
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Living in BondRage – A sequel to Paradox of Rotten Eggs

There is massive rise in domestic violence and now it has reached a disquieting proportion. A child was tied hands and feet to a pole and tortured for several weeks just because he stole his father’s money. No it was not a lot of money, it was about 20 dollars. Another young girl had very spicy pepper smeared on her genitals because she was seen standing along the streets talking to a boy. It was not as if they were seen doing any obscene thing(s), her offense was that she spent time with a boy and her punishment was to grease her privates with spicy red hot pepper! A mother cut over twenty-five holes on her son’s body as a penalty for lying. A woman who had suspected that her husband was cheating on her tried to get a confession from him and when he denied she beat him to pulp and decapitated his penis. A young preacher was rushing out to church one Sunday morning and his wife asked for some money. He said he didn’t have any money but his offering at that moment and would attend to her when he gets back from church. She couldn’t wait. In the “heat of the moment” she poured a hot pot of freshly cooked red soup on him and kicked him out of the house. He did not sustain much burn, but I think he lost his left eye. A woman I know was beaten by her husband until she passed out. He left her motionless body in the house and went to the pub to drink, when he came back late that night…you would not believe what had happened; she had cleaned the whole house, had a bath, prepared dinner and left a portion for him on the dinning table. When he came back she went to meet him at the door, knelt down and asked for his forgiveness. What happened next? Continue to read till the end.

Domestic violence happens every day and it affects children, men and women.

At the root of every violent act is a bad temper. Where ever you find violence, you can trace it to a bad temper. I do not understand how some people allow themselves to be influenced by what someone called “the spirit of rage”. I know that people have a way of getting on your nerves, but some of us have learnt how not to allow anybody or anything unsettle us to the point of breaking out with violence. Not because we are super-humans but because we have learnt how to control our temper. I looked up the synonym for the word control:
·       Manage
·       Be in charge of
·       Have power over
·       Be in command of.
Everybody has a temper but some have learnt to manage it well. When you lose your temper you are completely out of control which means you are not in charge. It means that something else has taken over your spirit, mind and body. Letting your temper rule, means you are under the influence of a strange power. That is why, in many cases, people do not come to themselves until they have done harm. Have you heard about people who “woke up” after they had stabbed someone several times? Did you read about the woman who stabbed her suckling baby 90 times because he bit her while she was breastfeeding him? Read about it here: . What would you call that? Some would say a demon spirit came upon her or she was depressed or maybe she has a mental problem. Maybe it is all of the above. She lost it. She lost her mind. She lost control. It is absolutely despicable.

It may not be the same proportion of violence, but I believe that the same rage is what makes a mother hit her child on the face. Same spirit makes a man hit a woman. It is same loss of control that makes a woman attack her man. I do not mean to say that children should not be disciplined when they do wrong or that men should not correct their wives when they ere; I mean to say that whatever you do in anger can hardly ever be decent. Almost everything done in anger result in hurt and regrets. So maybe there is a more excellent way to discipline without abusing.

Discipline VS Abuse
I see many people abuse their children and when you ask they say it is discipline. But discipline does not seek to inflict pain. How can you hit a child with your bare hand and say it is discipline? I am a very firm or sometimes very hard leader, but I never at any point hit anyone with my hands. Do you know why? It is because when someone misbehaves and needs to be disciplined I take my time, go get the cane which acts as the rod of correction; then I start by explaining why I need to whip the fellow and how many strokes is good enough for the offense. Sometimes I explain the right place to “plant” the whip. If I was angry, I would have calmed down between the time I go fetch the cane and when I finish the explanation. Not once did I flog anyone in anger, I usually smile. But many people get angry and hit the person right there and then using their bare hands. That is violence. That is abuse.

NB: In the past I whipped children and young people before I learnt a better way. If you use the right strategy, you do not need to lash anyone.

Discipline is done in love and love is never violent. Discipline seeks to correct and if you use the right approach you may not even need to raise your voice. Discipline is intended to help people improve and if it is not done nicely it is misunderstood. But how do you describe a punch on the chest? What do you call a slap on the face? What do you intend to achieve when you kick a woman in the belly or stomp on a man’s “wuhu”? Do you consider that discipline? No! Those are outward expressions of inward rage.

