
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Paradox of rotten eggs

Recent events have prompted me to talk about abuse. Our sons and daughters are hurting, many are emotionally dead and several have died as a result of abuse. I am going to be straight forward and direct here and I hope I make my point simple and clear so that those who are responsible for such wickedness will desist and repent while those who are victims will find healing and restoration.

Trusted traitors
Children look up to their parents and grown people to love, care, provide and protect them. But sadly many have allowed themselves to be used to hurt children. Is it insanity or what makes a grown man “play” with/on little girls? What makes a little girl desirable to an adult man? How can a sane woman practice her erotic delusion with a little boy? Isn’t that a psychiatric case? Why would a man want to have sex with his wife or girl friend’s daughter? Have we become so out of control that our dignity and pride is of no importance anymore!?

Everyday I read stories of rape, abuse and child molestation my heart hurts. It is just not right. If she is not old enough to live on her own, then she is not old enough for sex. Let’s assume she is old enough for sex, if she is not ready for it then she should not be made to experience it. Even if she is ready to, if she is not yours should you be looking in her direction at all!? When you touch, erotically, someone who looks up to you, it is more than moral failure. It is wickedness, for lack of better word.

Child on trial
It pains me to know that several children are abused daily but hurts me more to see that those who ought to help those kids are the ones who bully them. An irresponsible man tampers with a little girl’s genital, she grows up and has strange sexual feelings and “jumps” on boys in school and everywhere; does that not mean the girl needs help? Instead of helping her people ostracize her and call her “spoilt child”. What did she do wrong? Was it her fault that she was abused? Is it not the responsibility of responsible women and leaders around to scoop her up and lovingly help her? What are mothers turning into these days? Mothers used to know how to help children in pain and in need but these days people only care about their own children. Isn’t that self-centeredness? If Jesus was to meet that child would He consider her spoilt and not offer to help her? If that little abused child was your baby, what would you do? Do not ask what you should do, do what is right. Do what you would do if she was your child.

 Unethical realities
When people go to church they expect to get love, leadership and a closer relationship with God. The church is a place where people go to worship God, fellowship with believers and acquire spiritual knowledge. It is a place where broken people go for healing and restoration; a place of refuge in a world where anarchy is the order of the day. It is understandable if people go there also to socialize, it is expected, since we are people of the light and we are to mingle only with people of like faith. But what I do not understand is how some pastors have abused their office and some church folks have taken the house and the name of the Lord for granted.

First: Some church leaders have no business being in leadership because they either are not trained for that purpose or they do not know anything about the ethos of the honorable profession. If you are trained and learned, you know that it is unethical to abuse your followers or anyone for that matter. I have heard how some church leaders “rape” members of their congregation; this is ungodly, unacceptable and out of order. It is the highest form of abuse of office. And to think that some see it as nothing serious is ridiculous.

The Untouchables
What happened to the old scrupulous process of inducting a pastor to the holy order? What happened to the commitment to abstain from things that affect a leader’s focus and sense of judgment? What happened to the restrictions? In my opinion, since church leaders started permitting wantonness and drunkenness things have never been the same. The “God understands” message has, rather than help the cause, dragged us to the mud. In those days there were boundaries we would never cross and everyone who had the audacity to accept the huge responsibility of leading God’s people was put through rigorous trainings and certain obligations which included recitations of things we must not do. For instance, “We will not touch the girls!” “We will not touch the Gold!” “We will not touch the Glory!” We were not to crave wine, women and wealth; these were considered too sacred a vow to break. What ever happened to the “creed”!? Today, things seem to have changed and anything goes. Rather than raise the standard, we have stooped lower than the expectation. What a shame!

Some say it is not that serious an issue but it seems to me that the permission to take wine “…for your stomach sake” has warped some ministers’ minds and given them a lascivious desire for wealth and women. Many ministers have thrown caution to air and feel no guilt when they express sexual feelings towards women under their leadership. Sex with members, which was a “no, no” has become prevalent. Such libidinous orgies were never condoned in the days when there were strict regulations and tougher requirements to become a church leader. We need sanity restored to the system. Can we return to the altar, ask for forgiveness and begin a process of healing for those we have misled and abused?  

