
Monday, September 30, 2013

The worst that can happen

A few weeks ago my parents went for their first major vacation. When they sent me pictures, I was amazed at what I saw. Clenched in my mother’s hand, was a copy of a book I wrote over ten (10) years ago. I called her to ask why she chose to travel with that book and not any of the recent ones, she answered “this book changed my life; it helped me understand why I am alive. I love it so much”.  When I heard those words my eyes glowed with light, my face beamed with joy and my spirit was ignited with life. For my mother to be so blessed by my book that she carries it about is a thing of beauty. The saying is that “a prophet has no honor in his hometown”; it might as well be different for me.

The effect of the book “Committed to Purpose” on my mum coupled with several other demands for it has propelled me to begin a revised version which will soon be released. And as a way of helping those who are struggling with understanding why they are here, I have decided to share some parts of it in this blog. I hope it blesses and helps you attain greatness.

The worst that can happen
Recently someone asked me a question. He asked what I think is the worst thing that can happen to a person. Before I could give him my answer, he went on to tell me a sad story of a young man whom he felt had an experience he considered the worst thing that can happen to anyone. The young man in his story was an orphan. He had a younger brother who was four (4) years old when both parents died. Before his mother’s death, she made the older one promise to help the younger one go to the University and become a great man. The older son made that vow to his dying mother and all through his life, did all he could to train up his brother. He had an opportunity to go to school, but he did not, because there was no one else to take care of his brother. Instead, he did all sorts of menial and ignoble jobs also did all sort of businesses, to pay his brother’s school fees. When it was time for him to get married, he did not marry because he wanted to fulfill his mother’s wish.

After many years of trouble, trials and toils, the young man in question was ready to graduate from one of the best universities in their country. He gathered all his friends and extended family and they all prepared to attend the long awaited graduation, which will indeed mark a new season for the family. On the day of the graduation, they got to the school to hear that the worst had happened the night before. The young graduate was stabbed to death by cultists. It was a sad end to a story I thought should have had a happy conclusion.

As the story concluded, he burst into tears. He wept so hard and asked “what can be worse than this?” Cold chills ran down my spine and I almost wept when he told me he was the one who had that experience. I sympathized with him and encouraged him to move on with life. The next day, he came to my office and as we continued our conversation, I told him what I believe is the worst thing that can happen to anyone

I believe that the worst thing that can happen to a person is to be alive and not know why. For someone to be alive and not know his/her purpose is a terrible life to live. It is not the death of an only son, nor is it loss of wealth, fame or life for that matter. If you are alive and do not know your purpose, you are probably better off dead. Lack of knowledge of purpose is the leading cause of frustration, abuse, depression and indeed so many spiritual, psychological and physical illnesses.

Someone once said that the worst thing that can happen to a person is to go to hell fire. May be I should not say he is wrong, I will rather say that lack of understanding of purpose will make people go to hell. People, who do not understand what Jesus came for, will find themselves in hell fire. People who do not understand that man was made in the image and likeness of God, so that we can worship and serve him through Jesus Christ, and that one day we shall be with him to part no more; those who lack this understanding are the ones who will live in hell fire forever.

When you identify your purpose, you smile through life while others frown through it. Not because you have all things working for you, but because you know your purpose, you will not move with the crowd or run up and down looking for the so called “greener pastures”. Those who know their purpose also know that only your shepherd (God) can lead you to greener pastures (cf. Psalm 23: 2). In addition, they understand that not all ‘green pastures’ is their ‘green pasture’. They know that God orders the steps of a good man (cf. Psalm 37: 23). They also know that “…as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14 KJV).

Life is full of storms; in fact, it looks like another word for life is ‘storms’.  If you have not experienced any yet, then get ready, they will come. Young or old, male or female, everyone born of a woman, irrespective of your race, tribe or tongue, if your blood is red, you must face storms. You do not have to like or enjoy it, you may not expect it; one thing in life is certain-you will have challenges. However, only people who understand purpose, make it through the storms of life. They know that they are going somewhere (even though sometimes they do not know exactly where) and they know that storms come to make them strong. They know that there are seasons and times and that there is time for everything under the heaven; so even though they go through the valley of the shadow of death, they understand that it is temporal. They have understanding of purpose and this knowledge empowers them to run the race of this life with hope and faith.

(Culled from the introduction to the book “Committed to Purpose”, 2002)


  1. This is wonderful! Pastor, Im like your mum o. Committed to purpose if the best book you have written so far. Although i have not read the other ones but the book changed my life totally. It was in the book that I learnt that if I dont start my own business now one day i will regret it. As i read it, I started doing my business small small. until it grew. Now I left my Job because my own pays me more. Thank you very much for starting to work on it again. I can pay for even 20 of the book so i can give all my friends. I am so happy today. God bless you my pastor. IK

    1. I feel you IK. The book is really a good one and I can tell you that reviewing it for the new version, I am already motivated. I have started looking at areas of my life that need attention right now.

      However, you need to read a couple of my recent books. Send me an email with your details and i'll arrange for you to get one of the new ones.

      Thank you for the encouragement. Blessings!

  2. Thus far I have read 4 books written by you but Committed to Purpose is my favorite. I thought the message was so important that I made it mandatory reading to any new client that wanted to start a new business or new ministry. I so look forward to the new revised addition and I would like to place my order now for 10 copies.

  3. Wao! I love this. I have not read the book but the introduction gets my attention. I cannot wait To read the rest. I really want to be in the will of God for my life.The one i read is "a Date with Destiny" I love that one a lot.It helped me to discover my seed of greatness.
    I heard someone say that rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. Is it?

  4. Wow! The boy suffers all for nothing? God have mercy. I agree that lack of understanding is the worse thing. That means you leave a useless life suffering in another man's vineyard where they pay you and enslave you for life, and when they are tired of using you they sack you and leave you to die. But when you know your purpose you know what to do to keep you focused. Thank you coach.

  5. This is amazing. Keep it coming

  6. Great book! Great author. You can get all of J C Gogo's books in Nigeria. Contact me on 08164026149

  7. Happy birthday my pastor J C gogo. For many years i have followed you and have found you to be one of the best leaders in this world. Sincere, truthful, straight-forward and very disciplined, you don't accept mediocrity, you dont like people to be slow, you want people to progress and improve. you messages are down to earth and very effective. You raised us to be strong, rational and not weak. I celebrate you today and always. I pray that God will make you greater than all those who looked down on you. I pray that more doors will open for you all over the world. Asia, Americas, Europe, and all over, the world will hear your voice. God bless all those who bless you and curse all those who curse you. All those who support you will never be put to shame. We you children, physical and spiritual, bless you. You shall be greater. You shall grow more and more. amen.

  8. Happy birthday baba! God bless and increase you. Wa pe fun wa ni oruko Jesu! Amin!

  9. God help me to discover why i am alive in this world. i am tired of working for someone, I want to know why God brought me to this world. I dont believe I came to this world to work under anybody. Than you coac


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