
Monday, September 17, 2012

How funny is this?

A few weeks ago while I was out in the field exercising, a young boy fell off his bike and his friends broke out into wild laughter. I know how it hurts when you fall off your bike and for that reason I walked over to the boy to make sure nothing serious had happened but alas, he was injured. He had scratches here and there and was bleeding (and probably had a broken toe); I wandered “who laughs and jokes about a fall?” “Who makes a mockery of a fallen friend?” Yeah, I know who does such; Children!  Immature people who don’t know when to laugh and when they should show empathy.

I have observed that many things that should make us weep and pray to God for mercy make us laugh. Why is it that when something negative happens to a Christian leader we- fellow Christians- spread the news, laugh and make mockery of the person involved? When did it become funny that a comrade is wounded? What exactly is funny or praiseworthy in the failure of a fellow believer?  It is childishness, irresponsibility, illiteracy and absolute foolishness to laugh and publicize the failure or fall of another.

How come it is very difficult for us to pick up our phones to call people to share the good news of Gods love, yet, when we hear of an issue with our fellow laborer in the vineyard we have plenty time to call as many people to talk and laugh about it. We used to have zero tolerance for gossip and backbiting but these days several Christians and even some so called pastors have made their homes a place for gossip. It should not be so. We should be instruments of healing and not objects of destruction; but we have made a mockery of ourselves and the World is watching us disgrace ourselves thereby dragging the name of the Lord to shame.

Some gossip with fellow Church folks and others gossip with non-believers; are we not shamed of what is happening among us? If a brother falls into sin should we not pray for his restoration rather than laugh about it? If a brother’s marriage fails should we make a mockery of him and spread the news? Is the Bible not clear about how we should handle issues relating to a brother/sister’s error?  Did the Bible say “when you hear your brother has fallen, pick up your phone, or jump on your computer and make a call/send an email and spread the bad news abroad”? Did the Bible teach that we have a right to judge and condemn those who make a mistake or fall into sin, or fail in ministry/marriage? No! When things like this happen we cannot “…publish it in the streets…lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph” -2 Samuel 1:20

Before the wrath of God comes upon us I send out this warning:
1)     Refrain from gossiping about men/women of God. God has not made you their judge- Who are we to judge another man’s servant? (cf. Romans 14:4)
2)     Rebuke members of your family or sheepfold who involve themselves in this hideous act
3)     If you are one of those whose wives have what someone has called “verbal diarrhea”, please call her to order before she brings a curse to your home
4)     If your husband is one of the unfortunate men who involve themselves in “old wives’ tales”, I implore you to implore him to desist from such demeaning lifestyle; men ought always to pray and not gossip (cf. Luke 18:1).
5)     It is not too late to repent and ask God to have mercy on us.

Finally my brethren, I urge you to consider your ways. Let us not tempt Christ as some people did in the past and were killed by snakes. Stop gossiping and murmuring as some have murmured and were destroyed. Let him/her who thinks he is standing strong be careful else he fall (cf. I Corinthians 10:9-12). Let God judge His servants who bring shame to His name, stay out of it, you are too small to be involved in this. If you have to say something about it, pray; if you cannot pray about it then, sorry to say, shut your mouth.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Help for my Native Land