Playing the blame game
There is no doubt that this whole thing suggests leadership failure, however I do not accept the excuse that some ladies give. How can someone say she gave her body to a pastor because she saw him as a man of God and did not want to offend “God”? How can you say you were not able to walk away from an illicit relationship for fear of hurting the pastor or fear that he would tell the world how you seduced him? Are you kidding me!? Is this ignorance, foolishness or an attempt to place blame on someone else? Or is it that an adult woman does not know her body is “private” and she has a right to say no? I understand that trust can make you go into a room alone with your leader, but common sense should tell you that if he asks for sex you have a right to walk away. You cannot allow him free access to your body, it is your body and you should say no to any man who wants to manipulate you into doing what you do not want to do. I don’t care who he is, what position he occupies or his influence in the church or society; if he did not find you worthy to make you his wife, then he is not qualified to lay with you. I didn’t think any grown woman would need to be told she owns her body!

Some say they believed the pastor to the point that they fell for his antics. But what does the bible say about what the pastor is saying? Or maybe you do not even know that the bible is the final authority and authenticator of any word, message, prophecy, “sayings” or teaching. No it is not the pastor! But the problem is that many church folks do not know what the bible says so they accept anything they hear from the pastor. People have several apps on their phones, tabs and Ipads and almost all apps are used daily but the bible app. People go to facebook, twitter, and other social networks but rarely read their bibles. How will they know the truth when they do not study the bible? I agree that some church leaders have gone crazy and out of control with their lustful living, but if a lady knows who she is, what she wants and what the word says, she will not allow herself be used or abused.

While I agree that the leader who gets sexually involved with his members is abusive, I do not know if I can say that women who foolishly and willingly give themselves to him were abused. If on your own volition you give yourself to any man, you probably abused yourself. I don’t understand how a woman who freely had sex with a man over and over again would turn around after a long time and cry “foul”. Why didn’t you cry out after the first time, first week or first month? Were you enjoying the experience or were you under a spell? Yes you may have been raped, but do rape victims wait for several sessions of the so called “rape” before they seek help?  How about “date the boss” ideology!? Is it not possible that some who claim to be abused actually seduced the boss for some reason? Could it be that when things fell apart someone tried to play another game to claim innocence and attract sympathy? Too many questions!

On the flip side, I know how some men can be very manipulative. That is one problem I have with many good looking and charismatic men; they use their charm and eloquence to beguile weak minded women. They passionately tell sorry tales about how needy they are, all in a bid to attract pity and get some asinine woman to offer her body. Unfortunately such men do not understand divine purpose for their endowment and as Myles Munroe puts it in his book Understanding the power of womanWhen purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”. A minister who does not understand why he is gifted and why he occupies the position he is in, will abuse himself and those whom he leads. It is a shame how some church leaders have besmirched the name of the Lord and the noble office they occupy.

If you are a pastor and you find yourself sleeping with women in your congregation you have a problem; a very serious problem for that matter. A mistake happens once and with one person, but it is not a mistake if you fall over and over again and with more than one person. Don’t claim you were seduced; accept responsibility for your conduct. When you signed up for the job you should have known that you will attract all sorts. If you were trained you should know and expect people to crush on you; but you should also have been taught how to manage it and turn their unreasonable desire into positive use. You are a disgrace to God, yourself and the body. You have failed woefully.

When all is said and done, I do believe that there are many girls and women out there who have been abused by leaders and people they trusted. To such, on behalf of all leaders, I apologize for how we have mishandled you. You do not deserve to be treated the way you were treated. It was nothing you did wrong; it was wickedness of the heart and selfish desire that led to the abuse. Find it in your heart to please forgive, for in forgiveness of your offenders can you find total restoration.

All we like sheep have gone astray; no one can say he has not fallen into one error or the other. No not one. Not even me. If you have abused God’s people, then you committed a grievous offence. Do not attempt to defend yourself; accept that you have done wrong and seek to make amends. Denial of your weakness is a sign of impenitence. Humble yourself before you are humiliated. You have done damage to the name of Christ, but you can turn around and go back to God for cleansing. You might have to step down from your office and go seek His face. Peradventure, He will forgive and restore you.


  1. Thank you so much for this Dr. For a long time I have Been waiting to read your view on the corruption from the pulpit and I am not disappointed. Like many other people, I have been a victim of manipulation by leaders, although I was hurt but I chose to go for counselling and am healed. And also I do agree that anybody who is abused should not wait for a long time to look for help. I believe God that you are a voice for restoration to the broken women of this age, keep up the good work. God will help you handle the problems that come your way as you help others. Btw. I am waiting to read the new book you said you are working on. One luv.

    1. I feel very honored, thank you. It is a good thing that you sought counsel and got healed. Now that you are healed, spread the healing. I believe many people who feel manipulated or abused do not know how to go about it; but if they hear from someone like you who has been through what they are experiencing, they might learn from you and respond wisely.

