
Monday, September 16, 2013

The Beauty and The Beast

The Hilarious
Life is not always a smooth sail. We all have ups and downs. Sometimes the hard times overwhelm some people and they cry and some worry; others carry the load for as long as they can before they break down. But in the last few years I have learnt to take a break from stress and look for fun things to help relax my mind and get refreshed. Over the weekend, thinking about my childhood, I remembered a lot of things I have not had time to laugh about. For instance, as a kid we used to sing some songs which we considered “worship songs”. When I grew up I realized how ignorant we were. I wouldn’t have shared the song, but I know some of my readers would skin me if I don’t. So here it goes:

 Amebo ele mu, Amebo ele mu, Igo meji meji, igo meji meji lo ngbe Amebo ele mu”.

Most of us in that kids worship crew didn’t know what it meant and as a matter of fact, we sang the song with interjections of “halleluiah”, “Jesus” and “amen” in between making it feel holy and acceptable to God. I was so tickled and laughed exuberantly when I learnt the meaning. “Amebo” is the name of a gossip who sells local beer in the neighborhood pub. In a popular soap that aired on the Nigerian national TV in the 80s, village men gathered at her bar every evening after work to take some shots of her local brew. When they get drunk, they sing this song to celebrate their home grown star, Amebo. Here is the meaning:

 “Amebo the beer seller, Amebo the beer seller, two bottles, she serves two bottles each, Amebo the beer seller”.

For one second can you imagine four children within the age group 7-9 singing that song, in tears, hands raised and eyes closed as we sang to the Lord a song of worship?

You might agree with me that as children we did some stupid stuff. There is no doubt we were sincere when we sang that song, but did our sincerity make it right? Would God say “they are sincerely ignorant kids so let me accept their worship”? Maybe not! We were probably blessed that He overlooked our ignorance. We were ignorant, but it didn’t make it right.

The beastly
Lately we have been considering the issue of domestic abuse and its devastating effects on people’s lives. The feedback I received from my last two articles opened my eyes and informed me that several people are really hurting from this ravaging plague and a lot others need urgent help. I’m not too sure of which story to share and which not to, but it has reached a sickening proportion that silence on this matter would be considered worse than wickedness. Someone sent me a photo to show what her boy friend did to her. It was a sad sight to behold. Another young man sent me an email asking for help from a woman who has made him her sex slave. He works for her and his job is to have sex with her three times a day and when he does not meet the target he is not paid. As if that is not enough, the woman performs some very weird and beastly acts on him during intercourse and when he complains about the injury inflicted upon him, he gets beaten. He had tried to escape many times but this woman is influential in their community and so far his prison breaks has always been futile. A couple other women wrote in to tell me stories about how they have been mistreated in their homes by their husbands/lovers and some sent pictures to show the extent of damage done to them. 

A lady who just had a baby two weeks ago by caesarean section got a serious beating from her “husband” who also threatened to kill her. She said it was not the first time he hit her but that this time it was worse and now she is afraid that he might actually carry out his threat. Afraid for her life, she consulted a few friends and leaders, sadly they encouraged her to bear it and have faith in God that the man would change.

Contending with a sick culture
Most of the people who contacted me for help claim that they have tried to get help from friends, family and even their places of worship and no one seem to come up with any reasonable solution due to some strange cultural practices. Now, what culture encourages abuse!? Is it culture or are people afraid of something else?  I understand that for some reason, separation and divorce is not an acceptable practice in many places, but I don’t understand why people would not think of a reasonable solution when someone’s life is in danger. Someone may ask “what’s the proof of danger?” If someone shows up with a black eye, what more proof do we need? In any case even without any proof, if someone says he/she is afraid of sleeping at night because they are afraid of being hurt, should he/she not be taken serious? If anyone says they are abused can we look into the matter rather than confess faith or pray? Is fear of a spouse not enough indication of domestic abuse?