Dilemma of a housewife
As a young leader from a moderately traditional spiritual background, I didn’t know how to counsel victims of abuse. Not that I didn’t know how to encourage the family to embrace dialogue or seek counsel; I did all that. I prayed for/with them, did what I could to keep the family together but somehow I still couldn’t give a clear cut counsel. I couldn’t see a reason why any couple should separate until a friend of mine almost got killed. Her story is so heart rending that as I write I feel shivers all over me. I wonder why anyone would be that mean to someone he claims to love or loved at some point in his life.

They met in the university and were both involved in their school fellowship. I guess their interactions in the things of God got them closer and he proposed marriage to her. During their courtship she saw a few signs that gave her clues of his character issues and violent temper, but she probably didn’t think it was that serious. A few years later, she got married to the love of her life and that was how her life took a “Wrong Turn at Tahoe”  

The man she married turned out to be what I’ll describe as an aggressive and heartless bully who cheats on her with anything in skirt. Maybe it would have been nicer to say he cheats with anyone that comes his way, but I realize that his cheating instincts and choices are so poor that when you see who, indeed what he cheats with, in comparison with his wife, you can’t but wonder how contemptible he must be. To add to his cheating antics he violates the woman with abandon. Several times he beats her up and while she is busy nursing her wounds he goes further to rape her. I never believed that a married woman could be raped by her husband, but can someone tell me, how can you explain this? If a woman is beaten, battered and bruised and yet the same person goes on to have sex with her, what would you call that?

This is not just a story from a movie or some tale told by a wounded woman, they are true and certifiable encounters. Relatives, church members and their family doctor can substantiate that the woman was terribly abused. In one case he beat her till she had a miscarriage. And he didn’t bother to take her to the hospital. On another occasion he kept hitting the woman until a relative in the house intervened and knocked him out to save the day. Observers were wondering why a man who could not provide for his family (for whatever reason) is this iniquitous. The troubling part of this saga is that this cheating bully of a husband was also a pastor. His immoral behavior got him expelled from the church and as the manner of many proud men is, he egoistically started his own business (he calls it a church). Even at that, his wicked and atrocious behavior towards his wife did not change. It went from bad to worse. He kept abusing and cheating on her. The abuse was all inclusive, spanning across verbal, emotional and physical boundaries and even included frequent threats to kill her.

Is it worth it?
This woman remained in that marriage for many years and each time she asked for help people told her “trust God”.  She prayed, fasted and spoke to his friends to help him with his temper, but nothing changed. The police couldn’t do anything, they were probably his friends. The church could not help, they could only pray. Pastors disassociated themselves from the matter and only encouraged her to keep holding on. And she lived with that for many years until she couldn’t take it anymore. I’m not too sure we need to know how it ended.

So what makes people stay in a relationship that threatens to take their life?

1)   Love: Some say their love is so strong that no affliction can separate them
2)   Fear of  a) being alone b) being hurt by the abuser c) fear of  people’s opinion d) fear of rejection
3)   Religious belief
4)   Cultural belief

I am not very sure why people choose to stay in abusive relationships. The above list is not exhaustive and not necessarily connected to cases mentioned here. They are some of the reasons why some people remain in a bad relationship/marriage.  I do not want to delve into matters of faith and personal conviction; let everyone hold on to what they believe. But if you are involved in an abusive relationship you should ask yourself these questions:  I) is the relationship worth fighting for? II) Is your life in danger? 

After many years of standing between the lines and not taking any clear cut stand, I have seen people maimed and even some killed.  Now I have taken a stand and here is my suggestion:

1)   If you are experiencing abuse, seek counsel immediately
2)   If you have gone for series of counseling and the abuse continues, move to a safe place as dialogue and negotiations continue
3)    If all attempts to keep you safe from violence fail, stay away from your tormentor, you may not live to tell your story.
4)   If you need help before or after you leave an abusive relationship, there are several organizations out there to assist you through the process. If you are not sure of what organization to contact, send an email to or with your name and location and we will arrange help for you.

Do you remember the story of the abused woman in the first paragraph of this article? You are not going to believe what happened the next morning.


  1. WOW! Thank you Pastor Gogo for ministering to the needs of God's people. God bless you!

  2. This is very wicked, why are some men like that? Thank you sir fo helping on this matter. Our God will reward you. But wait o, you didn't finish the other story. Please sir, we are

    1. Yeah, very wicked. Nobody should be subjected to such affliction.

      Thank you for your prayers.

      The story? Keep reading! haha!

  3. Thank you sir. Keep the good work, we are praying for you. it is not easy to speak up against the things others are afraid to say. God will continue to help you.

