
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don’t marry this woman!

A couple of men sent me messages asking for tips on how to choose the right woman, especially after the article “would you play Russian roulette with your heart?” So, here we go!

Before you say “I do”

Before we start, let us first understand the purpose of marriage. I know we live in a twisted world where things are all muddled up, but everything has a purpose and its right timing. Marriage is a good thing and whoever finds a wife, happy is he. Every woman may have potential to be a good wife but only one woman is built with all you need to be happy. Therefore every man has to take time to understand the purpose of marriage, the right time for marriage and the right person to marry. You may be a joyful, young and flourishing man right now, if you marry the wrong woman, your sorrows just began. Let us ask a few questions and seek for answers:

Q: Why does a man need a wife?

A: For:

1) Companionship- At some point in life a man would need to have a companion with whom he can share his joys, pains and challenges. When he feels a void inside and when “hanging with the boys” no longer gives him the satisfaction and happiness he needs, that is when a man needs a wife.

2) Help/support- As a boy, he probably was busy doing what boys do-play around, show-off to girls, go back home to mama, eat and sleep. But when he becomes a man, his brain swings into action, thinking of how to make an income. Some men go for further training, others look for a job and yet others start a business. Many get so busy working to meet up and take care of their responsibility that they get overworked (emotionally, physically and psychologically); that’s why they need a wife to support them in every area. Note: If you are still a boy who is not working to take care of business, then you don’t need any help.

3) Procreation- One of the reasons for marriage is to raise children. Although nowadays, many people choose to have children before marriage, in the beginning it was not so. No man should think of making babies until he is ready to shoulder the responsibility of feeding, clothing and training them. In those days, part of parental responsibility was saving up money to give children the best education, these days people make babies without adequate preparation. Having children is a good thing, but no man should make babies when he is not ready to provide for them. If you can’t foot the bill, zip-up until you are ready. Read more here:

4) Balance- I wonder what it would look like if the world was full of men only. Unimaginable! If the world was full of only women, erm…maybe we would have lots of sweet smelling flowers everywhere, cute bow shaped ribbons all over the streets, huge mirrors on phones, cars, trains, aircrafts, and in most public places so ladies can adjust themselves very often. The whole world would probably be decorated with so many pretty things; but it would be beauty and sweetness of a boring proportion. Men are the opposite of women so we probably expect the exact opposite if the world was all men. What men are not is what women are. For example, a man’s body is strong and muscular but a woman is built soft and tender. This is not bad but all good. It is the reason why men need women and women need men- for balance. A man’s mindset/lifestyle may be one-sided but when he marries, she is expected to help him find a balance.

Q: When is a man ready for marriage?


•             When he knows his purpose. If he does not know why he is here, he definitely is not ready to marry. The first challenge before every man (indeed everyone), is to know why you are here. Many young men are still struggling to figure out what they are here for. It is not wise to start a relationship while you are yet to understand what it is you are here to do. When you understand why you are here, then we can say you are half ready for life.

•             When he is matured. Marriage is not for boys but for men. It is for those who are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature. And please do not ask me what age is the right age. It is not about the number; when you meet a matured man, you don’t need anyone to tell you how matured he is. A matured man is emotionally stable, mentally strong, has a clear vision of where he is heading, and of course, physically developed.

•             When he has work. Marriage is for men who are busy with work and need help to do what they do. It is unfortunate that these days many boys go into marriage because they think they have to, even when they are not ready. An idle man needs work and not a wife. A working man needs a wife. “Work” does not necessarily mean a regular office job. It could be a project you are working on. Art, design, farming, fishing, photography, writing, mission, computer, fashion, ministry, weaving, import/export, real-estate, acting, carpentry, music, research…it could be a small venture you are working on, you just got to have work. When your work grows beyond what you alone can handle, you probably need a wife to come in and help you; not only to help you work better, but to help you in every area. Women are built to help and support, and where you don’t have anything that needs support, you don’t need her.

•             When he is ready to lead his family. No man should think of marriage if he is not ready to be a leader. In marriage, a man exercises his leadership prowess which he has developed over time. This is not to say he has to know everything about leadership or be a very strong leader, but he has to know the basic principles and methods of leadership. I believe that as part of preparation for marriage, every man should be taught leadership. God has put the responsibility of leading the family on the man. Before marriage comes preparation and part of the preparation is developing leadership skills.