      The book will be ready soon, you sure will know when it is done..

      Be blessed!

  2. This is an excellent post, thank you for being a voice of one crying in the wilderness. It takes a true prophet to speak with such passion and boldness against such a necessary but sensitive subject. I bless you in the name of our Lord for a job well done!!

  3. Your post is well written. But I wanted to know about your opinion on domestic abuse. The article seeems to clearly avoid it. And what do you advice people who are in such position

    1. Thank you Adewunmi.

      This is the first of a two part series on abuse. As if you knew, the next part centers on domestic abuse and it will be published in a few days. I guess you have to read it to know my opinion.


    2. Well said, pastor. God bless and keep you. @ Adewunmi, why do I get this feeling you sound like the pharisees listening to Jesus, asking questions about whom the wife of seven husbands belong to, at the resurrection? Nay the peace of God that passes all understanding rest and abide with you always in Jesus name.

  4. Thank you very much for telling us the truth.very bitter but true. I am a pastor and I need your advise to stay on the right path. But not this medium. Can you send me your number please so that I can call you. You are in SA abi? We can even meet if you don't mind. Thank you

    1. Thank you very much sir.
      You can send your number to-

      No, I'm not in SA

  5. Please continue to let God lead you, there is healing for many through this. God bless!

  6. It's time to eradicate the little foxes as well as the "mighty" ones that ruin our vineyards. Thank you coach and God bless you.

    1. Yes Casio. It is a process. Little by little, step by step, one day at a time; we can all team up to clean-up the system. It is house cleaning time.


  7. Pastor chime your observations are very apt and timely. Well done.

  8. True in every sense! I was a victim of abuse as a child and I found my peace when I chose to forgive as an adult. As a child I used to dread sleeping in the afternoon because I'd wake up and feel a murderous rage welling up inside of me. I used to feel like killing the adult that was abusing me and the one that was not speaking up for me. I'm healed now but it takes several lifetimes to forget. Keep speaking out Sir; hopefully, someone out there will read and desist. As a mother, if any man with a demon between his legs or any part of his body comes near my kids...better left unsaid!

    1. Well said Elsie.

      It is good to know you are healed. Abuse exerts a malignant influence on it's victims, many of whom hardly recover. The challenge before us therefore is first, to allow ourselves heal thoroughly, second, spread the healing to those who are still under the evil pangs of abuse and third, launch a rescue mission to save our sons and daughters before they get engulfed by this ravaging plague.

      Thank you for the encouragement. Together we win!

    2. I thank God for your healing sis. Permit me to say that adults who know when these abuses occur and refuse to speak up and protect the abused are equally guilty and will be partakers in their punishment. "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin"

  9. Wow! This is mind blowing. Coach may the Lord continually give you utterance to speak without fear. Without any doubts, so many women have been hurt in diverse ways. Some by their fathers, uncles, lecturers/teachers, ex-husbands, bosses, boyfriends,etc. It takes a real man like you to speak and tell it like it is without mincing words. I pray as many affected in one way or the other, try get help(if needed) be healed and restored after reading this in Jesus name. God bless you sir.

    1. Thank you very, very much Omalycha.

      I agree with you in prayers for those who need healing; that God send help and that they let go and let God completely restore their spirits, minds and bodies. Amen!

      BTW: I didn't consider myself a "real man" yet. I'm Pressing to that "mark". *smiles* Thanks again!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am involved with my uncle I don't want to mention his name. Although I use to enjoy it but I want my own now. But I don't know how to start . I will be hurting myself because I truly love him. I may sound foolish, but I could have killed myself when i found out he has a girlfriend. Now I think i want to leave him and start my own life. help me please. if you can.

    1. U don't sound foolish. I admire your honesty. Whatever may have caused this I thank God that you've realised that you want out. As foolish as this may sound the only way out is just to know and realise that u deserve better. There is someone out there longing to give u a pure,more satisfying LOVE. Mr Anonymous Uncle is just using u. So just reach out to Jesus' Love, pick ur bag and WALK AWAY. Pls don't run away tell him to go to HELL.

    2. I'm so proud of you. It is a good thing that you are ready for a change. Send an email to We will take it up from there.

    3. God Bless you for speaking up! As someone who has gone through this I appreciate how you must feel. The thing you feel for your abuser is not the same thing as love. You are not foolish, you are smart and brave and that is admirable. You deserve a life of your own and I believe you will get it. I don't know your circumstances so it's difficult to advise you but if it is within your power to do so, tell him to you are done with him. If you fear harm could come to you, then tell someone who can step in. Whatever it is, don't take another moment of it. I will be praying for you!