Why do we tell someone who has been hurt by a partner to hold on and keep faith when we can do more? Why are we subjecting people to bondage just because we want to keep a good name?  Is there not a better way to keep the abused safe while trying to foster peace? It beats me how some people hide their ignorance behind culture but if your culture is causing harm to people, then away with such culture. Life is more precious than any culture or belief. We cannot hold on to culture while our sons and daughters are bruised, battered and killed. There has to be a change. We can no longer continue to live in denial; there are abused people around us everyday and they need urgent help. It is time for us to break free from primitive cultures and reach out and help the needy. The only culture that makes sense right now is the one that upholds the sanctity of human life. So let’s all look around us and find a way to help hurting people in our neighborhoods. Luckily, domestic abuse is one thing that does not hide; it is easy to identify:

·       When you ask someone about their spouse and  they tell you “it is well” then something is not right
·       When a woman breaks into tears during a conversation related to her relationship, it is a sign
·       If he/she fears their spouse, there may be abuse
·       If he/she gets intimidated by their spouse in public, you know that’s not a good sign
·       Most abusive people have a bad temper so most people married to bad tempered men/women are abused. Look for other signs
·       If someone often shows up with strange injuries, it could be a sign of abuse
·       Overly possessive people in many cases are also abusive, so if you have a friend/colleague/family member whose partner is extremely possessive, he/she might be abused
·       If someone is abruptly Ostracized from the public, check, there might be abuse
·       A sudden change in temperament is a sign of abuse
·       If someone clearly says they have been beaten, even if it is once, that’s abuse. It could get worse, offer to help

Message to the rookies
Maybe it is almost late to save some bad marriages, but there is a lot we can do to help those who are still single. If you are single, here are a few tips to help you choose a good partner:
·       Make sure your purpose compliments his/her purpose
·       Whatever you do, please marry because you are in love and not due to pressure
·       Get counsel from experienced people before you choose a spouse (ladies, ask your father/male leader/male mentor to give you an honest assessment of the man you intend to marry. Guys ask your mum/female leader/female mentor to give you an honest assessment of the woman you intend to marry)
·       Ladies, never marry a man who cannot lead you
·       Look for signs of violence. If he/she has a bad temper, in your best interest don’t go any further
·       If your self esteem drops during the relationship, you might be in the wrong relationship
·       Never marry anyone who does not respect you
·       If he/she ever hits you (at most once), end it immediately
·       Whoever yells at you, especially in public, will do much more when you get married.
·       If he/she is always suspicious of your every move, it is a sign of more serious problems ahead
·       If your date mostly ends up in a fight, advice yourself. You may be in the wrong relationship
·       If you have more sad than happy days, it’s a bad sign
·       If you are not good friends, you cannot make a good couple.

Tragic end to a miserable marriage
Several abusive marriages have ended in the death of the abused partner. If only families, friends and the communities in which they lived had intervened, the story would have ended differently. A woman I know was beaten by her husband until she passed out. He left her motionless body in the house and went to the pub to drink, when he came back late that night she had cleaned the whole house, had a bath, prepared dinner and left a portion for him on the dinning table. When he came back she went to meet him at the door, knelt down and asked for his forgiveness. This was not the first time she had been beaten by the wild man. A few weeks after their wedding, she showed up in church wearing sun shades. Her pastor had described her as an angel who loved God, loved every one and would not attempt anything that was unholy; to see her with sun shades on a rainy day was suspicious. But she told the pastor she had an accident in her house.

When her husband saw how close she was to the leaders and members of their local church, he moved the family to an isolated town which meant she had to look for another church and make new friends. She left her job, family and friends and started a new isolated life with her husband. The night in question, after she had prepared dinner and apologized to him, they made up and as usual he asked for sex and she did not resist.

Early in the morning the man woke up and rushed to get ready for work. Something didn’t look normal. Usually his wife would have been up and getting breakfast ready for him. But this time she was still asleep. When asked what happened that morning, the husband said “after calling out to her a couple of times without response, I went to the room to wake her up and I found her dead”.