•             When he is strong enough. Marriage is not for the weak. It is for the strong. Just like in other aspects of life, a married man will face lots of challenges from work, family and friends. If you are not strong enough, you would probably crumble under the pressure and hurt the people who care about you. Many men have destroyed their marriages because they do not have enough strength to handle life. Others have abandoned their responsibility and ran away because their strength failed them. It takes courage to be a husband, until you have such courage; you are not ready for marriage.

Don’t try bending a dry wood

While some things can easily bend, others are tough to bend and many others would never bend. For instance, there is a limit to which you can bend a dry wood. Some would break as you try to bend them and others would bend a little bit before breaking. Same goes to women. There is a woman who will easily and willingly bend for you. When it comes to choosing a life partner, a man should not be thinking of a woman he can bend but one who bends to him  on her own accord.

Any woman who is not ready to bend and submit to you cannot be your wife. Contrary to popular belief, submission is not a difficult task for women. Every woman has somebody they naturally will submit to, if you are not that man, then she is not your woman. It is nothing to fight or fuss over. If you realize that she is not submissive to you, it is better to look for another rather than to go into marriage and realize that you are walking alone. If you do not find her submissive, then don’t expect her to develop it after you marry her. The morning tells the day. If she is not submissive to you, she may never be. It is frustrating to have a wife who does not submit to your leadership, so I advice you to make sure you find one who respects you enough to submit to you.

Believers or deceivers?

Never marry a woman who does not believe in you and your vision. Never! Understand that when a woman does not believe in you, she is against you and when the one who you love and trust is against you, you are treading on treacherous ground. The pain and frustration is inexplicable. When you start dating, one key thing you must do is to identify if your vision excites her. If it does not, please my friend, she is not the one. Do not forget that your wife is someone who complements you, if she does not believe in whom you are and what you do then how can she complement you? How can she help you? Someone may be wondering “can a woman be in love with a man and not believe in his vision?” Oh yes! Things happen these days. For some reason, some women do not see the importance of accepting some men’s vision. Some believe that they can love but not be committed to their husband’s vision. As a matter of fact, some women would marry one man but give their support to another man’s vision. I’m not sure what leads to this. I don’t really understand how, one can be in love with a man but not believe in his vision. Or maybe she believed in him and his vision but something changed after they got married.  Honestly, whatever it is, do not wait to become a victim of this to understand how and why it happens. Don’t be deceived, if she does not believe in your vision, she is not the one.

Partnership that works

I have always told men to choose a wife whose purpose is complementary to theirs. If, for instance, your purpose is to be “bread”, you would need to marry someone whose purpose complements yours. Maybe you should marry “butter”, or “milk” or probably “cheese”. Why would you want to marry “sand” or “stick” or “cotton wool”, when you are “bread”? How does that complement or enhance your purpose? Your wife should be someone who complements you. She should help you become a more useful “you” while you help her become more relevant. Your wife should be the woman who brings out the best in you.

To complement is not the same as to compete. Couples should never be in competition to outshine each other, rather, each should find ways to promote and push the other to the top and in doing so, both parties rise to greatness. But where they are rivals, none of them progresses because when one comes up with a creative idea to bring about growth, the other castigates and puts it down. So guys, in choosing the right woman for marriage, make sure she is one who balances and enhances what you are.

#Quotes: By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher-Socrates


  1. LOL @ the quote; Socrates clearly got a bad woman.

    I know that there are bad people and good people, but i also believe that even if an individual makes a bad wife/husband to a particular person, that individual may not necessarily be bad. Also if an individual is good at a lot of things that we admire them for, it doesn't mean we should marry them just for those reasons. Like a friend of mine (RMJ) puts it; "If the person you chose to marry is not a nice person, then their prayer warrior status or ability to lead worship with anointing wont change the fact that they are not nice"

    Thank you coach for sharing; let he that has an ear, hear.

    1. Casio you are correct. That somebody is good and nice does not mean he or she is yours.

    2. Yes Casio. Indeed, like I said before, every good things is not necessarily yours. Every "green pasture" is not your "pasture". Someone may fail with "A" but succeed with "B". I heard about a lady who was termed "barren" and could not have a baby for her husband. They broke up and moved on. Years later she remarried and within a year had a baby. The man moved on too and had a baby with his new wife.
      One woman may consider Mr "C" unromantic, but that same man may be another woman's sugar pie. The challenge is to patiently identify who that special one is and not be carried away by emotions, religion, people's opinion and all these "bling,bling" and mess up their happiness.