  12. You did a very good job here sir. Well done. But do you think it is right for someone to go to the press and defame another man's character just to make a confession? Because for me i feel like some people get it all wrong when they feel hurt. Does the bible say we should destroy something that has taken years to build all in the name of confession?

    I have been abused, cheated on, beaten badly by people i loved, but i did not go to TV to report them and after some years all of them have come to apologize and one of them bought me a car to say he is sorry for what he did to me. today even though i still have issues, i am happier with myself and serving God who keeps blessing me over and over again. Thank you Coach Jasper. God bless you for being there for us all.

    1. Tutu dear, I don't think we should analyse that matter here. Remember that hurting people hurt others even though they shouldn't, let's pray for healing for all the parties involved. Praise God you found healing and peace in your situation.

    2. thnk you casio. im not trying to bring any matter. Im grateful to God for how mine turned out and hoping that people learn not to distroy anyone or any institution only because they are hurt. There is a procedure both in legal and traditional system whereby such problem can be solved. I made my point. Chikina!

    3. I respect ur opinion but I disagree with your choice of words. How can one defame someone who is no longer behaving like a human being. However I also believe that senseless exposure due to vengeance will hurt the abuser much more if not damage him/her.
      Those invoved should find discreet and effective measures to help both d abuser and abused if possible. The pain of stigmatisation caused a friend is job,house,children's comfort and even his wife.
      But I honestly desire for abusers to b severely dealt with--- particularly d non repentant ones.

    4. Thanks for your comment Tutu.

      Like Casio said, this might not be the right place to address the issues you raised but I must say that the bible teaches us to confess our sins and not another person's sins. There is a huge difference between induced confession and genuine contrition. When someone is genuinely repentant you see the fruit which is remorse. When you don't see remorse, then there is the possibility of a hidden motive.

  13. I rented a room from a woman here in london. after i lost my job i couldn't pay my retn again so she says i should continue to stay till i can start paying. Small small we started having sex and now im stuck. i wanted to leave the relationship but how will i pay my rent? I swear I am tired of this whole thing. Now she is a pastor preaching everywhere but when she comes home my job is to service her. I need serious help before things get out of hand.

    1. Somebody suggested that i marry her to solve the whole problem but how can I marry an old woman that is 7yrs older than i mad. And I dont think im the only one he is doing that to. on her face book page when she put pitures there all the small boys will tell her she look beutiful even when the picture is ugly. what kind of life is this i find myself in?

    2. Dear anonymous, there are really no walls that hold us back save the ones we erect ourselves. You have no business staying in that situation. You should take your destiny from her hands and place it in God's hands. Be the man God made you to be, get up and get out! You're still there because you consider her an option, it's time to tell yourself the truth. You consider it madness to marry her, i think sleeping with her belongs in the same category.

    3. My brother, borrow leg run. The Jezebel wan kill you be tht. When she suck out all your life she will dump you like hot pot. Look for another brother to squat with until you can stand on your own. There is not possibility thatyou are the only man, at that age her "pot" is on fire and I dont think you can even satisfy her alone. Please leave like yesterday.

    4. I'm sorry for your predicament. Like others have said, you need to move as soon as you can. No human should have such power over you. There are sincere people out there who could have found a way to help you without making you a sex slave. But, you can set yourself free when you want to.It is an act of witchcraft to put you in that condition so I suggest you quickly make that move. Move! Leave! Get out of her wicked life.

    5. If you are as tired and frustrated as you sound, then start packing before she comes for the next round. She is not the one keeping you. If you cannot find a male friend to squat with until your situation improves, I suggest you look for a good church and explain your predicament. I know you already have issues with churches because of her but believe me, not all Pastors are demons. If you are living legally in London, go to the authorities and see what housing options you can get. If you are staying there illegally, then maybe it's time to go back home. Your life is at stake!

    6. When I came to this country newly I experienced the same thing. Some people are evil but there are nice people also. I think its all in your hands, if you don't love her then leave her. But if you are satified paying mortgage with your youth then stay. I don't know if you two are from the same country, if you are, then go to your community leaders and explain to them your condition. They may speak with her or find you a place. There is always an alternative if you look for it. God help you take a quick decision and a good one too.

