
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Winners’ mentality

Every one of us has some things we want to achieve in life. From phenomenal to mundane, it is in us to want to accomplish tasks and feel important among our friends and family. Although for some reason, many have been paralyzed and do not have the faith, will and energy needed to complete their tasks, I do believe that anything can change and you can start again and realize your full potential in life.    

Sports and real life: a comparison
If I say I am a sports fan it probably is not news because these days there is hardly any man who has no interest in one sport or the other. Almost every man has one sport he is interested in and which he either participates in, supports or does both. If you know a man who is not passionate about at least one sport, you need to watch him closely, something might be wrong. As a matter of fact, ladies these days have also taken to sports even to the point that some ladies participate in Soccer, boxing, wrestling and I hear they also participate in body building and weight lifting. Isn’t that something!?

One sport that interests me very much, apart from Football (Soccer), is athletics (track and field). During my high school days I was one of the fastest sprinters in the school and I could have gone far doing that but for the fact that Football got the better of me. But during my days in track and fields, I learnt a lot from my Games Master (as we called our coach in those days) and I believe those instructions helped in forming my perspective and approach to life.

Here are some lessons I learned from my coach and my involvement in track and fields that I believe can help every one of us in our life race:

Stay fit
You cannot win in any race if you are not fit and you cannot be fit if you do not train towards it. Fitness does not happen overnight, it is a process and it takes consistence and discipline. Imagine what it will look like if there are 6 sprinters and the winner of the race is someone who is over weight and when we ask “how come?”  He responds “I had consulted my witch doctor and he gave me a special juju portion that made me fast”. Won’t that be something!? Do you think an unfit person can win a race with fit people? I know all things are possible but this has not happened yet and I do not believe it will happen soon. The challenge therefore is for everyone in this race to keep fit.

Some uninformed fellows may say “but the race is not given to the swift”. Nice quote! But that doesn’t in anyway suggest that the race is given to the unfit. Does it? It simple means that if God does not help you, your speed will not. The quote is not in the contest of fitness and only a lazy person will use that as an excuse. How about “the horse is prepared (trained, equipped, kept fit) against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord”? It is better to be fit, prepared and then ask the Lord to help you where you cannot help yourself.

Fitness requires you to be disciplined and consistent. If you want to win in life, discipline is not negotiable. Such discipline is not for one or a few days, you have to be consistently disciplined. I am not talking of an emotional activity you want to go into when something strange happens; I am talking about a disciplined lifestyle. You have to set rules/standards for yourself and live by them. What are the things you cannot do as you keep fit for your race?  What food weighs you down and what food enhances your performance? What relationship does not help your cause and who are the friends that help you become better? What habit do you need to form and which habit must you break? 

No one achieves and maintains success without consistent discipline. You wouldn’t wake up one day to discover that you suddenly won a race; wake up, you must be dreaming.

Start well
As the adage goes “the morning tells the day”. That is so true. It is very important that you start well. Start on a strong note. Give your beginning the best push you can muster. In a race you do not keep the best for the last; start off with your best and let the next level sort itself out.

Stay Focused
As a sprinter, as well as in life, you have to stay focused on your destination while not loosing sight of your track. There are other people also running to win and everyone has his own track. You run on your track and not on another person’s lane. What it means is that you cannot afford to meddle into other people’s businesses. These days many people are busybodies in “other men’s affairs” instead of focusing on their own goal. I know a young man who does not give a report about his progress or failure without prying into someone else’s matter. When you ask him about his result in school he replies “Jackson failed and I failed too”. You ask him “what is your plan for this year?” He replies “Shane is causing me problems”. Sometimes I wonder why some people are that way. How about you focus on your business and give it your best such that your result motivates other people around you to do likewise!? How about you give yourself to pursuit of your dreams and let your result challenge “Shane” to get up be an achiever too!?

Focus on yourself and on your race. Avoid things along your track that would not help you get your expected result. There are many good people, good clothes/shoes, good food, good places and many good drinks that are not suitable for you. They may be good for someone else, but they may not be good enough for you. All things may be lawful but not all of them are expedient. Many things may be legitimate but not all of them are practicable for you. You, therefore, have to focus only on things that are profitable and can help you reach your goal. Identify what suits you and stick with it. 

