
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Would you play Russian roulette with your heart?

One of the most common issues I deal with daily is about relationships. “Don’t you think I’m ready to be married?” “Who do I marry among all my suitors?” “How do I know if he is for real?” “When should I start dating?” “Are there warning signs I should look out for?” I thought to pen down some of my thoughts here so every one else can benefit.

A choice that could help or hurt you
I see the frustration expressed by many young single ladies when they get to a certain age range and don’t have the right man; but like I say, why allow worry harm your health now and damage your future!? It may take you a long time before you find the right person with whom you will be happy, but it is worth the wait. So many people do not like to hear anything else when they believe they are old enough, so they rather play Russian roulette with their hearts. Who plays such games with their heart!? Who gambles with such a sensitive and important life decision like marriage?

Of serious concern also, is the speed at which many people who claim they have been hurt, rush into another relationship/marriage. Recently I was talking with a young lady who told me how much her ex hurt her and how she had learnt her lesson. The way she sounded as she wailed and lamented about how miserable she was, weakened me and honestly, if I was not tough, maybe I would have cried with her. Two weeks later, while I was still feeling her pains, she said she wanted to tell me about some other “nice” guy she just met. I couldn’t say a word for almost thirty seconds. And she goes; “it is not like that, he is such a nice guy and he is very tender, loving and caring. If you meet him you will like him”. “But that was exactly what you said about the last one that hurt you” I said, “what makes you think he is better?” Is it just me or does anybody else out there think some people are in too much of a hurry to get into a relationship? Doesn’t nature teach us that healing takes time? Are you not aware that half-healed is as dangerous as not healed?

For those who are ready and need a little advice on how to make the right choice, here are a few tips

I’m going to talk about friendship and love as if they are the same because I believe that a friend loves at all times and without friendship love cannot grow. I admit that developing friendship is a process; it might take a while but when you develop friendship you’ll be glad. As you develop friendship you get more understanding of each other. Your friend is someone you can laugh, play, pray, cry and share trivialities with. A friend is not perfect but because you two can talk about everything it makes it easier to flow and face challenges together. Your friend is not necessarily someone who condones your mediocrity; it is the one who makes you uncomfortable to live lower than you ought to. When you meet that friend, you will continue to improve, learn and grow. A friend never allows you stay stagnant

I have heard some ladies say “he is my very good friend and I cannot date or marry him” and I’m bewildered. Maybe that statement has another meaning but if it means that he is too close to be a husband, then you are making a mistake. I think friendship is the main fiber that holds a relationship together and if you find a friend in him/her, you should take it further. Never think of going into a lifetime venture like marriage with someone who you cannot share, laugh and play with. If you don’t have the bond of friendship, don’t make it permanent.

In my opinion, the reason why many relationships fail is because the two people involved are unequally yoked. Many people have a wrong idea of compatibility. Some think it means being the same. It is not. It might mean being in agreement about most things, but it does not mean being the same. Two hot-headed people may not make it because neither of them would want to calm down for the other. Two very slow people may have a very boring marriage because none of them has the “heat” to warm up the relationship. Compatibility means that even though you are different, you two are able to find a common ground and can operate harmoniously. It means that you two can agree and work together. Two of you should be able to perform tasks without arguing and fighting all the time. If you two can hardly agree on anything, there is a good chance that you will not make a good couple.

When someone is not passionate about life or what they do, it is not a good sign. We are passionate beings. It could be Sports, School, Church or Business; you got to be passionate about something. If he has passion, it should also show when he is in love. If he is not passionate about anything, then two things:
1) He might not have the drive to make income to care for his family
2) He probably would not be passionate even about his relationship.
That is not to say you should not settle with him, it is to let you know what to expect before you sign the dotted lines.

The law of thermodynamics states that “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another”

Passion is not like skill or trade. You can teach someone a trade but you cannot teach them passion. It cannot be created, you either have it or you do not. Someone can go to school to train as a teacher but no one can give him/her the passion to communicate to her students. Show me a passionate person and I show you someone whose spirit cannot be quenched. You do not need many words to motivate a passionate person; but nothing you say will get a slipshod person off their butt. Trying to motivate a non passionate person is like trying to wake up the dead. If you are that anointed, save it for something more important. As you search for the “chosen one”, make sure you look for someone with passion.