  14. Hmmmmm! I can't imagine what is happening in our world. May God have mercy. This abuse is uncall for. Can you count how many have been beaten n battered? Some are on the hospital bed as I speak while some others die? And those who manage to escape from such men either through dirvoice or separation to raise their children n leave a peaceful life with the so called "Husband", yet nobody wants to understand. The issue of abuse in all d sense of it needs a rapt attention. It has to stop! Tnk u sir for the wake up call.

    1. People go through a lot. It is my prayer that God grant all those going through such, sufficient grace and wisdom to handle it. But please, as you pray, be sensitive and don't endanger your life. If you sense danger, go for help.


  15. Stop looking for pitying party. B a man that u are. Find a job QUICK asap. U know u have problem ---being abused, caused by another problem----- having no job and no money to live on. So ask God to help u, search hard, Find a job so u can Walk out immediately. If u don't sort out your initial problem u can b a victim of another abuser b it male or female who will appear as a helper only to turn out to b a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  16. Im afraid to say that you are very, very correct about everything you said. But I feel like it is a bit harsh to ask someone to step down from their position because of their error. Maybe that is the ideal thing to do but how about the congregation that will be without a leader? Then the family of the leader who will have to face all kinds of things because of their father's failure...I don't think it is wise for anyone to rope other people into their own conviction. Like someone said here, there is a mature way to do things and bring sinners to book. When some men took stones to kill a sinning woman, Jesus did not expose them by anouncing each of their sins. He did it discreetly and they got the message. Let us be wise. Thank you for you wisdom my dear. Good job.

    1. I agree that it is a bit harsh to ask someone to step down, but what is the alternative? Stay and cause more damage? When I say step down it does not necessarily mean to go away completely. It might be staying away to seek God. If God wants him/her back, then at the right time that can happen.

      Yes I do agree that Jesus does not make a mess in an attempt to get repentance.

      Thank you for the compliments!

  17. Your post just saved a life. I was planning to go and poison the man who abused me when my friend sent me this link. I have been in tears praying that god should forgive me for murder. But I forgive him. Your apology came on time, you are god sent. Thank you. i love you

    1. Thank God for people like Jasper who is able to link into the spirit and know what God is saying. A soul is saved! Ha! Thank you Jesus! We need more people who can focus on meeting the need. Too many preachers everywhere, but no help

      Thank you very much Jasper, you don't know how much impact you have made in my life and so many others. Keep focused, don't let them suck you into greedy lucre and make you become a man pleaser rather than the God's man that you are. Thnk you and God bless.

  18. How do you forgive someone who is not sorry.

    1. hmm.. You forgive them for your own peace of mind's sake, for your own freedom and for eternity's sake.

    2. Casio is right, you forgive for your own sake. Not forgiving people who hurt you is holding yourself down. Let them go and let your healing begin.


  19. My life is full of misery. Many things has happened to me but i give God glory. My father abused me when I was a child. My first boyfriend nearly killed me. My ex husband put me on wheel chair for 6 months. But it was my pastor who God used to restore me. Nobody is perfect. Pastors are human and they have feelings. And with all these women with eyes full of adultry looking for a pastor to adultrate it is not easy for men of God. I dont mean that it is good for them to sin. but let us think about it, why do girls dress like prostitutes to church? Why wear short skirts and hot pants? Is it not to go and seduce men whether pastor or members? Why cant we teach them how to dress in the house of God?Temptation will come but woe is he or she that bring a man of God down. Thank you for opening our eyes.

    1. Topsy, you made your point. You have really been through a lot and I thank God for your life.

      I hope those who need this comment learn from it.


  20. Thank you very much for your encouragement. And for the truth .Many things that happen in life on;y time will expose the truth. Thank you for preaching to us always. I alwasy follow you on twitter and get your blog every week. I cannot pay you slalary, but God will pay you slalary

  21. I dont know how to thank you for your message. You have brought healing to my life and I thank you. May God continue to use you to change the world.
    How do I get that your book Committed to purpose? I had a copy but my friend took it and gave to another friend, now we dont know who has it. I will like to buy like 20 copie so that nobody will steal my own.

    Jah bless.

  22. When people go public about their indiscretions, there is always an alterior motive. And if God is leading you to public confession there is a proper procedure. Thank you for elightening us on the God way of doing things.

    God bless.

  23. And he is back...Pastor Gogo it has been a long time. I miss you in Lagos. All your teaching and encouragement. na wa! Thank you for helping us become better people. I wonder how my life would have been if God didnt you .

    Your teaching is powerful. May God keep you so you can continue to help the needy people. Amen.


Comments are welcome. Thanks!