  2. How about pastors that sleep around even when they are married???? Search urself

    1. We have discussed this matter in this blog before. If you know the person go and meet him and talk to him. If you cannot, pray for him and the woman who allows such nonsense. It takes two people to sleep around, if the woman say no, it will not happen. if you dont know what to do, pray for them. Read other parts of this blog and get your answers anonymous.

    2. Good answer Ik, the comment is so out of place. Stands out like a sore tooth.

    3. I think Ikechukwu has given you an appropriate response. But I'd like to reiterate the importance of speaking directly with whoever you are making reference to. And again, maybe the man has been seduced and is under the spell of a "Jezebel", so prayer may help. Or, it could be that the man has lost it and has fallen out of faith, he might need restoration. If you are that concerned about him, reach out and offer him help. Otherwise, pray for him.

    4. This anonymous, go and read "paradox of rotten eggs". Coach talked about this matter and everyone gave their views there. its old topic.

  3. sir thank you for the helpful tips but how about intimacy? I'm in a relationship and can tell you I love my woman(as a matter of fact, if God wills, I plan to marry her) but I also believe in waiting for the right time which for me is after marriage to have sex.although my friends believe testing her to know her sexual prowess to avoid future heartache is needed.But my major worry is this, how do I know what she will be like in bed after we marry. cos I have a friend who married and daily he comes to the office and tells me how boring his wife is in bed. she doesn't satisfy him. they've gone for prayers, counselling and nothing seem to help. I know it's only a matter of time before he starts looking outside. I don't plan to cheat on my future wife so how can I know she will be great in bed. I don't want to abstain all these years to end up with a miserable sex life..that's unfair. Help us with some useful tips, thank you MOG


    1. Yes oh coach, I want to read your answer to this question. very important for single abstinent people

    2. Wow truly this a very important question and as crude as I may sound I'd still want to say it the way I'll handle such an issue. I believe u should choose a woman who loves u and is obviously physically mentally attracted to u. I think her body will naturally yearn for u or b moved by u. But beyond this natural occurrence, pray about d sexual compatibility between u and your wife. Read the songs of Solomon and c literal description of what romance etc should b. Pray she satisfies u. It not a canal matter. Sex in marriage is of outmost importance. My fiance bought me xtian books on what his perception and desires on sex is and also what it is not. So I kind of knew what his expectations were. This gave us opportunities to share views without being emmbarrassed. He knew my limitations and what me tick and vice versa. We had so much fun in the process. So we could assess ourselves without prejudice and knew whether we could please each other. U could could try some of these suggestions. They could b of help. Mind u, I still married a virgin. I thought I should chip this in for a balance.

    3. Alright JP! You put me on the hot seat and people are texting, mailing and waiting for me to reply you. So here we go.
      1) Sexual compatibility is a key issue in marriage and everyone should take it serious before they go in. Note the word "compatibility".
      2) Testing before marriage has a whole lot of problems. If you "test" one girl and she doesn't satisfy you, what happens? You probably will look for another, then another, until you test all the girls around. And you probably will not find one that fully satisfies you. At the end of the day you generate more problems than you can handle.
      3) The best way to know if you and your future partner are compatible is to talk about everything before you sign the dotted line. Talking about sex will help you know what she likes and enjoys and you can tell her everything you like, enjoy and expect from her. Many young girls may not be bold enough to talk about everything they imagine or feel, but as a leader, you can direct the conversation in such a way that she opens up and tells you what she thinks. Talk about everything; your worries, fears, concerns, fantasies, expressions and expectation. If you two talk about these, you probably will know if you two match.
      4) It is important to note that a woman who loves you and is attracted to you can become anything especially if you love her back. If you two are in love, be sure that you have the key to unlock her inner passion. So talk with her, then you can know how compatible you two are.
      5) Note also that some women can fake what you are looking for, so as to get you; so those who have sex before time may have been deceived. The real thing starts when you marry.
      6) Sexual pleasure is a process and when you start on your first night, it may not be as exciting at the onset, but again, if you love each other, have talked about everything, have known what she would enjoy and she knows what you love to experience, with time, you two would come to equilibrium and enjoy yourselves.
      7) I have written a book that will be released soon. like Ikechukwu said, you might want to make sure she reads the book before you two begin. The book talks about this topic and much more.

      I hope this helps.

    4. A A, it really feels good to know you married as a virgin. I like such information.

      Thank you for your suggestions to JP. Very useful.