    I think no woman or man should remain in any abusive relationship. We always see the signs but still foolishly go in. Hope the younger women are reading and learning to look for signs. When a man you are dating slaps you, end it right there and then because he will do it again and again. Simple. And if you are married to him and he hits you once, run before he kills you

    I sorry for the women who have been abused. may God help them. amen.

  4. And please sir, tell us the end of the other story please. I hope nothing bad happened to her

    1. Yes Topsy, you are right. People see the warning signs and for some reason choose to either ignore or assume things will get better. I hope those who are yet to go in, learn from other people's experiences.

      As for the story, I will update y'all.


  5. HmMm! Such a pathetic tale. Was a victim n Goid delivered me. I tool d necessary steps I need to save my life before my baby culd be motherless. Tnks for d words of comfort u r bringin us all. God bless.

    1. So glad you were delivered. Now stay delivered. Don't forget, always be safe.


  6. Things are not always as they look. If this woman was actually treated this way, she should leave for her own safety. Some women look for excuse to leave their marriage so when they have a little fight they cry abuse. If you and your husband fight like two times in many years and you beat each other is that abuse? If your husband beat you by mistake should you leave? I am against abuse, but no marriage is perfect and women should know that and be patient to build their home

    1. Mr Adewunmi, I am a man like yourself. I will never beat a women no matter what she does. It is evil. Only a weak man will touch a woman. Even if she beat you, you should never beat her they are weaker vessels. The way you are talking I hope you don't beat your wife at home. I advice any woman, if he beat you please leave him. I won't tolerate that on my daughters. Bad thng is bad thing.

    2. Mr Adewunmi, who are you to determine when a woman who's being beaten should leave or stay? how can you be the one to determine what another person can allow or disallow. I really pity those who listen to and take counsel from you. If he can do it twice he can do it again and again, she's even lucky she didn't die one of the first two times he beat her.

      Who beats another person by mistake? If it was a mistake why did it happen twice? why didn't he stop and beg for forgiveness after the time or after first punch? You need reorientation and like Ik said i hope you don't throw punches at your wife by mistake

    3. This Adewunmi sure sounds like the type who will encourage the abused to hang in there to avoid the "stigma" of not being in a marriage. Then he stays in the sidelines and waits for the obituary announcement of the abused. Thereafter, he helps the abuser to carry the propaganda of "...the dead spouse must have been a very bad person, that is why she was always being abused; maybe her death was even God's way of freeing the abuser from bondage...".
      Believe me, I have heard such trash before and it sure came from Adewunmi's types! Mtchewwwwww

    4. Thank you pastor for speaking up against this wickedness even in the church. Many people will not like you, but we like you. Thank you Ik for being a real man too. Mr Ade, God is watching you, one day you will meet your match.

      Let all the real men stand up and support this man who is standing for what"s right.
      Let all women stand tall and walk talk.
      I don't know how to use my name


    5. My dear Adewunmi, I understand your stance. I think people have given you some good responses but I should add my voice to theirs.

      Couples fight. It is not abuse if no one is hurt. If both are hurt, erm, not sure what to call that. I don't see how anyone can mistakenly hit someone. Like the article points out, people who do not know how to manage their temper are the ones who make such "mistakes". The problem is that such mistakes can land you in jail, depending on your location. The real issue is that many have been abused and there is no one to defend and help them. Are you saying they should be quiet and not cry out?

      But again, I agree that no marriage is perfect and people should learn to patiently build. But if while building, someone's life is in danger, I encourage such person to cry for help.

  7. God bless your soul, Mr. Ik. I am perplexed at Adewunmi 's response! You truly sound like an abusive person! How can you talk about a mistake in beating your spouse? A full grown man will beat his wife once or twice and you call it a mistake? Pls can you explain the premise on which you categorize some as mistakes and what you then call abuse? I sincerely pray you are not a pastor, cause it's people like you that aid abusers in this evil act.

  8. Please Coach what happened to the abused woman and her abuser in the story? Don't tell me she poisoned the man.

  9. I am loving this blog. These are issues that we have to deal with daily. Violence and abuse have become the order of the day in many relationships especially in marriages but I'm not surprised. People are so desparate to tie the knot because the society has placed a certain age limit for a girl to marry, hence they ignore any signs of abuse they see while dating. They prefer to live in denial, claiming the man will change after they get married but I'm always a believer of the fact that ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE A PERSON! I have friends who while they were dating used to complain to me about their partners, when i try to tell them to pack up the relationship, they feel im too blunt and they get offended but after marriage it gets worse and they come back weeping. We need to say NO to violence and abuse. If you love someone as much as you love yourself just as Christ commands us to love, you wont hit, hurt or abuse the person.Coach, you are a blessing to this generation. Thanks for shedding light on this issues and helping people heal. God bless you sir.