Never settle with an idle person
Whoever you want to settle with must not be idle. An idle mind, they say, is the devil’s workshop. He/she must have work and work is not necessarily an office job. If he is not doing anything then he/she is not ready for Marriage. This a key factor to consider my dear ladies. You have no business relating with idle boys. It is alright if he is a student, especially if you are not going to marry him while he is still in school. But let him be a student who is industrious and ambitious. You can know what someone is capable of doing in the future by what they do right now. Many students are very industrious. They find ways to make income; holiday jobs, businesses and etc. Most of such students go on to be very prosperous after school.

Do not let anyone fool you by telling all those “pipe dreams”; making you feel like they have great plans. If you do not see what they are doing right now, then you can be certain that they are up to no good. By what they do now, you know what they can do tomorrow.

There are so many more tips for singles. Let me have your ideas and let us discuss further. I have made it easier for everyone to comment, so send me your comments and questions. I’ll be ready to respond.


  1. It is not easy to be aging and not find a good man, since good men are hard to come by most girls choose to settle with anyone that comes. I dont think we should make our standards too high. Although you are correct, an idle man is trouble waiting to happen.

  2. My best part is the friendship part. Only two friends can make a good couple. Most people who are not close to each other dont end up happy. Some babes feel that if he is too old or younger than her it wont work, i think age is not important if they are good friends. My advice to babes is to marry the person who they can freely talk and play with

  3. If we must say the truth the men who fit into all these are not available.If i go ahead and marry the man I know who that has all these qualities, people will kill me with talk. He loves me but the story is long. all the other guys are just unserious players who like to sweet tongue ladies.

  4. Prof! wow! This is spot on! FRIENDSHIP, COMPATIBILITY and PASSION very key ingredients, I couldn't agree more. my dear anonymous on comment no 3. I think you are just making excuses. if you are sure the guy who you say loves you fits into the category why let people hold you back? are people gonna live in the marriage with you? my dear people will ALWAYS talk whether you do right or wrong, why bother about them? And I also beg to differ about your comment "men who fit into thelse are not available" there are loads of them, yeah maybe rare but if the guy that loves you can posses those listed qualities above then there are other men too out there. The problem is that most ladies don't want to be patient enough, they judge a man by the physical appearance and trivial stuff alone(does he look rich? smell rich? handsome, tall? etc) so maybe you need to change your circle, friends, your attitude and most importantly your mindset....some people are just SET IN THEIR OWN WAYS hence they are not willing to adjust or learn. And finally a lady who is looking for a Mr Right to posses all three listed qualities MUST also possess them too. you should NOT be seeking a man who has passion when you on the other hand LACK passion. some ladies think men are not human beings or have emotions like them. you don't like sex, you don't like to cook yet you got married? Hello! you obviously married the man to punish him and in no time that marriage will end. if you like marry 50times it will also end. its better not to bother marrying. Bottom line is, ladies in as much as we look at what prof has advised we MUST also work on ourselves. like they say, "it takes two to tango" or truthfully said in the bible "two CANNOT work together except they be in agreement"

    1. Anonymous, I think you have some good point. Some women dont like to cook and they make men cook and yet they want to But passion for sex get as e be sha. I think some culture makes it hard for a woman to show her passion in the bedroom although i know that many men dont like this. But these are modern days, if you dont show your passion another woman will win him with her passion. Not just in sex, in every area. men like women who go all out to share their feelings. E no easy though, but small, small. For me i think if a woman loves the man, she will show passion in everything she does with him. If she doesnt like to cook, when she meet the right one, she will cook. Unless she is not ready to be Mrs.

  5. If we all marry the good guys, who will marry the the bad ones? lol. Just joking. I think you are right sir. We should also work hard to be the right woman for the man. Many ladies do not do anything to be better themselves yet they want tall, handsome and rich. Thye hate guys with big belly, yet their own is iya apati. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You want a good man, be a good woman.

    1. I actually laughed out loud @ "if we all marry the good guys, who will marry the bad ones". Shoe get size like they say.