    5. Let me just advise you JP, like JCG said, you and you woman should sit down and talk. Good sex can help a marriage, but marriage is more than sex. Don't let people deceive. Some people have good sex and still are not happy. What if you have good sex and something happens and you can't have sex with the woman, will you leave her because of that? Some single people don't know anything about marriage so dont follow them. You and your fiance should agree on what you want. If you love yourselves and agree on what you want life will be sweet. And like somebody said here, every woman has passion, it takes the right man to unlock her passion.As a woman I can tell you that we woman want to stay with the man who unlocks our passion. If you unlock her passion you will enjoy her, i swear.

  4. wow! Apostle you are so on point. These tips are what you see in best seller inspirational books. keep them coming sir...God bless.

  5. Excellent article, your focus was what kind of woman not to marry however you gave the blueprint or DNA of a good man (husband). Looking forward to the article that tells you how to attract the good spouse (husband or wife).

  6. Very good information here. So where and how do we find the kind of woman who will stick closer than the boys and understand that boys dont nag? And where will I find a woman who believe in my vision and not just eat my money and run?

    1. Nagging! Nagging! Nagging! Hmm! Well, I think women have heard a lot about nagging and I hope the next generation will nag less! Can I have an Amen! Haha!

      To find the woman takes a process. Your church is a good place to start. Keep going. If you do find the one who is your friend, loves you and whom you love, you can be sure that she will be sweeter and closer than the boys.
      There are many women out there who are not interested in your money, if you prepare and look at the right places, you will find a suitable help.

    2. Ameeeeeeeeen! Old boy,, the way they nag is too much. Some of them will nag about everything. Money is not enough. You don't love me. Children sleep too much. You came home late. You came home too early. God save us.

    3. Not all women nag and many men nag too. So coach talk to men who nag

  7. Thank you very much sir. I see all the good points you raised and all of them are good. A hardworking man should get a good wife who will submit and support his dreams. But I must mention that the woman I will marry must read that new book you wrote for women. I dont know what you wrote there but all your books that I read changed my life and the one for women is a must for my future partner and every woman. I dont want to take chances with my life and destiny. Maybe she is one of those reading your blog, who

    1. It would be great if indeed you meet the "chosen one" here. Then we'll all be in the wedding party.


    2. Ikechukwu, you really said it well. Some guys have been on my neck to get the book ready before they marry and I'm glad to say that it is almost ready. People who read the manuscript say it is so powerful that they can't wait to get copies for all the women they know. So get ready, it is almost here.

      I believe God will give you the desire of you heart. I'm praying for you. If there is anything else i can do to help you, please let me know.

  8. This is my first time to make a comment here, although I've read few of the topics on the blog. My comment is to respond to jp's question above. it is good to always talk about everything with your spouse. Communication is the key and helps. she may not tell you the whole truth but you can pick up some things from her response. From my experience,I had a girl I wanted to marry in 2010. Just like JP I thought she was all I wanted to be happy. we spoke about lot of things especially sex. and every time she told me she doesnt like sex. At first I felt she was teasing but then I realised she meant every word. she is the type Thayer can do everything with a man in bed but not sex. I was bitter and worried cos I loved her. I even went as far as checking Google to see if it's a sickness that can be cured. After much research I gave up and let her go. it was a sad experience that has left me scarred, I still haven't gotten over her. someone may ask why didn't I marry her in that condition. I couldn't becos I know if I marry her, I won't stay faithful to her and nobody marries with an intention to cheat, I'm not perfect but sex my dad told me Is very vital in a marriage. Thank you.

    1. Buchi, it is unfortunate that you lost someone whom you loved because of that. Maybe it is better that you broke the relationship. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. But again, maybe she was not made for you. She may not like sex, but she will definitely be very suitable for the man who she was made for. One man's meat is another man's poison. If you do meet one whom you think is sexually compatible with you, understand that it is not all that makes a happy marriage. It takes much more. I know someone right now who loves her boy friend very much, he loves her too and they say they used to enjoy their sex life; but for some reason she said she cannot marry him. I spoke to the man and he said the best thing he ever experienced was with the lady, she says same about him, but she says having good sex is not enough to make her happy in life. He is desperate to marry her, but she thinks he would be better with another woman. So my brother, your dad is right that sex is vital in marriage, but there is so much more that happens in marriage.