Finish strong
Is it just me or does anyone else enjoy watching the new sprinting sensation of our time? As a matter of fact he is the best sprinter of all time. This Jamaican born twenty Seven (27) years old Usain Bolt who weighs 210 pounds (94 kg) is considered the fastest person ever. He has won six (6) Olympic medals in sprinting, holds both 100 meters and 200 meters world records and an eight time world champion. Indeed he deserves to be the highest paid athlete in track and field

You probably know that he did not get to where he is by mistake; we agree that for him to set these world records and win these medals he must consistently train hard. But I mentioned him here because recently he admitted the obvious- that he is not a good starter. Those of us who watch him may have observed that sometimes his “take-off’ is poor, yet there is no doubt that he is a strong finisher. This teaches us that if for some reason we do not start well we can end strong and still win. He admits his weakness, works on it and still comes out victorious.

Lesson: If for any reason you have started poorly, admit it, work on yourself and you can still win. Though your beginning was poor, you can end up great.

This is “that” time
To achieve your dream, start now. Leave your past behind and go after your bright future. You may have failed or achieved negligible success in your past, get over it because what you have ahead of you is so great. Did your parents fail you? Did your lover hurt you? Have your friends disappointed you? Is there something in your past holding you down? Let it go. Let them go. Put the past behind and press towards the mark for the prize.

Don’t push to tomorrow what you can start today. Procrastination can kill you. Start eating healthy now. Start loosing that weight right now. Start writing that book now. Start filling that form immediately. Apply for that job now. Go back to school right away. Begin that business today. Invest that money now. Sow that seed now. Pray right now. Compose that song today. Whatsoever it is, get started right away.
Make that move right now baby!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Do you want to be a Millionaire?

Those of you who are bible students know that God is in the business of raising men/women from “nothing” and making something beautiful out of them. It is not a hard thing for God to bless you. More than anything, He wants you to prosper (cf. 3John 1:2). He Raises the poor and sets them up to dine with Princes (cf.2Samuel 2:6). God created you to be a great and successful person but somehow many of us are living below God’s standard for us. Nobody was created to fail; no not one. Built into every one of us is a tremendously powerful capacity to achieve success in anything we choose to do. You were configured to be an achiever.

However we must note that nothing “just happens”. You cannot sit back and wait for something to happen “suddenly”. Go make it happen. If you want to change from a nonentity and become a person of significance, you have to get up and get into action. What God wants to do is to release grace to prosper the “works of your hands”. Observe carefully that He wants to bless the works of your hands. It could be your handcraft, business or even ministry; what ever your hand finds to do is what God wants to bless. God wants to make all things “work together” to favor you, but you have to be out there endeavoring.

Understanding the “anointing”
Many of us do not understand how the anointing works. Some people think the anointing brings us automatic success. Some say things like “I am anointed and I do not need anything else”. No! You need the anointing plus more. Anointing is the release of power; it gives you the enablement to do much more than you can ordinarily do. The anointing is spiritual empowerment that facilitates creativity. A man/woman who is anointed has divine inspiration and acts with unusual faith that produces exceptional results. The anointing makes you face life, business, work, ministry and everything you do with courage. The anointed person is bold like a Lion; bold to do what he is anointed to do.

Now that you know what the anointing does, here are more tips to help you in the pursuit of your dreams.

4 “Ps” to Successful Pursuit

The importance of prayer cannot be over emphasized; prayer should be a lifestyle. However there are two aspects to prayer: 1) Talking 2) Listening. As important as it is to talk to God, it is equally important to listen to God. Prayer will not make sense if you do not listen for instructions. If you have been praying about an issue for a long time, you might need to change your approach and start listening for answers. I know you have a lot to tell God, but He also has a lot to tell you. Listen!

Do not take any step until you know what God sent you here for and the best place to find out is in the place of prayer. When you pray, ask God to unveil to you your mission on Earth and when He does, go a step further.  

After you know what your mission here is, you cannot just live aimlessly; you’ve got to have a plan. You cannot achieve anything without a clear plan. How do you want to achieve your vision? How do you want to live your daily life? Who do you need to achieve this vision? What do you need to arrive at your destination? When do you expect to arrive there? You must ask yourself these questions and write down the answers. You must have a plan for every day, week, year and even decade. As I say, without a written plan, you are heading to failure.