    1. Omalycha, you raised a very important issue by your comment. So many single girls do not like to hear the words "be patient". They just feel they need to be married as soon as possible. Some of them do not really know what love is, all they know is that they want a man. They claim that age is not on their side and bla bla. But like i said in one of my articles, before they marry they claim to be getting too old and need a man fast, after they marry many of them claim to be too young to live in misery. Read about it here: Bottom line is: there is time for every purpose on earth, everyone has his time. Ladies should not let anyone put them under undue pressure to marry. marriage is not just an event or another achievement. A lady might be better single than marry a monster. Billy Sunday says it right "Better die an old maid, sister, than marry the wrong man"; if you marry the wrong man, your misery just began.

      Thanks for the complements, I appreciate all of it.

  10. @ify.. may God bless you! Infact, the man has soo vexed me today oh! I don't get him at all. You put it all together so aptly! It's his type that wait for the obituary and would like to 'pastor ' such events to tell the world that they should beware less they pay with their blood for not being submissive to their husbands. Nonsense. I shudder oh!

  11. I have been happy since teaching peole how to live welllast week when I saw this blog exposing bad character and teaching people how to become better. I don't know you sir, but I see good comments about you. Well done. God will bless you with all your desire. Help will never be far from you. As you help others God will help you.

    1. Thank you very for the prayers and compliments. The Lord continue to bless you. Amen!

  12. I suggest all you attacking me read very well what i said. I do not agree that anyone should be beaten. but have you not heard about a woman beating a man? even the author mentioned a woman who decapitated her husbands penis. nobody is talking about that one. I do not agree that any woman should be abused. But if two of them had a fight and both punch each other, is that abuse of the woman?

    1. Dear Mr. Adewunmi, with reference to your initial comments and your response herewith, I would like to draw your attention to your statement that some women look for an excuse to leave their marriage and cry abuse just because of a 'small fight', and that couples that fight and punch each other should not be called 'abused'. Now, I have been married for 10 years, and yes couples have misunderstandings. But when a marriage degenerates into 'fighting 'and throwing punches, then the bedrock of that marriage is already mightily cracked. Just one earthquake is enough to cause a ruin of a lifetime. So the lesson here should be like JC had said, have a rule over your spirit. One can never determine for another the level of tolerance he or she should have over physical, emotional or psychological torture. Some people can mop in all the physical fights but never the emotional abuse. By the way, someone always starts a fight. Someone throw that first punch! You seem to be saying that as long as the woman reacted to her receipt of a punch or beating, she has no right to cry abuse, right? Ok, so if it's not abuse..then it's domestic violence, ain't? Is that acceptable from your own pulpit? Should a man or a woman continue to experience "just these little fights" with no attempt at dealing with the root causes that leads to the "little fights" in the first place? Tiny drops of water, they say can end up drowning a nation. Let us not seat with our feet on our 'footstool' and judge a person who has walked away from what he or she has decided they can't stick with anymore.I for one do not imagine that any man will lift a hand on me for whatever reason and go scout free! If the man seeks a sparring partner, he can go find one in the gym,not my body! I am too valuable to God and a person of worth to allow anybody place less value on me. Call it what you may, but I won't be counted amongst those who were 'mistakenly ' killed in Jesus' name. Once, might be too many, Mr.Adewunmi. May your sons or daughters not be mistakenly castrated, maimed or killed in Jesus' name. May a man or woman not hit your child 'just once or twice in many years and he or she drops dead mistakenly in Jesus name. May your eyes of understanding be enlightened that you may understand that your purpose in life not to judge another from your own biased premise, but to teach the truth of God's word that says husbands, love thine wives, as Christ loved the church. Love does not hit! Wives submit to a man that loves. Even if the woman is a flowing tap! Love conquers all things. A man is a man when he leads his home aright. When he can look beyond his wife's 'evil' (using extremes) and love her to submission. How does a man lead without a rule over his spirit? Pray tell me, Mr. Adewunmi. Pray tell me.

  13. Thank you once again sir.

    Maybe Adewunmi is trying to say something sensible, but sometimes when people are illiterate they do not communicate very well. You people should not be hard on him.