    2. I think that it is a matter of choice. Sex is important, but it is not everything. Every relationship decide how they want their marriage. Some men are not even that sex crazy and some women want it too much. So if they discuss what they want and it works for them, good. If Buchi left the girl because they couldn't cope sexually, maybe they agreed. That same girl can be good for another person who will like her the way she is. But what if you, Buchi are the problem? I think any man who knows himself should know how to relate with his woman. We cannot know this until you marry and your wife do not complain.

    3. Its unfortunate o. I mean the woman who has a man she enjoys and wants her , but she doesnt want. what else can a woman ask for? A man is desperate to marry a woman, they had a good experience, and she said no to him? Maybe she is afraid of something. Or is she afraid of her people? Me, i wont let such a man go sha.

    4. Topsy, it is very serious. How will a woman get a man who is so desperate for her and they enjoyed themselves but she wont marry him? I shock o! If she looses that man I hope she get another one. if not she should be flogged.

  9. JCGYSAINT,I agree that sex is not all that makes a great marriage but for it is very vital. I disagree with some things you a man I have a lot of friends who claim they love their girlfriends and wives but when we sit down to watch football, these issues come up and sex is always the problem. I ddint want to go too far with explaining my ex condition cos she may be reading or her friends( it's a small world)and I don't want itto look like I'm here disrespecting her but what if I tell you she was the type who don't like penetration, i mean she wants nothing inside her at all(that's if you understand waht i mean)? all she wants is kissing and foreplay only. do you know what that mean? thats like a thirsty man running to a nearby river and someone is not allowing him get water to drink.he will die of thirst. As a man how do I cope with that? can any man ever cope with that and remain faithful unless the person is a rev.father. lets not come here and pretend. no wonder a lot of us as men cheat cos we act like it's nothing meanwhile it's everything to us.if you were in my shoes will you marry her? I'd rather not than marry her and cheat on her constantly. I love her too much to pretend and keep her in pain. When a man is not sexually satisfied, he will look for it somehow. sex may not be all it takes for a marriage to work but you can't sugar coat it either like it's trivial.

    1. Buchi, why are you making it look like men are that desperate? Sex is not all that makes a great relationship. There are many relationships where the woman's sexual drive is low but they have a great life. If she is beautiful, intelligent, hard working, all those may cover for her until she comes around. I will go for a woman who doesnt want sex but has everything else that makes life enjoyable. I can even take such a woman as my wife and after she experiences me, she will never want to leave me. Abeg, man pass man.

    2. Sex no be food o, if the woman carry pepper, forget sex.

    3. I'm not trying to trivialize how important sex is to you or to any man for that matter, but don't you think her view or stand may have been affected by a previous bad experience or stories she heard from other people. It could even be fear of the unknown if she's inexperienced.

      Given the right circumstance and environment with love i believe you could have helped her overcome her fears. A person's sexual orientation can change with changes in their bodies and circumstances. If a man leaves me because of my sexual orientation he'll be losing a lot. LOL

  10. I'm back o. What did I miss? lol! Very good points coach. I hope more men read this before they think of marrying. And the new book, I can';t wait. I have been hearing about it, coach when is it coming out? I need copies. copies.

  11. I wish all of you coming here to write as anonymous can truly identify yourselves. beauty, intelligence and hardwork can never be equal to sex. if you believe that, you are only trying to live in denial. of course sex is not food but quote me any where it is very important. This is a blog where I believe everyone can say their views and learn too from other people's experiences. I don't think I have forced anyone to take my opinion. I have the right to agree and disagree and so does everyone, if not the owner of the blog can stop me from commenting but please I made a comment, nobody should crucify me, no be fight.

    1. Buchi, are you crucifying yourself? Has anybody said anything against your opinion? don't fight have your point, but we also have opinion about your point. If you are in a relationship and sex is all that matters to you, fine. But there are some people who want other important things. When I started I wast not that exciting, but my husband talked with me, asked me questions about what i enjoy, told me how he want to know how I feel and he even made us watch some movies together. Today am an am the one chasing him about to come and get it. If he had left me when I was inexperienced and did not help me understand myself thats not good. If a woman truly loves a man, she can do anything. if the man loves the woman, he can turn her into anything. Maybe you didn't love the woman enough or she didnt love you enough. I love my guy thats why I became what he wanted me to be

    2. I think I understand what you are saying Buchi. But its not a quarrel. Nobody says you should not agree or disagree. But you make it look like sex is everything. If you think so then I think you are living in denial. Do you read the advise coach and other people have given? If the woman is not compatible with you then go and look for another one.There is somebody who is compatible with you.If you like sex that much and she doesnt want it, it means you are not compatible with her. It will surprise you what that woman will be in the hand of the man who is compatible with her. So take it easy, a hot thing will become cold later. Coach is given everyone a platform to learn and discuss, let us enjoy the priviledge and air our views nicely.