    2. lol! No be small thing. But every man can be good. A good woman makes a good man. Be a good woman and a good man will find you

  6. Its true sha. Many ladies want a good guy but are not good enough. Maybe coach should talk about that too.

  7. Very timely write-up. I still find it amazing that so many beautiful women get to forty plus without a man. Could it be we don't know what to look for? Let's examine ourselves ladies; the monster lieth within!

    1. I'm not sure i agree entirely with you. Given an option I'd rather get married late (not up to 40 though) and get it right than to go in and have issues. Let's look around even in the church, how many good examples of marriages are there? Too many frustrated married people because of the issues outlined here...

    2. Elsie, are you saying that if we don't find the right man and we are 40 we should take anybody we see? I think age is not important. Happiness is. Many people married before 4o because people or condition force them to and now they are either divorced, separated or even dead. Only few marriages are happy.Many are suffering and smiling. it is better to wait and get the best than to rush and go back to zero again. Am sure many women do not want to say the truth, if you ask many married women they will tell you that they did not marry right.

  8. I would say majority of people go into their marriages with good intentions and hoping for the best.I'm not sure any right thinking person would see "fire" and willingly walk into it.

    I believe as women we see a guy who doesn't have a lot and who appears to be working hard at his job during courtship and we agree to marry him because we trust God and believe he will grow at his job and get to own most of those things he didn't have when we met him. How much of a man can you really know before marriage anyway?

    Unfortunately, some get to relax or get overwhelmed with responsibilities and issues and end up not doing as much as is required of them. someone will say he probably relaxed because he got the woman already. Some other group believe marriage changes people; does it really change people?

    1. Casio you are right. Like the last Blog, coach said that some women have left all the load on the men and even some have run away because of the weight. some men a try and need good women to support them

  9. My first comment number 3 refers: It sounds easy to say. I know that whoever you marry people will talk, but there are many things to consider. if you were in my shoes and you love someone who loves you also, but for certain reasons, your marriage with him will offend friends and family, what would you do? friends are part of our life. Some have good reason for not wanting me to marry him. But he meets all the standards I want.

    @casio: There is a way to know a man who is pretending. Some men pretend just to get the woman but a hardworking man cannot pretend. Like coach said, if in school he is a hustler before you met him, then he is not pretending. But if he hustles to impress you, then when he gets you he will relax. Some men are just work hard for themselves and not for a woman. Such men will always provide for their family

    1. My sister, that's a hard place to be but consider this:
      1) will your marriage to him offend God and you?
      2) friends and family are secondary and they usually come around eventually, after their initial offence.
      3) would friends and family prefer that you marry a person who doesn't offend them and you stay miserable the rest of your life? Peeping through the Window wondering what's happening to the one you truly love.
      4) a 3 fold cord is not easily broken; I'm sure this cord excludes friends and family.

      Consider these few words of mine...

    2. What is he is divorced and was married to someone I used to know?

    3. If he is divorced and you and him were not involved as at then, which one is yours? If you love him, and he loves you, then carry on. If you think friends will be a problem, you can change environment and they wont bother you and by the time they know that you are married you should be a happy person then. But dont expect a party o. if you like party like some of us, it cant work. But love vs part which one is more important to you.

    4. Sister, you haven't even told us if the Bobo likes you back and wants to marry you too. Are you liking him secretly in your little corner? Lol


    5. I cant say if he loves me or is he wants me. he is my friend and meets everything i want in my future husband. just that problem, If am sure my family will not show me hell, i will do what i have to get the attention.My problem is how it will affect my family.

    6. If he does not like you why are we wasting out time suggesting? you should know if he likes you or not so you dont waste your time. What if he has other plans? what if he has a woman you dont know about.I think you should do what you have to do to know where you stand before you break your own heart.

    7. Well said Topsy.

      You're probably worried about family and friends for nothing. You don't even know if anything can happen with the guy. I think you shouldn't put the cart before the horse...


    8. Me i dont know about anybody, if i want a man nothing can stop me. I think some of us ladies dont know how to get what we want. To get him is not not my problem, I dont know how they will accept if i tell them he was married.

  10. I am enjoying your comments y'all! Elsie, there are several women in US and around the World who are 40+ and not married, and not worried. They are searching and are not in anyway desperate. Does that Monster thing concern them too?

    Lots of Anonymous this time, it's OK, but can you all use initials or something so we can identify your own "anonymous" please? Thank you!