Every morning when I wake up, I kneel down to pray and give thanks to God for my life, my family, friends, partners and everyone connected to me in one way or the other. I used to have a prayer list, but now, I must confess I do not have a list anymore. It is probably not possible to keep a list of all the people I pray for. But anyway, I do find a way to pray for everyone connected to me directly or indirectly. However I am concerned about certain things happening in my home land. My motherland.
It hurts me to see that almost every day of the week my home land is in the news. It is either some crazy terrorists have blown up a church and somehow someone connected to me is either hurt or killed, or a plane crashes into a building and several people are roasted. Many times I read about armed bandits waylaying travelers, they rob and sometimes kill. Robbers can strike anywhere; homes, banks, schools and etc and at any time with such impunity and I wonder, do we still have police there? Which should I mention? The ritual killings, Police brutality and acute corruption, the lack of leadership, Government embezzlement of public funds, Poverty, Sicknesses, Commercial Motor bikes maiming people daily?
The most painful is news related to the Church. The so called body of Christ in Nigeria seems to be in a state of complacency. I use the word "complacency" for lack of a better word that will not make it sound like I am anti church. Honestly, I am concerned about the Church. My concern dates back to the 90s when the prosperity message took centre stage. People were told that it was not possible to serve God and not have money. I'm not sure I hate money, I'm not sure I love it either. But the problem is that the preachers made it look like prosperity is money and whoever does not have money is not prosperous. Not as if they taught people the principles of making money. No, people were made to see God as a "money doubler"- "give to God and he will double what you give". Preachers started living extravagantly, brandishing expensive cars, houses, wristwatches and etc. I wonder who they really look like (definitely not our Lord Jesus whose lifestyle was an example for all). After many years of such preaching only the preachers and a few hard working Church goers who understood the principle of 'sowing and reaping' (buying where things are cheap and selling where it is expensive, investing in various fertile areas) and a few others who learned to provide services that people need, prospered. Then came the miracle preaching and preachers.  And then the prophetic preachers. And now, I am afraid to say, might be harsh, but I think the Church in Nigeria needs urgent "Spirituomedical" help.
I am not here to talk about the Church, but my concern for my country is that if the church is in such a state then she is powerless to help the nation. I believe that the church is so powerful that if we, who are called by His name, can only get our act together, team up with others (denominations and Para church organizations, etc.) and take a stand, things will change in that land. I believe that we are not just the salt of the earth; we are the light of the land. But when people's motive for entering the ministry is money then you know that the journey is far. When Christian leaders keep fighting for positions within the church then you know that ignorance has taken over the church. When you see preachers staging miracles just to prove to people that they are what they are not, you know that the end is near. When you see lying prophets in the house and nobody is bold enough to tell them they are telling lies, we are finished. When church folks laugh, applaud and agree with every message preached by different preacher, then something is not right.
I pray for my country Nigeria that God would purge the land and wipe out, in His own special way, all those corrupt politicians. I pray for the great citizens of that country that the eyes of their understanding be opened to know who they are and what the Lord has invested in them. I pray for those bringing shame to the nation that God should bring them to repentance.
And for those killing innocent people, blowing up Churches and shedding blood, I have prayed that the same measure you give shall come back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over; bloodshed will not cease in your household and your generation. To the perpetrators of wickedness and all their sponsors God will punish you and for the remaining days of your miserable life you shall not see anything good.
Indeed it takes more than prayer to solve the problems of my dear native land. We expect the emergence of a new generation of creative thinkers and leaders. I think this current crop of politicians (who indeed are the same old breed), need to sit down or be made to sit down so the fresh brains and fresh hands can apply modern leadership techniques and see how the country can stand back on her feet. I think that people should begin to stand up and speak up. I think we should all begin to do something small in our various corners to effect change. I believe that the time has come for all true Nigerians to stop doing things for self aggrandizement and start doing things for the good of the nation. Let us not criticize the government of corruption when we are corrupt in our own kitchens. If we do not remove the speck in our own eyes as individuals, how can we then see the logs in the eyes of others. Change is now and change starts with you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This husband of mine- For ladies only

Is it just me or are there other women out there who wonder why our sweet husbands sometimes get on our nerves? I mean, he used to be sweet and extremely caring (saying the right words, doing the right things and etc) before we got married. But now…Hmm! When he was dating me he said all kind of sweet words to me, sent me several text messages every day, tells me how much he loves me and how desperate he is to make me his wife and live with me “… happily ever after”. He remembered all the special dates and did something special every year. He called over five times in a day to check on me, he opened the car door for me, held my hand to help me out of the car; he made me feel so wonderful and special. He sent me several surprise gifts; in fact one day he showed up in my office and made a ‘sweet little show’ of love. I loved it. I loved him so much for the sweet things he did to woo me. Even when some people thought he was not the best for me I paid them no attention because I saw his actions and it convinced me beyond every reasonable doubt that he was the man for me.
Now we are married and it feels like there is a little bit of change. Sometimes I have to ask him if he loves me before he responds sluggishly “I love you baby”. He wakes up and rushes out to work and when I text or call him he is always in a hurry and goes “…baby I got to go now I have a…” and he hangs up. When he comes back from work he is so tired that sometimes he sleeps off while having dinner and other times he dozes off while I tell him how my day went. The hugs are still there though, but a lot less than it used to be. Now I get hugged when he's about to rush off to work (when he remembers) and sometimes when he gets back (if I’m home). He kisses me like once (when he is in the mood) and for sex? You don’t want to know.