The police said she died of a “natural cause”, but her close friend said she sent a text the night before saying “good night girl, see you when I see you”. Her friend, the recipient of that text, said she was a beautiful woman who married a beast. She had told her of all the times she was beaten, how she had told the police of her problem without help, how her family told her they had no room for her if she left her marriage and even how the church told her they did not believe in divorce. Her good friend believes she must have chosen to exit her marriage by poisoning herself, a view her husband denies claming they were happy even though they had one or two misunderstandings.

Take a stand
We may never know the whole truth about what happened to that beautiful lady and who or what killed her, but many people will not go blameless on account of her death. Her family may be hurting but could they have done something to save her life? How about her friend who knew the story, could she have raised alarm? Her church may claim ignorance of her condition or of what they could have done to help, but does it make their action acceptable?

We can all do something to make sure we never loose anyone else to domestic abuse. Take a stand. Make a positive move to help someone who has been abused. We can make a difference. We can cause a change. Help save a life. #StoptheAbuse


  1. Lwkmd! Coach, this your worship song is serious. God have mercy on us o. Lol! We did some very foolish things as kids.

    But seriously, something has to be done about domestic abuse. I join you to say it loud STOP THE ABUSE. Some men are giving us brothers a bad name and it is not fair. Please guys, let us be gentlemen and treat them like ladies.

  2. Any man who treats his wife/woman as a QUEEN regardless of their misunderstandings was raised by a QUEEN and vice versa. I am so saddened at the damage done through abusive relationships/marriages. Coach, I honestly have a friend right now dating a guy who they plan to wed in Dec. From all indications this guy is bad news. Don't get me wrong sir, my friend is no saint herself but if a man will verbally assault you even before he makes you his wife then he will do worse when he eventually does. Now my problem is this, how do I tell her NOT to marry this guy when each time ahe complains to me about him, i get angry and try to talk some sense into her but she tells me I'm too strict,I should learn to give people a chance cos we all have weaknesses and no one is perfect? She says she is older than me, hence time is not on her side or like she puts it "my biological clock is ticking". Because of her constant excuses for the guy's behaviour I made up my mind to never get involved again. Recently she called me crying, the guy suspects her,even though she gave him her password to all her emails, fb and Twitter accts. When they are together he keeps her phone, how else can a woman make a guy feel comfortable and trust her yet the guy doesn't. She earns more than him so most times she is the one feeding him but that seem not to be enough all cos she wants to be hitched. I really decided to stay out cos last time she quoted a scripture for me saying "LOVE suffer long and it conquers all". They've done their introduction and wedding will be in Dec, I don't want to ruin her happiness. Is it not better I stay out? Coach I need you and others here to help me out!

    1. Omalycha, I think your decision to leave her alone is wise. I hope she ends up happy. Like many ladies who end up unhappy, she can see all the signs and symptoms of abuse but chooses to go on. All you can do is pray for her and hope that she doesn't come back to you after a few weeks of marriage to moan.

      A word they say is enough for the wise.

    2. Omalycha, just leave her. Her eyes will open when she sees pepper. To be fore warned is to be fore harmed. all these people crying now may say they were not warned, but many were warned. I dont understand why many women are in a hurry. You have done your best, leave her to sort herself out.

      Thank you again Coach. And please also warn those who come out from one bad marriage and rush into another one quickly. It looks like something is wrong with us women. Today we are crying tomorrow we forgot what made us cry and do it again. I think you should also advise on how long one should take to heal and learn the lesson from their past failure. Someone should not come out from one and then within two three years they rush into another on. What are they looking for? What of those who have children, how soon should they go into another marriage? Please advise sir.

    3. Omalycha, leave that your friend. There are good men everywhere but she decided to stay with someone who she is feeding but will not respect her. Hope he will not steal her money one day and still leave her. What does she mean by love suffers long? You see how people use bible to kill themselves? OK. May God deliver her from self inflicted abuse.