    If two people fight it is fight and not abuse. I think abuse is when one person oppresses the other person. Every family have such fights, but to beat someone until she has miscarriage, my dear, that is demonic. To decapitate a man's penis, that is evil. To stab a baby 90 times, that woman is insane. I do not beat my wife, but I cannot say we have not fought before. But when i realised I was getting angry and will wound her, i left the house before I kill somebody. So sometimes women should not tempt men. You know you cannot fight and your mouth keeps running like tap.
    But a strong man will never beat his wife. I was a weak man when i fought her, now if she offends me I leave the house until she looks for me. I hope that explains Adewunmi's point?

    My brother, you see you have raised a very important issue here. Keep the good work. We are enjoying you.


  14. Id wanted to pass a comment since morning but decided to read through the message once again. Abuse can never pass for a normal situation as in having a misunderstanding with a partner or even at worst a fight. Abuse has an evil intent to inflict extreme pain on someone to a high level( I mean to intolerable levels that far outweighs his/ her mistake or wrongs)by the abuser.
    Such pains may not even b physical. What if it is psychological? A man dominating and ostracizing his wife? A man stripping his wife of self worth and financial empowerment so her could control her due to his inferiority complex?
    These are reasons y I do not agree with Mr Ade's point of view
    Abuse can never b normal or swept aside as tit for tat
    It is highly destructive and life threatening. No human being should endure abuse of any kind. But though men go through abuses too but my God women are most susceptible. Ha! I have seen and heard and my ears are full.

    1. Yemisi you are correct. Abuse is beyond physical torture. It includes all forms of intimidation, manipulation and I know many people, male and female, who are abused without any form of physical contact. No abuse is acceptable. Let's spread the message #stoptheabuse.

      Mo ti gbo oh, the end of the story will be told.

  15. Well done coach. Pls complete your story. We are all learning from it.

  16. I,m in a bad marriage where I cannot even see any body but my husband.he has cut me off from the world and I'm dying slowly. I don't even know how to leave. How will I survive? I finished Uni two years ago and he won't let me work because he says men keep toasting me. I'm almost depressed now. Eating and adding weight. I look like an old woman but I'm 34. I'm afraid for my life. I want to run away but I do not have any money. No friends. No life. Am really living in bodage. He says he loves me, but I a dying slowly.

    1. My dear anonymous, I can feel your pain and anguish but believe me there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Right now you a low on self worth and self esteem and it seems there is no way but may I burst your pity pally bubble and say to u firmly that u can turn your life around.
      Accept that u are loveable. Know that you are beautifully and wonderfully crafted by God. You are so sought after that one selfish person wants to dominate rather than share you with good people so you can blossom!.
      You've got to begin to love everything about yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and assess yourself. Any damaged parts can b repaired and restored. Honestly even a brown set of teeth can b made to dazzle(hmmm I just knew this recently when my teeth needed a touch). My sister knowledge is King.
      Work on yourself girl! Think of how to make good money the right way. Sell something,make something. No matter how small so it doesn't upset the house. Its better to get financially psychologically and spiritually strong before u rock the boat big time.
      Begin to socialise. Start from church. Find something to do. Be useful it has a way of improving your self worth. Join the ushering department(lol). This will encourage you to work on your looks.
      Lose weight. Fat is not ugly but in most cases it not healthy. Incidentally am also very fat. But recently LOVE showed me that to live long to enjoy such love I've got lose weight. This encouraged me and am shedding weight not out of regret or pity but love showed me y.
      Love works a miracle in a healing process. Jesus loves u so much He made u like non other. Intact I am loving u already,so u are a loveable person pls don't let that brute make u feel u have nothing to offer an that u are a loser. Let the healing process begin. Think about all I've said and study more. Knowledge is POWER.
      Do all these without being confrontational. When God lifts u up and u are well then u can make the right decision.
      Pls stay strong cos nobody can defeat u if u don't allow it.

    2. Have you gone for counseling? Does your family know about your condition? Do you two attend any church/mosque/synagogue/temple? Do you have any community association that you two belong to? If you are involved in any of the above, find a way to talk to any of the leaders. You cannot have such qualification and not use it. I do not know why anyone would not want you to work or make any income. You deserve better so seek help. If you cannot get help, send us an email with your info and location.

      In the mean time don't let yourself down. Don't let any one make you mistreat yourself. Take care of yourself. Believe in yourself. Do what you can to improve on yourself before help comes.

      Be strong!

