In my opinion, the right time to negotiate and talk about
what you can and cannot accept in a relationship is before the two parties
agree to marry. The first time you feel you like her/him, is the best time to
start asking questions about their likes/dislikes, dreams/visions/,
faith/belief, attraction and other basic issues. When you get closer and
believe that two of you have even the slimmest chance of getting married, you
may want to go deeper and talk about more serious topics like finances, sex,
family and future expectations. Not talking about these issues early can be
dangerous because when you get very close and your hearts have begun to get fond
of each other, it may be difficult to break off. Trying to detach from a
relationship after you have become emotionally involved with someone can be
very painful. Some may want to say it is better to break a relationship when you
realize that you two have more disagreements than agreements, more
misunderstanding than understanding, but maybe it is much better to not even
agree to marry, than to start and then break it halfway thereby hurting
yourselves. Before the two of you bond, before you become very attached, before
you get to the point where you spend close to half or most of your time
thinking about and missing him/her, make sure you know the basic things about
them to determine if he/she meets your expectation of a spouse.
Overrated self
Sometimes when I listen to some single people say the things
they expect from their prospective spouse, I smile and wonder why some people
have bogus expectations.
A lady is five (5) feet tall, wears a size
sixteen (16), can barely lift herself off the bed to workout and has a “vision”
that she will marry a six feet tall well built handsome man who works out daily.
Are you being fair on the man?
A man has
a three (3) feet long pot belly, can barely express himself in his lingua
franca, couldn’t finish high school and is still struggling to make ends meet,
yet he insists that he must marry a slim (size 6) Master degree holder who
works with a transcontinental company and owns a thriving business. If the table
was turned and you were the better person, would you think it is a fair deal if
you got one like that?
Even the holy book says no one should see himself more
highly than he/she is. It is not only spurious to have such imbalanced expectations;
I think it is also stupid. It is not feasible to expect someone to give you
what you cannot give. Before you set a standard, it is wise to look at
yourself, consider your peculiar condition and then determine what is good for
you. Evaluate yourself honestly and demand for what you deserve. This does not
mean you should not have a big vision. It only means your vision should not be
something that will take divine intervention to achieve. You should also be
what you expect from the other party, after all the vision is yours why not be
“it” too.
When love is not
I have always believed that when there is love, marital
happiness is guaranteed. I didn’t think there was anything love could not
handle. Maybe, it not wrong, but I think it should be rephrased to “all things being equal, when there is love,
happiness is guaranteed”. This is so because I realized that you can love
someone but for certain reasons you may not be able to have marital bliss with
them. Take for instance, two young fellows were in love with each other, but
they later realized that they are cousins and could not marry. What do they do?
Or, like someone asked on this blog, how can a man have marital bliss with a
woman who says she does not enjoy what is given to couples for pleasure? If
she does not find pleasure in sex, should she probably marry the other man who
is desperate to marry but is impotent? If love is all that matters,
should a sexually active lady stay with a lover who is impotent?
How about some people who are in love but found out that
they cannot have children as a couple due to certain conditions like Rhesus
factor? This does not mean that the man or woman is infertile, but that the
woman’s womb cannot carry the pregnancy of certain men and this man happens to
be one of such. Yes they are probably incompatible for marriage, but there are
many people in such condition who are truly in love; what should they do? Is
love enough to hold them together even though they may never have children together?
Should they break-up and look for someone more compatible? Is there a time when
love is not good enough?
Deal or no deal?
I asked fifty (50) men and fifty (50) women between ages 25-50
to name one major thing they consider a deal breaker. I wanted to know that one
thing they cannot take and that will end their relationship. Thirty two (32)
women and nineteen (19) men responded. Reading through their responses, I
thought that some of them, like not liking to kiss, sports club they support
and fashion sense, are a bit too trivial to break a relationship. Race, tribe,
social status, denomination, and a couple others I consider not that critical
an issue to break a relationship. Interestingly, seven (7) out of the fifty-one
(51) responses I received said nothing was strong/bad enough to make them break
a relationship with someone they love. Many men and women mentioned the same
things and I have categorized them into the following:
Incompatibility in major areas
Fat and out of shape
Habitual liar
Physical and verbal abuse
Too skinny
Trust issues
Unwillingness to improve
Drug use/Smoking
Over 10
inches shorter or taller
Not of the
same faith
with same sex
Much older
or much younger
Lack of
self control
Is there something you think should be on this list? Is
there any of the above you think should not be there?
One person’s deal breaker may not be the other person’s deal
breaker. For instance, I use to think that unfaithfulness was a no, no for most
people until a young lady said she had gone back to the man who cheated on her
with her close friend while they were still courting. I thought that no one
should stay in an abusive relationship, until a young lady sent me a message
that she had married the man who beat her several times. I never thought any
one could marry someone who cheated on them with an animal until someone said “love
is stronger than death, maybe there is a reason why they did it”. It is
a matter of belief and perspective. Maybe, love is all that matters, or is it? What
do you think? Let me know your thoughts.