      Well done coach. Another good one. God bless you

    4. Topsy and Omlaycha, you people are wise. Why people leave one and rush into another one is my problem. If you were abused, you will not want to rush into another marriage to avoid having the same experience. I rest my case.
      Thank you coach.You are doing a good work

    5. In the first place, I think many people hardly learn. One would expect that after you had it rough or bad in your first experience, you would not want to make the same mistake again. But many people make the same mistake over and over and over again. Not just women, humans in general. Psychologists say it is a sign of mental imbalance. Like madness. Once bitten, you should be twice wise and know not to get bitten again. It is hard to convince some people to wait. Many women act on their emotions and do not take time to think through their decisions. Many men too, they act on impulse. See how many times the bible used the word "wait", yet people are hardly in the mood to wait.

      In the second place, it is not my responsibility to tell anyone how long they should wait before they start again. If someone chooses to wait a few weeks or a few years, it is up to them. Healing takes time. It is a process. Some may take a year to heal, other may take 5 years to heal, while yet others may never heal. I do not blame those who go into another relationship to find healing though; true love has healing powers. Although it depends on the wounded heart. If you allow yourself to be loved truly, it can help heal the wounds of your past.

      The flip side of it is that many times wounded people go into another relationship and wound their new partner. It happens all the time. Wounded people, they say, wound others; so if not managed well, a wounded person may carry his/her pain into a new relationship and blame the new person for their peril. When you always refer to your past and what was done to you, you are not might need more time. #hardtruth

      Maybe people should make sure they are healed and if they are sure of their healing, they have to decide if/when to go again or if to stay single, raise their kids or use their experience to help heal others having similar challenges.

      I hope I made sense.

    6. God bless you sir. You made a very good point. People should not rush. they should wait who knows, while they wait anything can happen.

    7. Omalycha, that your friend is in trouble. Why don't you call her family's attention to what she has been telling you. If that man does all that to her she is not safe in the marriag

  3. Another good one sir. Started very funny. lol! Single people should not make the mistake some have made so before story starts, they should learn. Well done sir!

  4. Yes o! It has to stop. all we are saying, no more abuse!!!!

  5. Ahhhhh! Baba ti soro! We agree sir. No more abuse.

    You funny small sir! Lol! I hope Amebo carry this rumours too so that peolple will stop abuse o!

    Amebo brother!lol

  6. Let him that has ears hear what God is saying. Child abuse, domestic abuse, self abuse, abuse of office, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse and all. We must beware.
    Thank you apostle for all the warnings. God bless you


  7. Thanks coach and topsy. Topsy i agree with you about how we as women forget too soon and carry on. Nobody is saying any woman/man should hurt forever, but its always good for us to REFLECT on our past mistakes and ensure we dont repeat it again. Be happy with yourself first instead of seeking or relying on a spouse to make you happy cos the day that spouse aint got time or energy to make you happy, you get angry and thats how trouble starts. A secondary sch classmate of mine was married for 4yrs and got divorced or should i say separated nov 2011. Although she never for anyday complained that she was physically abused, but verbally he and his mum did cos she has no child. when the man said the marriage was over, she wasnt bothered cos apparently she didnt love the guy but he had money so her mother forced her to marry him. By feb 2012, this same girl got married the second time. Less than 6months of her separation. She claimed the present guy was an old flame hence her soul mate. The guy is based abroad and normally you would think this girl will be cautious or even afraid to hurriedly marry, the guy couldnt come obviously cos of documents, this girl went ahead to marry him in absentia or like some of my friends put it "she married a photo frame"! Its barely a year, she's still not seen the man she married and she is getting impatient and very miserable now. Women, we need to STOP doing this to ourseleves. I am NOT a woman who is against men but we need to take a breather and THINK before we take certain decisions. There is more to life. I even heard some girls prefer bad boys. They intentionally look for bad boys who will beat them, to them thats love its so sad! And as for my friend, il take the advice given,my heart is at rest and my conscience is clear. I have therefore switched on my "SITDON LOOK" mode. *twirls and struts away*

    1. Coach, i think you have a very strong point here. It is everyone's responsibility to help fight domestic abuse. but many of us do not have the "weapons" to fight.
      Omalycha, it can be frustrating sometimes when you want to help people. But I do not think sitdon look is a good approach. Why not show her this link so she can learn the signs of abuse. If she read all this message and still carry on, good for her.