  17. This woman story sound like me. But my own is worse because my family says I must not leave him. So I have no help. How do I do it? I don't want to leave my kids for him, but I want to leave for my life sake. Any help?

    1. If your life is in danger, contact the local authorities. If it doesn't work then send us an email.

  18. Is marriage worth dying for? My answer is no. If you have disagreements over leaving the toilet seat up or down, watching football or style network, money or even over the children, those can be worked out. Beating a spouse is not a disagreement, it is a manifestation of the utter lack of respect for a spouse. In essence, love does not live there anymore, if it ever did. The 1st day a spouse is beaten, is the best day to find alternative accommodation. If the offending spouse is remorseful, they need sufficient time to think over their action and decide if they still want the other party. Being under the same roof doesn't help anything.

    That's where this society fails abysmally. Everyone is so eager to encourage you to marry. But God forbid, if issues come up in the marriage, then they will start postulating, it is well, you have to endure etc. In other environments, when you report abuse, a restraining order will be slammed on the abusive spouse and if they flout it, they go and eat beans for a while.

    when we see men display crazy tendencies in any area let us not preclude them from doing more harm. Once a human being is bad I dont trust him in any area of life because pushed to the wall he can do and undo and then do again.

  19. I do believe that with the fear of God no normal person will abuse his spouse. But my question is how will we mere mortals determine the truth when only the two people were witnessed fight and they were the ones involved in it and both of them tell different stories. The man said the woman wounded him and there was proof and the woman said the man wounded her and there was also proof. both of them are injured. And that only happened once. And because the woman is the one who has more money she send the man out of the house and goes into another relationship. How are we sure she didnt send the man out to get into another relationship? It looks like giving a dog a bad name to kill it.

    1. What is another mere mortal's business trying to judge the matter? who made you judge or ruler over the two people? why not leave them for God to judge and mind your business. It is people like you seeking to judge and rule over other people that complicate people's marriages and lives. Mr anonymous the bottom line is MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!

    2. The way your story sounds I feel like the man involved is what my people call "woman wrapper" To fight a woman is a weakness, then for the woman to beat him means he is very lazy, then they pushed him out of the house means he is not the one who owns the house.How can he be bold to fight the person who owns the house? Good for him that they threw him out. In his next life he should learn how own his own house so if his wife get angry she can leave. Like they say, mind your business. You are not God to judge.

    3. Yeye man! They beat you and kick you out, what else do you want to say? If he was a good man the woman will let him run the house with her money. But he is poor and wnt to fight the person feeding him. Good luck to him and you the advocate.

    4. God bless you Topsy, you have answered him appropriately imagine this man? Raise your hand to punch the woman who pays your bills and feeds you!

    5. if she has more money and send him out of the house, it suggests she is the one who rented the house. if she kicked him out it suggests he did not know how to continue to hold the affection of his wife. Marriage is a choice, and each party has a right to call it quits. for the fight to result in wound on both sides, a lot has gone wrong. Stop crying over spilt milk and leave the matter; if she is in another relationship leave her and you get on with your life if you can. Will you force her with ball and chain? Or are you totally guiltless as you try to portray yourself? My friend, stop trying to justify yourself, its that attitude that killed your marriage. When you should have stepped up and accepted responsibility you were playing smart, playing the blame game, trying to whip up sympathy that because you dont have money, bla bla bla. na only you?

      There are so many marriages still alive and well today, even when the wife has more resources at a time in the marriage. if insecurity, laziness and manipulation are not given a place, the man finds his feet and takes his place as head of the home. but when he is not up and doing, and seeks to enslave the wife and her resources, it leads to disaster. i know, because i saw it first hand growing up between my parents. I also saw it when in my career i had to change jobs, and for a time my wife carried us as a family. i loved her to submission! Today i can buy her anything her soul desires, and spoil her with whatever makes her smile. So i have no sympathy for men who cry that wife has money and is lording it over him; you be a man and provide for your family, or love your wife to submission! Shikena!