Preparation is critical for success. People do not just get Successful, you have to prepare for it otherwise when it comes you might miss it or mess it up. Opportunities are scarce these days so while you wait get yourself ready for the “big day”. It is our responsibility to prepare, but provision comes from the Lord.

Strategic positioning is another key factor for success. After you pray, plan and prepare, you also have to position yourself at the right place. If for instance you are about to go into business, you should identify people and places who do same or similar business. Attend business meetings, seminars, conferences and trainings related to your area of interest. You cannot stay indoors and expect to be discovered; position yourself at a place where you can be discovered. Like my uncle told one of my cousins “if you have goods for sale, you would help yourself to go where your goods are needed”.

As you apply these four Ps, I believe that God will do His part by releasing His grace upon you to make you successful. God has given you a mandate, you can be sure that every step you take is ordered and He will watch over His word to bring it to pass.

See you at the top!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Royalty and you

As we all welcome Britain’s royal baby, the Prince of Cambridge, I cannot but think about how not too long ago (thirty-one years precisely) we rejoiced at the birth of his father, Prince Williams. I have observed this family from the time Prince Charles married the sweet Princess Diana (thirty-two years ago) till date and I tell you, it is never a dull moment.

I lost a bit of interest after a while but my interest for the royal lifestyle came alive again when the Prince of Wales announced his engagement to a commoner. Oh! How my eyes glowed with light and my heart leaped for joy to know that the son of the People’s Princess lived up to expectation. Not just because of the lady he chose, but I am also excited about the fact that the new link between the Prince of Wales and commoner Kate Middleton will breed a new generation of royalty like we have not experienced since 1660. Those who love history will ask what happened in 1660 but I would rather leave you to find out while I focus more on how this whole thing concerns you and me.

Royalty and you
Many of us have come to lay claim to royalty, thanks to some biblical texts that refers to believers in Christ as Kings. In my opinion, the most popular scripture that refers to believers in the Christian faith as royalty is 1Peter 2:9 which says “But you [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (NASB).  I have no problem with that because I believe that as children of the King we are indeed of a royal lineage. But if truly we are children of the King are we not supposed to live and reign like Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses (cf. Revelations 5:10)? Are we not supposed to go by principles laid down by our Lord and King? Do Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses live as they like or do they follow a certain pattern of life that behooves royalty?

Yes! Oh yes! Royal people live by rules which were laid down by their ancestors and rarely does anybody suddenly change the rules. Let us consider three (3) things we notice about royalty.

a) Order
Contrary to the lifestyle of many believers today, royal people do things decently and in order (cf. 1Corinthians 14:40). Hardly, if ever, will you find a disorganized Prince or Princess. They seem to walk orderly, talk orderly and generally act decently in the public. Take for instance; they marry before they have children and not the other way round. Can you imagine what it would have been like if Kate Middleton became pregnant before marriage? Unimaginable! Unlike most people who care less about what anyone thinks about their actions, people of royal descent are trained to do things orderly and give a good impression at every public appearance.  

Several Christians are very disorderly but claim to be royalty. They live anyhow, do whatever they like, have no particular pattern of living and some even openly dishonor the name of the Lord. They go to church late, and when they do get there they behave so unruly. Order in the church!   

b) Control
Sometimes I wonder why many people from royal families hardly express their emotions in public. Take for instance, on September 6 1997 when Princes Diana was to be buried, I observed all members of the royal family and I did not see any of them shed tears. Let us assume the older members of the royal family have been trained enough to imbibe the culture of self control, how about the two boys whom the Princess left behind? If anyone would miss her most, it would be Prince Williams and Prince Harry; but I did not see a tear drop from their eyes. All they did was wave at the crowd that was lined along the way to their mother’s grave. It is not for me to judge the moral quality of their action, however I believe that they felt some emotion but due to their training they had to control themselves in public.