I talked with my friend Katy about it the other day and she told me that my case is a lot better and I was like “are you kidding me?”. Well, when she told me her story I ran home to go love my sweet Joe who is working hard to take care of me and our two kids and probably need a little bit more involvement from me than I am giving. I have always thought that if a man loves me he should come get me. True that, but again, I realized that a good man who loves you will go the extra mile to provide for you and sometimes in the course of that he will return home tired, harassed by work, boss and people ( that he comes home to me alone is a big show of love). I realized that I can bridge the gap between us even though I am busy too. If he is not texting me, then I can text him. If he is not calling then I can call him. Since he is at work it doesn’t make sense for me to call him and take all the time telling stories about how Tina offended our boss; I can call him briefly and tell him I love him and ask him what he would love to eat or what he will want to do when we get home. I learnt that when he is at work there is little I can do to help his day, but when he comes back home there is a lot I can do to make his “homecoming” pleasant, pleasurable and sweet. I didn’t know this but I have come to know that I can have a big influence on his day by what I do when he is home. Now I understand why God made the “…Sun to rule by day and the Moon by night”. I am taking my place and I am reigning in my domain. I have decided to give him a great memory every time he comes back home. I talk less and let him see more of me. I offer myself to be an effective and efficient “…help meet for him.”

I know ladies like to be chased and we expect the men to come for us, but this man chased me and got me, he is working hard to support me and our kids; there is nothing wrong if sometimes we switch roles. So sometimes I let him chase me and when he slows down I in turn chase him to bring his whole attention back to me. Love is give and take, sometimes you give and other times you take. If you want anything, give it and you should get it back. So far, it is effective and we both enjoy it when we have to be chased. Don’t be fooled ladies, men also like to be chased sometimes; there is always that element in all humans-we all like to be desired, petted and sought after. So does your man, if he does not do those sweet things anymore, it might be that it is your turn to chase him and win him back. If you love him, do everything godly, legal and what your heart permits you to do to get him coming for you.

Names mentioned is this article are fictitious and has no relation/connection to anyone you know.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It is in your mouth

Our world offers neither help for today nor hope for tomorrow. The news
 everyday seems to tell us that we are hopeless and useless. We hear of wars
 and rumours of wars, famine, poverty, diseases, shootings, untimely death and the likes. You can't seem to be able to avoid it; it's in the newspapers,
on Television and internet; it's just everywhere! It is easy to allow these
discouraging events around our environment affect our lives and our
perception about who we are and what Christ has done for us. But thanks be
 to God who leads us to triumph! Yes! He is leading us to triumph over the
 host of hell and the enemies of our soul. He is leading us to victory over
 affliction and all strange infirmities. He is leading us to cast down every
 word and strange imagination which has risen against us and against his
 word and will. Thanks be to God for we are not swallowed up by the heart
 breaking news we hear daily rather we rise above the storms of bad
 news by counter- attacking them with Gods word.

·      God's word is strong, powerful and very efficacious. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands for ever (cf. Isaiah 40:8).
·      Heaven and Earth shall pass away but God's word shall not pass away (cf. Luke 21:23)
·      By his word the heavens and the earth was created (cf. John 1:4)
·      God’s word is life, strength for the weak, hope for the hopeless, grace for tomorrow. His word is sharper than any two edged sword (cf. Hebrews 4:12)

indeed the word of God is a light that shines in darkness  and darkness cannot comprehend it.

 We need to understand the power that we have in God's word. For when we
 understand that, we are able to overcome the attacks of the evil one and
 his wiles. The evil one has connived with several of his agents  (including all propagators of bad news) to weaken and frustrate us, but we  can overcome him by '…the word of our testimony*…' Revelation 12:11. Yes!
 The word of our testimony!

 There are two important things we need to consider:
1.     The word of God as a tool
2.     Our testimony as a weapon

 *The word as a tool*

 Faith comes by hearing…and hearing 'word' (cf. Romans 10:17). So also fear comes by hearing words. If we continue to hear negative words, it won't be long before fear envelopes us. But the word of God is a strong device with which we counter every negative word. The more of God's word we speak the less effect the enemy has on us. The more we speak God's word the more we weaken the hold of the devil upon our lives.

