
Monday, September 23, 2013

Update or Upgrade?

In the last few weeks, I have spent time dealing with issues of Domestic abuse and the likes; honestly, I didn’t know how bad people were hurting until I wrote on that subject. I got several inboxes and emails highlighting some very sad experiences.  I have learnt that people are going through stuff and, yes, we will continue the campaign and help those who need it. But today, I thought to take a break and address some other “less pressing” matters.

Modified Lifestyle
One thing I like about our modern lifestyle is that we have access to lots of goodies. Internet access, faster computers, smarter phones, brilliant machines, more interesting fashion, and “faster” foods are just a few of the things we enjoy in this contemporary age. We have all sorts of social media and Apps that some claim seem to have helped communications, like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Viber, Tango, Skype, Hangouts, Instagram, YouTube and many more. It may not be all good, but I, for one, have benefited from lots of them. For instance, I can skype with friends and family from anywhere in the world. Amazing!

Although we may have improved means of communication, I am not too sure if it has improved communication. What I see sometimes are confused people who misinform us about their real life or those who wash their dirty underclothes in public. Maybe it has made life better, but again, maybe it has made things more complicated.

I do not think many people understand exactly the purpose of social media; or is it me? Maybe I’m taking it too seriously, but honestly, some people’s status updates worry me. Some people do not know that by their tweets or updates, we can clearly see their confusion or even their retrogression. Some are funny but stupid still. For instance, a young girl gets married and a few days later she smiles at the camera, takes a picture, posts it on Facebook and writes “marriage is good, join me friends”. She takes another one and writes “Me and my hubby, enjoyment galore”. Some of her bold single friends would reply, “Congrats!” One word! Her updates for the next few weeks look like this: 2nd week “My husband is the best man in the world”. “Thank God for my marriage” 3rd week “God is good to me and my husband”. 4th week  “If not for God, where would I be”  Let’s fast-forward to 6 months later “I trust in God and not man” “The arm of flesh will fail you” By the 8th month we know what is happening as she writes “What kind of life is this?” “Sad”. “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”. And finally she spills “must everyone marry?”

I hear that some girls don’t pray over their food anymore, they just put their phones over their food, take a picture of it and put on Facebook/twitter/BB and say “my lunch for today”. I have nothing about anybody’s update or pictures, but who post pictures that do not show progress?  Why would you put a picture of yourself showing unclean under arm or rumpled clothes? Why should your recent picture be worse than the one you posted last year? Many times we can “read” people’s mood swing by their tweet and status updates and I wonder “do they have a clue what impression they portray?” Today they speak well and sound excited but the next day they sound frustrated and needy. We saw your picture last year, your recent picture does not show improvement; you had a few “love handles’ last year, but now it’s much more. Last year you looked like you had some money but now you look broke. Maybe it is nobody’s business what you say on your Twitter or Facebook pages, but do you really think it makes sense to talk down your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend in public? Who does that? Who takes family matter to the public?

I believe that what we need to see is more of how you have improved in life rather than some of those things we see. Maybe what people need to see on your update is how you have upgraded yourself. How about a picture of you showing how hard work pays off? What about something that shows you look better than you used to be? It will be nice to see you graduating from college or earning a university degree, post-graduate degree or probably a PhD. Smart people use social media to promote their business, faith, or just talk about politics or social activities. I do not think it is sensible to show the world your indiscretions; if you do not have anything to say or show the world, understand that sometimes silence is golden. It is better for you to be silent and people think you are smart, than to say something and prove them wrong. And don’t be fooled, many people who like, comment or retweet your posts laugh at you secretly. You do not see most of them when they comment anyway!! If only you can see the “heart of men”, you will be wise about what you post to the public. If you must say anything, let it give a good impression of you. If you must post any picture, let it show your progress. #justmythoughts


  1. Very good point her doc. Thanks for the lessons

  2. I kept on laughing as i read this. Thank you coach. Sometimes the statuses we read can be so disappointing. some people use it to pose to others and meanwhile their life is not getting better. Good lessons.

  3. Another good one. Well done Jasper

  4. In other words, "put your best foot forward". Some times we don't pay attention to detail, we should pause and look again we just might see another message that seemingly innocent post or picture is sending out to the world.

    1. Yes o. Even sometimes people contradict themselves on facebook. Today they say God is good, tomorrow they say life is not Today they are preaching another day they are insulting somebody.Some people with plenty spelling errors too. God help us

  5. How do I comment with my email? Any help

    1. Click profile, and choose "open ID", then put your full email address.When you finish writing your comment, click publish. It will direct you to your email and you put in your email password. Then follow the remaining instructions.

  6. Thanks for the wisdom, you know it is bad when a church writes a song and post on youtube, "Keep Your Business Off Of Facebook". The video has received over 300,000 views. Here is the link in case you are curious.


Comments are welcome. Thanks!