    2. I do not think you need weapons, as it were; use what you have.

  8. Thank you very much for you wise words. We are learning and i believe that I will not make the same mistake people have made.

  9. Which one be amebo ele mu as worship song? lol! Same way one pastor was singing "let it be, let it be...IKB"lol. Many things we did as children, God forgive us.

    Thank you sir. very informative piece of work here. keep the good work, God will reward you

  10. By the time some people read this it is already too late for them. I wish such information is available on television and publicized everywhere. Many people do not know where they are going until they reach there and meet danger. Well done coach. Please continue the good work.

  11. I for got to mention that I enjoyed the joke. Things children do. lol!
    I pray God to help all those who are abused to find help. They too should learn to speak up and make noise about their condition. If you tell one or two people and there is not help, tell other people.
    I also advise people to always share this link with everyone. you don't know who is going thru a problem and need to read this.
    Thank you again sir.

  12. A lot of us women see the weaknesses or faults in our men( major cracks on the wall)but we overlook them and still go ahead and marry them. Y! We hold on so tight like we are scared of being left behind.
    At least he is reresponsible. We try to console ourselves. They can't b perfect. I also have my weaknesses. These are wonderful excuses some of us told ourselves that got us into marriages that should have never been. Y couldn't I leave him before I said "I do".
    I felt he was the Only one for me. I felt my love for him was so sincere that he would love me so in return which will make romeo and Juliet seem like a joke. I felt I had what it took to make him Stay in love with me no matter what. I didn't know I was only kidding myself.
    We women need to rise up from our naivety. U can never make a man stay in love with u if he doesn't desire it so.
    At 23 a woman may begin to search for a life partner. By 25 she may think marriage is d next thing life. Pressures begin; both parental and societal so if a relationship is already on she is bound to take it to the serious level at all cost. Pls who says a woman cannot afford to search for a man who loves her even at 35. Must one b pressured to accept rubbish just to avoid being called an old hag.
    Losing your independence, enslaving one's self, being a " mugu" doesn't make the man stay in love with u. We are only pulling down our self worth.
    I remember when I was younger, my divorced senior friends were stigmatized as failures or useless women. Some were called loose women whom I should not associate with. Oh my.
    These martyrs were not allowed to share their valuable experiences with me. Even now they are being looked upon like rotten members of the society so they keep their wealth of experience to themselves. We younger ones could have learnt a few things from them cos even our parents keep tight lips about their experience. They'll say they don't want us to hate our dads so they wouldn't educate us till the last minute when that thing called love has captured our hearts.
    We women are not well informed. We are not equipped for the journey and we just jump into it and begin to grope in d dark.
    It is not only the men now o we need to shed our ignorance!

    1. Well said. I hope the younger women are learning from all these. It will be foolish to read about people's experience and still make the same mistake. Thank you for sharing.

  13. People my criticize me for what I say, but one day it will be obvious things are not always what it seems like. Abuse clearly is evil. Why will anyone want to cut his wife off from people she is close to? How can someone beat his wife and leave her to die and then come back and meet her alive, eat her food and make love to her? That is bad. The woman should have left while he went to drink. My problem is that sometimes what the couple had is a misunderstanding and nobody should use that as an excuse to leave leave a marriage. Which of us married men and women will say that in 10 years they didnt have misunderstanding with their spouse at least once a year. they call it heated conversation. it happens. If someone send her husband out because they fought two times is that alright?
    Keep the good work sir. But also help women see their part of the problem.

    1. Adewunmi, I believe that you are stating the obvious. Things are not always as they seem at first. I expect that you should have got your answer by now but you keep saying the same thing over and over again. If a man or woman considers himself/herself abused, nobody can tell him/her they are not. If I am the one who is hurt, what I call it is what it is. If the two people involved do not agree on what it is, then there is a procedure to ascertain that. This forum is not to judge about that case. If my daughter has a fight with her husband, she is hurt and tells me she cannot continue, should i tell her to go back to someone she has no interest in? If she has gone through counseling and chooses not to continue, it is her choice and I will respect that. I got all your emails on this matter and have attempted to give you my honest opinion. I will not talk about it anymore.