For “it” to be 'word' it has to be spoken.  ["Logos" is Jesus, the spoken word of our Creator; the action in God's command.  The "doing" moves things from God's 'to do list' to God's 'it is done' or 'it is finished' list].  Jesus came as God's spoken word to convey the good news, which we call the Gospel. What if He would not speak of God's love to us?  But He did, He could not remain quiet.

You do not keep quiet and hope that the word which you know will make a way or fight for you. Even though you know the word and have it in your heart, you have to 'speak' for it to have effect. The lord said to the prophet 'prophesy to these bones and SAY …' [emphasis mine (cf. Ezekiel 37:4)]; what this implies is that the bones have ears. Those challenges in your life have ears. Prophesy to them. Speak to them! If you can say to this mountain be removed, it shall be moved. For nothing is impossible for you (cf. Matthew 17:20). Just speak the word!

*Our testimony as a weapon*

 "In the law <>, *testimony* is a form of  evidence <> that is obtained from a witness <> who makes a solemn  statement or declaration of fact"  (

When we open our mouth to tell of the goodness of our Lord, we declare to the world that God's word is true. Many times we speak the word of God over our circumstances and yet do not have results, could it be that it’s because we have neglected the great commission given to us by our Lord Jesus. *The gospel is the '…power of God unto salvation…' (cf. Romans 1:16) *and not telling the good news of God's wonderful works in your life may just delay someone's salvation.

I know you may have some temporal challenges in your life right now, but there is a lot God has done for you and sharing it can save someone out there. There may be weaknesses in your body right now but your miracle may just be in your reaching out to those who are lost. You may be facing some "goliaths" right now but you can overcome them by '...the word of your testimony'. Child of God, open your mouth and tell your friends and neighbours about the goodness of the Lord.

There is a miracle in your mouth; speak the word to our sick world. Raise your voice, hold not your peace. Tell about God's faithfulness. Let the world know that indeed 'our God reigns'

 *God In need*
 We often pray for the Lord to meet our needs, but how many of us have interest in meeting God's need? God has a need too! He needs you and me to be his worthy ambassadors here on earth. He needs you to be his agent of truth in a world where lies have been magnified and 'holyfied'. He needs us to be instruments of change, restoration and healing to a dying world. God needs you.

Let us not keep asking God to meet our need. If you know how to meet His need he will take care of you. I dare you to meet God's need and watch him bless you beyond your wildest imagination. I dare you to commit yourself to God's mission and see the lord make a wonder out of you. Then you will be a victor rather than a victim. You will become the head and not the tail. Be a man/woman after God's heart; meet the masters need. Talk about his awesome faithfulness. Let the world know that our God is an awesome God.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, " Your God reigns*!-Isaiah 52:7 (NKJV

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How attractive is nagging?

In recent years nagging has become very popular such that, in my opinion, people don’t consider nagging to be nagging. Recently I heard someone say “when I talk about what hurts me people say I am nagging”; well then, we need to look at nagging from another simple perspective. If people say you nag, or fuss about nearly everything and you do not see it that way, then I guess something is wrong.

A few weeks ago a woman said her husband had not been intimate with her and she thinks there is something more than the eyes can see. I asked the man and here is his response:
“Sir, does she expect me to come hug her when she complains about literally everything and she does that every day? Does she think I am not affected by her consistent nagging about how early I wake up, how fast I eat, how slow I drive, how I hold her hands along the streets just once in a week, how my family come to the house too often and bla bla…”
I asked the young man why he doesn’t try to do some of those things his wife was complaining about and he goes:
…then the complaints will change to exactly the opposite. ‘…why do you eat so slowly? Why do you wake up so late? How come you drive so fast? Is it not too much to hold my hand in the public everyday, don’t you think people will misunderstand us? How come your family members have not been visiting, I feel like you have told them something bad about me isn’t it? Erm…!?