Lesson: When we are pressed to overreact in public we should apply control especially when our show of emotions cannot make any difference. Royals may have a lot to say but they have learnt to say what is required and keep silent when necessary. They do not throw tantrums in public and hope people understand. They, like every human, have times when they are pushed to the wall and are tempted to misbehave; but they know how to control their emotions and reactions.

c) Respect   
People from royal lineage do not break ranks, they respect authorities. Just like the centurion told Jesus in Matthew 8:8, they understand the flow of authority and recognize that whoever is put in charge of them deserve the utmost regard. They respect themselves and act responsibly. One of the ways to identify a great personality in the crowd is by how they show respect to people in authority. For example, some years ago I had an event and I invited several top personalities. I instructed the ushers to make sure they identify all the VIPs and take them to a special seat reserved for them. After about forty-five (45) minutes into the event the crowd was distracted by some noise coming from behind the auditorium “do you know who I am? How can you give me a back seat? For what?” the male voice yelled. In the first place, this man came late and in the second place, he was very rude to delegated authority which tells us that he does not understand authority and would probably abuse power if giving the chance to lead. Well, the ushers handled him right as he was put out of the meeting and not too long we heard news of him being stripped of his position. A true man of authority will respect and submit to authority.    

Have you heard some people speak disrespectfully about their leaders in public? Or have you seen the way some criticize a system they are supposed to represent? That is so disrespectful and you would never see anyone from the royal family speak about the King or Queen or even any member of the royal lineage, with such impertinence. When you see someone who speaks about people in authority rudely, you can be sure that they are not in any way of the royal order.

Dishonorable act
Recently we read in the news about some leaders in Nigeria’s River State house of assembly who were involved in a physical fight. I am not as concerned about what led to the fight as I am about the dishonorable act. Should a leader lose his temper in public to the point of hitting someone? Some may argue that he was pushed too hard till he lost it; but isn’t that where control is needed?  Maybe somebody in there was not supposed to be there. Maybe none of them should be there. Then again, if they rose to such positions by crooked means, it would amount to foolishness on our part to expect anything reasonable from such irresponsible, uncultured and dishonorable fellows. My recommendation is that before people take public positions (no matter how they got there), they should be taken through some kind of training and in light of recent happenings, maybe anger management should be one of the compulsory courses.

Royal nannies
I hear that Prince Williams and his wife may not be hiring a nanny to help with the upbringing of HRH Prince George of Cambridge; but we know about the traditional process of hiring a Royal nanny or nannies to help. With that tradition in mind, permit me to compare the job of those royal nannies to that of church pastors.

If God is the King of Kings and believers are Kings and princes/princesses and the church is called out from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light, then the pastors’ job would be that of nanny to new believers. It is the responsibility of the pastor to inculcate into believers the royal mentality. All believers need to learn Kingdom philosophy -as opposed to worldly ideologies-, spiritual etiquette and every thing they need to represent the King; and these they must learn from the pastor who is trained and very verse in matters of royalty.

Then somebody may say “how about when they are grown and do not need their nannies?” Well, when the time comes and the children become sons, they step up to another class where they are trained to be skilled sons and custodians of the royal heritage.

Now the question to you is; are you true royalty? Are you bringing disrepute and shame to the lineage you claim? If you are, I encourage you to put off this old garment and walk worthy of your call.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Coach to the rescue

I didn’t think it was possible for someone to go about life without a clear definite vision, but sadly, it seems that many people do not have any set goals for their life, family, business, and community. It is not a good thing to live without direction. I repeat, it is not good to live your life, run your family, business or ministry without clearly set out goals.

Game plan
For everything you do, you must have a plan. It is like a soccer game, you have to know who/what you are up against and work out a strategy to win. Without a game plan you sure are going to lose. Even if you win a game of soccer without a game plan, you cannot win in life without a plan. You need to have a clear vision and a plan of how you want to achieve that vision. Where are you heading and how do you want to get there? You cannot wake up everyday, go to work (if you have one), get back home, eat, play with your phone/Ipad/Tab/, sleep, wake up the next day and continue the cycle. When you’re asked “where are you heading?” You answer “to work”. No! You should know what you came to do on earth and how you want to achieve it. Your job should be a means of achieving your vision and not the vision itself (unless you run your own company).