      Cheers and thanks for always stopping by.

  14. Hello Coach,

    This is a serious message and one that deserves attention. I have read several male comments on the subjects, some great wisdom and others questionable. I have a question and I am basing it on a show I watched yesterday "COPS" In this segment a pregnant woman attacked her husband and called the cops and cried "abuse" they were going to arrest the man because she had a mark on her face until witnesses came forward and said she attacked him. After careful examination of the man they saw all his wounds and the tables quickly turned and they threatened to arrest her instead. Now I would like you to tell us when is it self-defense vs abuse?

    1. There are many cases of women beating up men. Sometimes women can be unnecessarily emotional and some of them very bad tempered. This case happens to be one of them. The woman, a pregnant one whose hormones are all over the place, pounces on the man, hits him and calls the cops. If the cops didn't hear all the sides of the story, they would have believed the woman. But i believe that in this case the man was the abused. She probably called the cops trying to cover-up.

      On the other hand, a good man knows not to strike a pregnant woman. If he had beaten her and caused a miscarriage you know he would have gone to jail for murder. Yes, murder. I guess self defense in this case would be to find a way to leave the house rather than hitting her. If the cops saw a mark on her face and yet were convinced that the man was the abused, then the mark on her face could have come from the man defending himself

      In self defense one does not intend to inflict injuries...maybe a mark or two while one tries to push away his attacker. Abuse is a clear attempt to hurt someone. If that man intended to hurt the woman, she probably would not be in one piece when the cops arrived

  15. Good one.

    My questions are 1- does everybody have to marry? Are some people not called to be single for life? And why are many of us women desperate to get a man who does not have any interest in us? It feels bad when you are texting, calling and emailing and the man don't even have your time? Some of us need prayers but some need deliverance from foolishness. Sorry to say.

    1. I believe some people are called to celibacy. But it depends. I had this friend who is very pretty. I mean, she has it all-height, it, she's got it. To top it all, she is very intelligent and has a sweet spirit. Everyone enjoyed her company. But she told me she was called to celibacy. I didn't believe God would endow someone with such and call her/him to celibacy. Don't get me wrong, it might be possible, but I'm not convinced. I made it clear to her that i didn't believe she was called to such. A few years later, one of our colleagues called me and said she had gotten married and was expecting a baby. It didn't surprise me. I didn't think she was cut out for that. I hope she doesn't get on me for this. Haha!

      My point is, those who are called to such do not have the endowments and normal feelings that everyone else has. If you have the feelings, then you probably are not called to celibacy. But then, it is only my opinion, I might be wrong. Let everyone stick to their conviction.

      Yes, some may never marry. Maybe for their own good they are destined to remain single. you never know.

      Nobody should keep going after someone who doesn't look for them. It takes two to tango. If you are texting, emailing, calling and loving on someone who does not reciprocate, they may not feel what you feel. Caution yourself.

  16. So if a man is beaten by his wife, does he have a rght to send her away or leave? Everybody has a bad temper and sometimes we go to the extreme to show it. Nobody should condemn the other. But I agree with you that single people have to make sure they marry who they love. Good friends make good couple.

    1. Abuse is abuse no matter who gets it. If the wife is the abuser then the man should decide how he wants to handle it. If his life is at risk he should leave. Why should someone go to extremes to show his temper. Madness.

    2. No, not everyone mismanages their temper. Some have learnt how to control theirs. I do not go to the extreme in attempt to make my point. Violence is not a natural instinct, it is a wicked reaction to things. It is a choice you make-to react negatively or to respond wisely. read more here:

      And nobody is trying to condemn bad tempered people, we only encourage them to seek help before it ruins them.

  17. Good one apostle. I hope the news spread to those who need it.
    Thank you.

  18. Single girls take note. Life is not all about marriage. There are better things to do that to desperately follow a man who is hurting you.

    1. Yeah, life is more than a single event, let us see the bigger picture


Comments are welcome. Thanks!