In as much as I do not think the young man in question is absolutely right in his stand, I think the story proves the key point I want to make about nagging. I think nagging is more of a mental/psychological issue than it is about things not happening right or being mishandled, mistreated or ignored. It seems to me that people who nag do have a psychological problem that makes them unable to see things the way they are. How else can one explain complaints about two opposites? For instance, how can someone complain that his wife’s hair is too short and when she lets it grow he complains that it is too long? How can someone complain that her husband has no time with her and when she does get a moment with him she spends it complaining about the time she does not have? Why will a sane person complain that used baby diapers smell of urine? Well, there has to be only one logical explanation to this; there must be a psychological (if not mental) problem that causes humans to nag. I’m not too sure I’m making sense, but I might just be right. I have thought about things that people thought were not correct, but twenty (20) years later they have become real and true. This too might just be right.

Many of us have read about Abraham Lincoln’s wife who nagged him about nearly everything and created disgraceful scenes in public. We also know that his attitude towards her changed and also some people believe that she nagged him to death. But then again, did we not also hear that her insanity came to public at some point in her life after her husband had died? Is it not possible that all her nagging was as a result of some kind of undiagnosed mental problem rather than real issues? No, tell me, who nags like that if he/she doesn’t have a mental of psychological problem? Who in their right frame of mind complains nearly every day and almost about everything, everybody and everywhere?

Here is my conclusion:
1)      Whoever complains too much and about nearly everything must have issues with their mind. If people think you complain too much, check yourself and don’t blame anyone else.
2)      You cannot eat your cake and have it, if you nag your spouse don’t expect intimacy from them. There are ways to get attention, nagging is not one of them. Rather than get your spouse to get closer, nagging drives them further away from you.
3)      People who nag do not accept that they do so I guess it also proves my point that there has to be an underlying mental cause. Don’t you think that denial of reality itself is a mental problem?
4)      If you do accept that you probably have this problem, then consult a psychologist or probably psychiatrist so they can seek ways to help you.
5)      If you are a victim of nagging, don’t wait till you are nagged to death, seek help too. In many cases a counselor can help you.
More points to note:
1)      Parents need to know the line between training/teaching and nagging, you don’t have to talk about everything your children do, doing that might amount to nagging
2)      Women might be the most popular for nagging, but some men do nag too and it is worse when a man nags
3)      Not all complains are nagging, but constant repetition of a complain amounts to nagging
4)      It is possible that what you are saying is right/good, but to keep talking about it to the point where people around you feel like running away from you, you are nagging.
5)      Nagging does not in any way increase intimacy; in fact, experts say nagging will cause fight or flight. If they won’t fight you, they find things to keep them away from you as much as possible.
How can you tell you’ve become a nag? (According to Weiner-Davis-culled from WebMD)

1)      You're increasingly frustrated because you're not getting through to your partner, despite asking again and again.
2)      Your partner becomes increasingly defensive each time you ask for something.
3)      The things that bother you tend to grow in scope -- you're more bothered by more things, more often.
4)      Your irritation is contagious -- the more irritated you get, the more irritated your partner gets.
5)      The weaknesses in the relationship, such as what your partner isn't doing despite your attempts at effecting change, become the focus, rather than the strengths in your relationship.
6)      The most obvious sign that you tend to nag: You've said the same thing five different ways, five different times, and yet you keep on going

The Bottom line is: Nagging does not help solve the problem rather it makes it worse and makes you loose people who love you. I guess that means it is so unattractive to nag. Again I say; if you nag, don’t expect affection/intimacy, rather expect people to plan their lives as far from you as they can be. Simple isn’t it?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep moving-Don't stop

In the last few weeks I have been traveling a lot and the least I can say is that my eyes have seen a lot, my ears have heard a lot, my mind has learnt a lot, my spirit is renewed and I cannot say I am all impressed, but I’m sure not depressed. In the 1st place, I am very convinced that ignorance is not bliss; ignorance is a huge disadvantage and whoever has chosen to remain that way is in the dark; more like living in the dark ages. I pity such people, they are in an unfortunate state. In the 2nd place, I have come to agree with Saint Augustine that “the world is a book and those who do not travel have only read a page” Well, indeed the world is a very informative and educative huge book (a book of several hundreds, if not thousands, of pages) and those who do not travel or move around have not started reading it at all. That’s what I think. The only way to read this book is to start traveling. Start moving. There is no better way to understand life, indeed, the world around us, other than to see it, so move.