Vacancy: Leaders wanted
There are those who have a vision but do not know how to navigate their “ship” to the “expected end”. Many folks occupying positions and having titles lack leadership skills. How do I know? By their fruits we know them. We see how you have run down your life, business, church or company. I mean you and I know how some people have tricked the public and got into government and because they are not good leaders they have messed up their country by the bad decisions they make. Have you not seen how many people occupy the office of a pastor but struggle in relating with their members and cannot move the church forward? Do I need to tell you about yourself and how you have messed up your beautiful “temple” that even you do not like your naked body when you look in the mirror? You may show the world what you want them to see, but you know the real “you”. You might pretend about many things in life but you cannot pretend to be a good leader. If you are a good leader, it shows in your life and everything you are involved in. It is either you are a leader or you are not. You and I are leaders of our own lives and many others occupy leadership positions; so what it means is that we have to learn how to be better leaders. Read on to learn how.

Go to your mentor

Mentor- a trusted counselor or guide; -Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Everybody needs a mentor. Every leader needs a mentor. There comes a time when you run out of ideas, get frustrated and your life/work/project/vision comes to a “plateau”; that is when you need your mentor. If your project is not growing, it is obvious that you need someone to help you move forward. Do not tell me God is your leader and you need no other; yes He is your leader, however He uses people to mentor, guide, instruct and help you reach your Goal. When people say they have been instructed not to submit to anyone, then trust me, pride has enveloped them. In many cases if you look at such people’s project/vision, it is stagnant, stunted or dead. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above in your business/project/ministry then humble yourself and go to your mentor. You need someone who is not afraid to tell you the truth, experienced enough to help you avoid too many scars, bold enough to give you the needed “push” and strong enough to carry you when you are feeble. He must be someone who loves God, shows he has faith in you, has been where you are, successful in his chosen field, and not self-centered,    

NB: Your mentor must be versed in the area you need mentoring

Question: Can I have more than one mentor?
Answer: Yes you can have more than one mentor as it were. Let us assume that you are a guitarist in your local church/band, you work in an IT firm, you are the area coordinator for a charity organization where you volunteer, you are the captain of your neighborhood soccer team and to keep a balanced lifestyle you work out daily at a nearby gym; you might have different people who influence you on the different aspects of your busy life. Your guitar tutor may not be your gym instructor so you may have a couple of people who mentor you on specific areas. However you might need one major figure in your life, a strong personality who has greater grace than you and your mentor has and who can influence you to do what is required to move you up. You need a coach.

Coach to the rescue
A life coach performs almost the same role as a mentor, but while you can have various mentors who help you in different aspects of your life, you need only one life coach who helps you in every aspect of life. He/she is like your manager. Life coaches are trained either in contemporary schools or school of “life”; they are more knowledgeable, more experienced and their power and influence over people is stronger. When you relate with one, it doesn’t take you ages to experience improvement in every area of your life. Someone has described his life coach as “God sent”. They may be a little more persuasive in dealing with you but as the first law of motion states “every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion, in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it it seems that most of us will not do certain things unless it is impressed upon us. That is what life coaches do, they press us to grow, improve and achieve God’s purpose for our lives.

To avoid consulting several people who are experienced in different areas, most people choose to have one person to play such a role in their life. If you are like most 21st century upward mobile professionals; versatile, busy and growing in various vocations they are involved in- then you need a life coach. Or maybe you are yet to find your footing in life, still struggling to understand how to build your vision and pursue your goals; you need someone to help you with step-by-step guide to rise to greatness’ you need a life coach.

NB: For the avoidance of doubt, the use of the words “Life coach” and “mentor” is a matter of semantics. I think mentor and life coach can be used interchangeably. To make it easier, we can say that a life coach is a mentor of mentors; a leader of leaders; a teacher of teachers.

Too critical to grow
After reading this article, some will ask constructive questions to help them learn more, run with what they have learnt, apply them and grow beyond their present condition; but some others will sit back, criticize and make nonsense of everything said here. It is up to you. You either make a move that will take you higher or stay where you have always been and listen to people who have “parked their cars”  yet do not want others to overtake them. Choose what you will do with this information.  

