, two young fellows were in love with each other, but they later realized that they are cousins and could not marry. What do they do? Or, like someone asked on this blog, how can a man have marital bliss with a woman who says she does not enjoy what is given to couples for pleasure? If she does not find pleasure in sex, should she probably marry the other man who is desperate to marry but is impotent? If love is all that matters, should a sexually active lady stay with a lover who is impotent?

How about some people who are in love but found out that they cannot have children as a couple due to certain conditions like Rhesus factor? This does not mean that the man or woman is infertile, but that the woman’s womb cannot carry the pregnancy of certain men and this man happens to be one of such. Yes they are probably incompatible for marriage, but there are many people in such condition who are truly in love; what should they do? Is love enough to hold them together even though they may never have children together? Should they break-up and look for someone more compatible? Is there a time when love is not good enough?

Deal or no deal?

I asked fifty (50) men and fifty (50) women between ages 25-50 to name one major thing they consider a deal breaker. I wanted to know that one thing they cannot take and that will end their relationship. Thirty two (32) women and nineteen (19) men responded. Reading through their responses, I thought that some of them, like not liking to kiss, sports club they support and fashion sense, are a bit too trivial to break a relationship. Race, tribe, social status, denomination, and a couple others I consider not that critical an issue to break a relationship. Interestingly, seven (7) out of the fifty-one (51) responses I received said nothing was strong/bad enough to make them break a relationship with someone they love. Many men and women mentioned the same things and I have categorized them into the following:

1)     Incompatibility in major areas
2)     Unfaithfulness
3)     Fat and out of shape
4)     Habitual liar
5)     Physical and verbal abuse
6)     Too skinny
7)     Trust issues
8)     Unwillingness to improve
9)     Illiteracy
10)  Drug use/Smoking
11)  Insecurity
12)  Dishonesty
13)  Indiscipline
14)  Over 10 inches shorter or taller
15)  Not of the same faith
16)  Cheating with same sex
17)  Dirtiness
18)  Much older or much younger
19)  Impotence/frigidity
20)  Violence
21)  Lack of self control
22)  Bestiality
23) Laziness

Is there something you think should be on this list? Is there any of the above you think should not be there?

One person’s deal breaker may not be the other person’s deal breaker. For instance, I use to think that unfaithfulness was a no, no for most people until a young lady said she had gone back to the man who cheated on her with her close friend while they were still courting. I thought that no one should stay in an abusive relationship, until a young lady sent me a message that she had married the man who beat her several times. I never thought any one could marry someone who cheated on them with an animal until someone said “love is stronger than death, maybe there is a reason why they did it”. It is a matter of belief and perspective. Maybe, love is all that matters, or is it? What do you think? Let me know your thoughts.


  1. ....i love this and its an eye opener....

  2. The bible say "love is God and he who loveth not knows not God". It is only in God that we can understand love.No carnal mind and fathom God or Love. So we must pray about the steps to take concerning love.

  3. Coach, it is only there that people can sleep with animal. It can never happen here. The person will be killed. So I think it not a matter of deal breaker or not. I pity the couple who cannot have children together, there is nothing prayer cannot do.

  4. Vaniity upon vanity, all is vanity. One day we will all die and leave all this love thing. When we get to heaven God will not ask how many children you had, he will ask you how you lived your life. So let us be conscious of heaven

  5. One more deal breaker: A rude,highly disrespectful lady.Not willing to submit to leadership.

  6. Coach, this is an excellent, thought provoking article! We need to know what our love is really based on when we decide to marry. Listing these things as you did helps one to count the cost, because anything of great value will cost you something.

    God loved us regardless of our issues. Now, having issues does not mean we should not want to change and better ourselves. We should always want to be Recent, Relevant and Real to our Spouse's desires (loving your mate makes you want to please your mate). So knowing these things upfront better equips to do that. We don't want to be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good. Therefore, giving careful thought about being able to live with certain things before you marry is wise.

    I would like to add Drastic cultural differences could be a deal breaker, if you are narrow minded, not willing to bend or learn this will be a great obstacle to you finding love and marriage. You could be resisting the very good thing that God has for you.

  7. Coach, this is an excellent, thought provoking article! We need to know what our love is really based on when we decide to marry. Listing these things as you did helps one to count the cost, because anything of great value will cost you something.

    God loved us regardless of our issues. Now, having issues does not mean we should not want to change and better ourselves. We should always want to be Recent, Relevant and Real to our Spouse's desires (loving your mate makes you want to please your mate). So knowing these things upfront better equips one for marriage. We don't want to be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good. Therefore, giving careful thought about being able to live with certain things before you marry is wise.