  12. am really learning a lot from this blog. Thank you a a for your encouraging words and other people who make wise suggestions. Thank you also coach. i think you should talk more on relationship matters because many young people are not doing it right. Most of my friends who are married always come back to tell bad stories. Either they wish they married right, or they prefer not to marry. The other ones dont talk at all. So we need a blog like this where we can learn and share views. I really Miss hearing you teach pastor. its a long time.Titilayo.

  13. Marriage is truly partnership and every partner must bring in their best to make it work. LOve and patience is very important. I like the one that says the man must be a leader before he thinks of marrying. Most family these days dont have leadership. This is a good blog.

  14. This is a great post!!.

    I want to say that marriage is a beautiful thing when you understand it's purpose. Many people marry for the wrong reasons; I have this saying" when you start out wrong you end up wrong". It has been unfortunate for so many that the purpose for marriage hasn't been clearly explained prior to going into it. So many come to the alter with half baked notions that all you need is prayer and the rest will iron itself out. Prayer is a key element in marriage, but this should be the main ingredient that caused the two people to meet. The human element is to get to know each other both naturally and spiritually. Marriage is bringing two halves together to make a whole. This is why it is important not to be unequally yoked together with someone who does not believe in your vision. The image is deformed and not the perfect will of God.

    Marriage is for men and women, not children. Just because the physical body stopped growing, it doesn't mean the person is mature. Maturity is also mental. One must be mature in mind, words, deeds, and character. A cake that is half baked is a mess, this is the picture of two people who are not mature in mind, yet expect each other to act like finished product. We must remember it takes time to become one in all things. If the woman is the rib as the scripture says and she is reinserted back into the man, he must open himself and be willing to die to himself to receive her into him, and the woman being the rib must understand that it causes the man pain to die to himself to receive her; therefore she MUST be willing to bend. It requires the man to stretch and the woman to bend if the marriage is to work.


    1. I agree! When people are not matured they have no idea what they are going into, then when they go into it and find out that they were not ready

  15. I say thank you to everybody for their responses but I think I prefer that a.a yemisi comment above. it doesn't mean all other comments are irrelevant, they are also good. But what I see here is a lot of sentiments going on. some said earlier "sex is not food" which is true yet these same people are complaining about a girl who refused to marry a man that satisfied her sexually? just as buchi said couldn't marry his ex who don't like sex, maybe this other girl feels sex is not everything to make a marriage work for her. let us not keep arguing, I feel there is no one answer to the issue of sex and marriage. Different things work for different people. choose what works for you and do it.Thank you

    1. JP, Buchi...why do I have the feeling that it is the same person talking. first they are crucifying you now other topic interests you that you should comment on. All this anonymous is making the discussion uninteresting. First JP says he is a boy who don't know about sex, Buchi says he left his ex because of it. JP now says let's stop arguing when he only asked one question. Meanwhile Buchi responded to advise JP. Who is arguing and crucifying who? BuchiJP, you try o. lol. Anyway, looking forward to the next topic coach. This blog is interesting bringing people from everywhere to talk is fun.

  16. Topsy,I wonder how you got to know that if you are not the owner of the blog. If you feel that way maybe its ok for me to believe that ikechukwu and you are same person töö and you are the owner of the blog. This is a blog like you said where people from everywhere can talk freely as long as nobody insults anyone but if you want to start investigating who is who,who said what and making assumptions,then i guess its not for everyone.(You don't have to post my comment, it's your blog).

    1. Olodo. You come here to disgrace yourself as anonymous.

  17. hello there, I am new on this blog but I think its a beautiful site where we can learn and make our lives better. For most of us out there still single, one thing I have come to know is that you can never be wiser than God. Whatever you want , place it in his hands , he know us more than we know ourselves but because we are under pressure society has placed on us, we overlook signs and right counsel and just ride with the tide of emotions . Love is a beautiful thing but get to know that person through friendship. whatever , it is will be revealed during friendship . Like they say , smoke can never hide itself but be wise enough to be open and get the right counsel , never date in secret , its not the best . For me, as I grow older, better and wiser, I will wait on God and with the counsel he sends to me , I know that my prince charming is out there and he will find me.


Comments are welcome. Thanks!