    6. Let me attempt to address the issues you raised here:
      1) Maybe mere mortals should not adjudicate on matters beyond them. Since nobody else witnessed the fight you are referring to, let us hope the injuries they sustained is not life threatening and let's also hope it doesn't happen again.
      2) If you are the one involved in this matter, seek good counsel as soon as possible. If you are the counselor handling the case, see that you educate the couple with a none prejudiced stance.
      3) Hardly are there families where both husband and wife are equally financially endowed. If unfortunately the man is the less "privileged" one, then he must not be lacking in leadership skills. No, he cant be that unfortunate to lack both unless he is mentally backwards. If you have no money, you must be rich in ideas, leadership and your love must conquer your wife to the point of submitting everything to your leadership (as someone has already suggested). But honestly, many men would not let their ego go so they tend to fight the one who was sent to help them. That's why every man should do everything legally possible to be a strong leader, able provider and competent protector to his family. And BTW, if he had IDEAS he wouldn't be that poor would he!?
      4) Abuse is not the only reason why people leave their marriages. If, as you said, the woman kicked him out after their first fight, then there must be other issues they may have been battling with. When things fall apart and the center cannot hold, every little thing (including a minor misunderstanding) can break the marriage. So rather than suggest that it was a "little" fight which hurt the two of them that led to the breakdown, maybe we should should take a closer look and see if there had been unresolved issues before the fight.

    7. How come this Mr anonymous sounds like my former pastor. I remember going to him many years ago weeping asking for his help in my marriage. I had a husband that was very laid back, he had no drive, and got very easily discouraged. He had no job and had failed in several endeavour which I had tried to set up for him. He became comfortable with sitting back while I went to work and paid ALL the bill; rent, feeding, school fees for the kids etc. I even had to maintain and fuel the cars i bought which he drove and had exclusive use of. His attitude to work and life made me quite unhappy. Not that he even loved me or paid any attention to me, things went really bad. We could be in the house and not on talking terms or have sex for several months, and both of us were perfectly fine with it.

      I remember one day i was at a friend's house and he came in there to use the Internet. When he came in we didn't as much as exchange greetings because we were not on talking terms at the time. I was talking with my friend and weeping cos I had received a piece of bad news earlier that day and needed someone to talk to so i don't burst. As I wept my friend held me and wept with me, she rocked me like her baby and started to pray over me. My so called husband sat there browsing on the laptop i bought him and didn't as much as spare a glance in my direction. When I had had my fill of tears and comfort from my friend i decided to go home, as I couldn't bear to be in the same room as my husband. After i left he didn't ask my friend why we were crying and he never asked me too after he got home. It was that day i realised I had no husband and I decided to live my life exactly that way.

      Back to my pastor, at the time I went to him he was very sympathetic and promised to get close to my husband so he could influence him. He offered him a job and was paying him N10, 000.00 (ten thousand naira) which I learnt wasn't even regular because there were several other expenses. As they worked together they got quite close and I got very distant from this pastor. I started to see the result of this"influence" cos my marriage went from bad to worse. I became the bad woman and he the victim.

      Long story short, things deteriorated we had a bad fight and I was in hospital for 2 days and we became separated. I left the church as i became their topic of discuss officially and unofficially. He didn't ask me what happened, didn't come to my house, didn't visit me in hospital, he sent some people though (the case wasn't serious enough to warrant a visit from him) meanwhile husband and I were leaders in his church. When I started to tell people that he didn't bother to ask my side of the events that led to the fight he then called for a meeting. He apologised at that meeting and begged for peace, i agreed to peace but for me the marriage had died and I had to look for a burial that could be decent.

      Of course he wasn't happy that I wouldn't go back to a bad marriage. This was like the third physical fight but we had had series of serious issues that spanned over 10 years of the marriage. Then the stories and accusations against my person started, the pastor said i became proud and left my marriage because I had money. Just what Mr anonymous is saying here. People should stay away from bad influence, biased leadership and if you must ask for help ask from those who have genuine interest in your cause. I'll stop here.

      Madam O

    8. Madam O, this is too serious to be coincidence. Actually when I saw the story of two couples fighting and both injured i thought it was my friend. I sent the link to her and was expecting her to comment. Im surprised to see that somebody else has exactly the same case. My sister, abeg dont come here and talk about your personal matter like that, maybe it is not you they are talking about. it is your private life and people dont really care like you think.The pastor has done what he did and your marriage is over. Forgive the pastor and move on. life goes on. it looks like you are still struggling with your past, maybe coach Jasper can give ideas on how to heal. For me, my eyes has seen pepper in the past, but now im enjoying my life. God help us.

    9. Take it easy madam, some people dont have sense don't join them in their madness. That adewunmi guy is not very well. he does not represent us men. He has some secret motive which will be revealed one day.

      Pastor JC no response about the committed to purpose?

    10. Topsy, I didn't say it was me, could be coincidence like you said. Maybe I don't have a problem sharing my private matter openly for 2 reasons; somebody else may learn a thing or two and this can provide a platform for me to be heard.