I realize that one reason people are not growing or progressing is because they don’t move and lack of movement is what they call stagnation. When you are stagnant you become a problem to yourself, your family, your friends, your leaders, in fact, you become a problem to everyone and everything. A stagnant person wakes up in the morning and is frustrated with him/her self and of course everyone who they meet that day gets a taste of their “bitterness”. Like they say stagnant water smells and that is so true.

So why don’t people like to move? One reason comes to mind, attachments-attachments to people, places, things and etc. There is really nothing wrong with attachments, only that any attachment that does not allow you grow and improve has become an impediment. I know someone who was so attached to a house that he didn’t want to move. Several years later most of his friends had moved out from the area and had achieved a lot and he wouldn’t move because it was his first house. No he didn’t build or buy it, it was a rented house and he still pays the house owner. It took him many years to realize how the attachment to the house kept him stagnant, but at that time, most of his contemporaries had gone far ahead of him. His attachment beclouded his reasoning such that he didn’t know that there was life outside his location.

Some of you are attached to a place-like a country or state. You have come to love that country/state so much that you do not think that there might be possibilities/opportunities elsewhere. Well, maybe you don’t have such problem; but if you live in a place and you neither function to your optimum nor prosper at the speed God wants you to, you do yourself great injustice not to move. You don’t know what you are missing.

To some others your attachment might be to a friend, family, relationship, job, church or something you consider important but not productive. Why will you stick with something that is not productive? Why will you continue to be attached to something that is not profiting you or others? Why will you be attached to something/someone God doesn't want for you? When will you ask yourself if your presence in a place has become a problem to you and others? That’s the problem; many times you are the problem but you do not see it and all you do is blame others for your misfortune. Maybe, it is time to move and get some fresh air, fresh ideas, fresh skills…

If right now you feel like you are stagnant and you have run out of ideas of what to do to make progress, then I suggest that it is time to move. Change your environment. Relocate. Move to another house. Move to another state. Look for another job. Take a holiday and go somewhere other than where you have always been. Sometimes, when you move and return, things get better, but others times, you just don’t need to return, relocation might just be what you need to reach the next dimension.

Am I saying that everyone has to travel before they succeed? No. Not at all! All I am saying is that if you have climaxed at the wrong time, or you have observed that you are not making progress where you are; or maybe you have been having a nudge in your spirit that you have stayed too long in your present position, or you have become a problem to the people and the system you are in, then it is time to move out and move up. That may be a step that will help both you and those around you; your moving might just bring you and others unbelievable healing and growth. It is risky, but I think it is better to take this risk and get a better result than stay stagnant and risk losing the things and people dear to your heart. It’s up to you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Watch your mouth!

These days people don’t seem to care much about what they say, to whom, where and when; they open their mouths and say what they want to say, how they want to say it and not give a ‘hoot’ about the resultant effect. They call it freedom of speech, yes, but I wonder does it mean “freedom of mouth use”?

Recently I have been worried about the way people use their mouth. I have been worried about the way people kiss. Yeah, I’m worried about the whole kissing thing. Many young people think they are smart and they use protection during sex, but many of them have come out with some infections even with the so-called protection. So, is kissing really safe? Is it alright to kiss as many people as you wish? The answers may be scary, but it is my job to tell things that others are scared to say.

“We know that kisses of passion can lead to one thing or another. But did you know that kissing can also lead to an infectious disease? Mononucleosis, or mono, is the prototypical “kissing disease,” and sexually-transmitted diseases are infamous following some romantic interludes. But did you know that there are many infections that can be spread through mere kissing alone?”-Ingrid Koo PhD (

Need I say more!? Scientists have said that Epstein-Barr virus EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Streptococcus, Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1), Hepatitis B, A, C and some others, all can be spread and shared through kissing. So, there is something called “kissing disease”; no it is not called “kissingitis”  but yes kissing is not as safe as many people think. So what does it mean for us?  Simple! It means we can’t afford to kiss just any body since we don’t know what they carry in their mouth. It means that we have to apply caution, better still lets apply restriction to our kissing activities. So friends, watch where you put your mouth. Watch your mouth.

I have kept this short and simple so you can have enough time to think about what you do with your mouth. Here is a little poem for you. Enjoy!

Love is in the air
Germs are everywhere
Kissers beware
Of infections you can share.