  11. Seems like most of you are missing my point; I'm not implying it's evil to be single at 40. I'm asking why is that so? Because it's at that point most ladies start to feel really desperate and settle for less than the best. If you check you'll usually find a relationship or two which was mishandled or allowed to slip by in the past. I know a beautiful lady who in her twenties broke off a longterm relationship with a great guy because "he talks a lot". Today she is 47 and single and "believing God"! The stories abound. All I'm saying is let's not be quick to conclude that there are no good men. Let's look at who we are and be sure what we want or do not want and stick with it. Let's be sure we aren't the ones playing "impossible to get"!

    1. Correct! I see your point now. Calling off a relationship because he talks a lot? Erm!? Are they in love, does he have everything else she needs but just that one thing? strange thought! And yes, many ladies play "hard to get" even when time is not on their side. Well said Elsie.

    2. Point taken, I think I get it now...

  12. Coach, thank you. I have read all the comment and It is good that the women are talking. But i hope they learn the lesson you are teaching because tomorrow now some of them will say nobody told them. Somebody is liking somebody who is not sure likes her, her heart will be broken and she will say men are wicked. Some people make sense. Like the anonymous who said women should try and be as good as what they want from their husband. if you dont like sex it means you wont know how to take care of your husband in that area. If the man is passionate and you are not, wahala de o. Modernization does not mean you should not have cooking and bedroom skills. two very important things in marriage. As for money, a man will do anything to get money and take care of his family, but if the woman is a trouble maker or she is proud, the man will sit down there and let her pride take care of her.

    I like what Elsie said, many women are playing hard to get and 40 is nearing. Why have high standard when you are not of standard. You are a fat and you want handsome and rich. It is not fair on men. if you are not fine bring down your standard and have a fine character. you will get husband quick quick
    God has blessed me with money, but to find a good woman who will not spoil my life is hard to get.

    1. My brother Ik, let's look again at this your comment "As for money, a man will do anything to get money and take care of his family, but if the woman is a trouble maker or she is proud, the man will sit down there and let her pride take care of her"

      1) Don't generalize because we've seen loads of men who wouldn't do anything to take care of their families and they've got good women for wives.
      2) A woman being a trouble maker or being proud doesn't mean the man should also abandon his responsibilities and offend God by so doing. Two wrongs don't make a right.

      You talk (write) like this is an; us against them issue, maybe i read you wrong you'll need to forgive me for that but that's the vibe i get from reading your comments and previous ones too. This platform is not for men and women to bring their strong reasons in order to score points against each other. We're all here to learn and exchange views so we can become the men and women God created us to be.

      I pray God gives you that good woman that your heart desires and both of you will stay happy till a very old age without all these issues we're discussing here in Jesus name. There are still some of them around, goodluck with your search.

    2. Bros Ikechukwu, I like your style. You say your mind and its good like that. Some men will pretend or comment anonymous, but you came out openly. Even though not all women are trouble makers, but it is your opinion and you have the right to say it. I agree that women who want to get a good man should be good. Onyibo culture has made some of our women lazy to cook these days and many men are complaining about it, but there are many good women who are prepared to be good home-makers. Maybe coach can give men some tips too on how to find a good girl. It is well.

    3. Thank you ladies for you replies. We are not fighting Casio. I made my point. We are all children of God, let us not be quick to react. I should say some women because I have seen so many women have problems because of their pride and the way they handle things. So dont be offended that I say my mind. You are correct, two wrong dont make one right. Sometimes people just frustrate others to take bad decisions.

  13. I like this blog very much. I learn from it. What is Russian Roulette Somebody explain pls. Also i think some women are lucky to have good men but they dont know how to take care of them. It happened to me and even some people I know. I lost a good guy because of my selfishness. In those days our mothers use to teach us how to take take care of our men but these days no. If a woman knows how to take care of her bf/husband, we wont have all this bad behaviour from men. Women let us go back to those days when we take care of our men so that we can have less bad men.-Busola

    1. My dear, its a very dangerous game where the Russians put on bullet inside a gun and spin it, put on your head and fire. If you are not lucky, the bullet will blow your head off. Bad game. Don't try that at home. lol!


Comments are welcome. Thanks!