      Madam O

    11. Women! Same thing they do on Facebook, take their private matter public. Take it easy, it is not personal

    12. Oya, go and write a blog and confess what your pastor did to your marriage. Mtchewwwww!

    13. Every experience can teach someone something. But if people tell us how bad a church or pastor is, what do they want us to do? Leave church and become pagans? I don't understand. People should know that in every profession there are fakes. The devil fakes to be God. Fake lawyers. Fake police, fake doctors,fake teachers. If you are not wise you will deal with one or two before you get wise. But as a child of God the spirit of the Lord should lead us to the right people. When your emotion leads you you meet the wrong people. Then you learn from it. Grow from it. Move on and find the right people. Not that it is easy, but God is there to help us and we have some good people like this coach who are there to help. If you need personal advice talk to wise people, they will tell you the truth. Let us not keep disgracing the name of God everywhere.

      Thank you.

    14. Thanks everyone for your comments.

      The Book "committed to purpose" is sold out. But we are making arrangements to print the revised edition. I will notify you when it is ready.


    15. Friends give Madam O a break. There is freedom of speech here and this forum is to help those who are going through stuff to find expression.

    16. Maybe women get some comfort when they express themselves on any platform where they find opportunity. Better than to bottle it all and die. It's her story and she chose to share it. If you like become a pagan because 1 pastor out of many misbehaved. Why will you all attack a person who's hurting. Is it your blog? Learn to respect people's feelings and stop being insulting.

  20. Why does this Mr. Anonymous sound exactly like Mr. Adewunmi??! Are you afraid of being identified as speaking aimlessly? Anyway, for the benefit of doubt, let me assume you are just a bird of the same feather for now. Now back to this your hilarious story, how on earth will you think that any woman with more money and in her right mind will allow a lazy man, who like Topsy rightly said has NO Business in the formation of the home/ house allow a man hit her and she won't react or hit back?! You must be evil to even think that she should allow it in the first place! How dare such a man raise his hands on her in the first place? For the woman to be able to kick him out in the first place tells the world what manner of person he is. A liability! Even men don't want wives as liability, talk more of a woman who was designed by God to be well taken care of by her man. You have failed in every wise if you support such a man, dear Mr. Anonymous. For you to have heard this story, means it was brought before you to intervene. Your comments here, show the level of maturity in which you must have handled the matter. You never told the man in question the truth. If that marriage is failed today, God will hold you accountable for deception ! Cos you failed to speak the truth to a failing man. And if it wasn't brought to you, then like people have said here. Please mind your business as a mere mortal that you are cos your statements goes a long way to show you have no depth to handle matters so sensitive as this. The truth is that you might even be a 'very big man of God' with people coming to you for advise, and you think that is the basis on which your success lies. But you lie, God will judge us based on the abundance of our hearts. God is looking at you, you might have just ruined a marriage, Mt. Counselor.

    1. What is think is that when a woman has more money some men cannot take it. Like coach said, if the man can love her, she will not have any problem submitting. although bible did not say we should submit conditionally, but we are all human. Which woman want to submit to a man who doesnt love her? which man want to love a woman who does not submit? Wahala. Somebody has to bend o. or the marriage wont work. As for me, if there is love, I will not hold back my money from him. Infact I will borrow money to take care of him if he loves me and i love him.

  21. And so what if she gets into a 'better' relationship? Mr. Anonymous? What if 'we' are sure that is the reason for the fight and kick out? Who made you a judge over the intentions of another person attempt at bettering his or her life? Yours is to counsel aright, not arm twist, bully or manipulate people to obey your own wishes. Since you are a mere mortal and nor God like you have rightly said yourself, stop trying to help God or act like God! If you are a believer, you will know that certainly God doesn't need your help! The hearts of kings lies in the hands of God, and like brooks of waters, He directs it whichever way pleases Him. So please like people have said, please mind your own home and beware of giving wrong counsel oh.

    1. Anybody can move on. Whose business is it? Some people just like to judge other people's matter. If the woman says she want's to leave after one beating, nobody should stop her. It is her life

  22. Mr Adewunmi/mr Anonymous/whatever you are,
    Can you tell this honourable "court" who you are, your role in the matter and why you choose to keep going on and on about this particular case. If you cannot, then please get a life and start living.

    1. Mr Adewunmi is playing hide and seek. Maybe he has a motive. Abi he beat his wife and she ran? lol. On a more serious note, some people should stop taking things personal. This is a forum to express one's view not to attack people.


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