    I would like to add “Drastic cultural difference could be a deal breaker” if you are narrow minded, not willing to bend or learn this will be a great obstacle in you finding love and marriage. It can also keep you back from the very good thing God has for you.

  8. Great Article, it was interesting to see the list of 23 items. I was more surprise to see that of the 23 items only 3 (#14,18,19) were items that could NOT be changed. I finished the article wondering if my generation really know what love is.

  9. Coach this shows you are a very courageous man to have written this piece. I am a believer who has been married for 20years,but I still found some good news in your write up. A lot of us women just refuse to b realistic. We act intoxicated. I support the notion that love covers a multitude of sins but may not stop the destruction or better put may not keep your home. A wise woman keeps her home while a foolish one scatters it. What keeps your home,your togetherness(if there is a word like that )is Wisdom. Permit me to say,not love cos time comes when indeed love is not enough. Wisdom comes as applied knowledge. Knowledge is information. U need to know yourselves to the best of your natural and supernatural ability then commit the rest to God so u can have wisdom in selecting,maintaining. Keeping handling and what have u about d marriage

  10. Isn't it possible for that couple that love each other to go ahead and get married and then adopt one or two babies? I know a couple in Nigeria (with all our culture and extended family issues) who engaged a surrogate mom and they have 4 kids today. Why marry one you can have kids with, and then you spend your life longing for the one you love and would prefer to have? Should you spend your life peeping through the window, looking to see what’s happening to the one you truly love? Is it more important to have children than to fulfill marital destiny?

    What’s life about anyway? Why do we get married? Is it just to have kids? Then what?

  11. covers a multitude of wrongs.

  12. Verily, you have made a strong case here to prove that man has wondered away from the true love of God. You have captured the reality of the wickedness of human heart. In few words, you have revealed that this generation lack authentic understanding of the nature of God. You will wonder why I speak this way, but let me make it plain, we are a generation in need of God's help. If God does not intervene timely, we will become self destructive. As you know, the devil everybody should fight is the one within. The one that makes us not to care about the needs of others and focus on our selfish want. Many do not love themselves well enough to know how to love a husband. Few know what it is to truly love a woman. If for medical reason's a man is castrated, is he left to die lonely? If a woman is unable to have sex for medical reason, is that her death sentence? What's love got to do with it?

  13. Je pense que nous devons nous assurer que nous avons tous ne faisons pas l'erreur de penser que tout ce que l'amour est une meilleure option. Peut-être que les Anglais ne savent pas ce qu'est l'amour, l'amour est le plus grand. Un amant ne peut pas avoir des relations sexuelles avec vous. Amour si le plus grand.

    1. Meaning: I think we need to make sure that we all do not make the mistake of thinking that anything but love is a better option. Maybe the English do not know what love is, Love is the greatest. A lover may not have sex with you. Love is the greatest.

  14. Hummm love!!. @ coach indeed this is a very important word some young persons need to know befor going into. some of us have made lots of mistake and dating the wrrong persons in life. Love they say is a passionate attractions and desire. To be more open to you,some of us cant really stop loving the wrrong persons we ever got our self into. Buh if it not working it is not working...some times we women will say i have learn my leasson! did we really learn? Hummmm love is indeed sweet and great oh!... Love they say covers all sins. if the woman loves the man for real like for real real, then she should love the man and stay in love with him. time and seasons has changed,they can get kids and adopt. Have seen how God works, so for the couple that loves each other pls stay in, love one another and adopt babies. you will sure come out stronger.

  15. wooow! Times and seasons has changed. No one person should ever sit and cryher heart out about not having a child. go and make kids by adopting!... If you every love the man or the woman you will alway want the best forhim or her. Love indeed is passionate buh let us not keep making the same mistake every time we fall in love with someone. A man or woman may not have sex with you really do not mean he or she does not love you,cos sex is not all that it is.

  16. Only Gods love can save the world. Human love is not enough. If we follow human love nobody will gain anything. People who are suffering are suffering because they dont know God. The couple who cannot have children together should pray, only God knows if they are good for each other.

  17. I did not see quarrelsome on the list. It is a deal breaker too.if we quarel too much then we cannot marry.

  18. This is where true love comes into play bcos if you truly love some1 u wud overlook d persons weakness &concentrate more on the person's strength, above all never marry some1 u can't tolerate.

  19. For someone with a very sensitive nose, foul smells around the body may be a deal breaker. Prime among such would be BAD BREATH. Both sexes could be affected by this but it is more common among men than women. There are short-term solutions like mouthwash and breath mints, and I think there are long-term solutions too. However, a partner with such a flaw but simply pays no attention or not enough attention to it, would be largely unattractive in my opinion.


Comments are welcome. Thanks!