What I've found about it is that there are some folks you can talk to until you're blue in the face--they're never going to get it and they're never going to change. But every once in a while, you'll run into someone who is eager to listen, eager to learn, and willing to try new things. Those are the people we need to reach. We have a responsibility as parents, older people, teachers, people in the neighborhood to recognize that”-Tyler Perry

Thursday, July 18, 2013

While you wait

 A few weeks ago I spoke with a young man who told me he was waiting for the “waters to move” so he can jump in and take his portion. It sounded good to me so we spent some time discussing the details. He gave me some very sweet scriptures and you know I love scriptures. But shortly before I left I asked him how long he had been waiting and he said “twelve (12) months”. Sounded long to me but to make sure it was not what I was thinking I asked him “what have you been doing during those twelve (12) months” and he said “nothing”. Ladies and gentlemen, I froze. I was shocked. Nothing!? Who sits down for a whole year doing nothing? Now listen, I cannot spend a day doing nothing, how much more one year.

Does waiting on the Lord mean doing nothing? Is my young friend acting in “faith” or is he simply foolish? Do not let anybody convince you that it is an act of faith to waste a whole year doing nothing. No, it is not faith because whoever has faith also takes action. “But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20 NASB) A man of faith is known by the kind of step he takes. You do not have to tell us that you have faith; we can see your faith by your works. A man/woman of faith has vision and every day he takes steps towards his/her vision. If you have faith then you know that no day should be wasted.

Does that mean people should not wait on the Lord for as long at it takes? Of course not! What it means is that as you wait on the Lord there is a lot you can achieve. You pray and study. And if you pray and study you will get creative ideas and the Lord will speak to you which means you will also write. Some of those ideas will require immediate action so you will be on your toes taking action. If you truly wait on the Lord, it is never a dull moment.  

When this same young man called me today to say he is depressed and feels like God had abandoned him I snapped at him. “Do not bring God into this, God cannot tell you to wait on Him and let you get depressed” I yelled. And yes I meant it. God will not lead you to a place and abandon you so if you are depressed, you can be sure that God is not in it. People who have faith are too busy to be depressed. Faith does not give room for worry. Faith makes you enthusiastic. I challenge you today to mix your faith with action and you will experience unprecedented breakthroughs.
PS: And by the way if you are wondering where I have been all this while, I have been busy working on a couple of projects one of which is my new book. It should be out soon so watch out. I am back now and will load ya’ll with a lot to read. Enjoy!

Monday, September 17, 2012

How funny is this?

A few weeks ago while I was out in the field exercising, a young boy fell off his bike and his friends broke out into wild laughter. I know how it hurts when you fall off your bike and for that reason I walked over to the boy to make sure nothing serious had happened but alas, he was injured. He had scratches here and there and was bleeding (and probably had a broken toe); I wandered “who laughs and jokes about a fall?” “Who makes a mockery of a fallen friend?” Yeah, I know who does such; Children!  Immature people who don’t know when to laugh and when they should show empathy.

I have observed that many things that should make us weep and pray to God for mercy make us laugh. Why is it that when something negative happens to a Christian leader we- fellow Christians- spread the news, laugh and make mockery of the person involved? When did it become funny that a comrade is wounded? What exactly is funny or praiseworthy in the failure of a fellow believer?  It is childishness, irresponsibility, illiteracy and absolute foolishness to laugh and publicize the failure or fall of another.

How come it is very difficult for us to pick up our phones to call people to share the good news of Gods love, yet, when we hear of an issue with our fellow laborer in the vineyard we have plenty time to call as many people to talk and laugh about it. We used to have zero tolerance for gossip and backbiting but these days several Christians and even some so called pastors have made their homes a place for gossip. It should not be so. We should be instruments of healing and not objects of destruction; but we have made a mockery of ourselves and the World is watching us disgrace ourselves thereby dragging the name of the Lord to shame.

Some gossip with fellow Church folks and others gossip with non-believers; are we not shamed of what is happening among us? If a brother falls into sin should we not pray for his restoration rather than laugh about it? If a brother’s marriage fails should we make a mockery of him and spread the news? Is the Bible not clear about how we should handle issues relating to a brother/sister’s error?  Did the Bible say “when you hear your brother has fallen, pick up your phone, or jump on your computer and make a call/send an email and spread the bad news abroad”? Did the Bible teach that we have a right to judge and condemn those who make a mistake or fall into sin, or fail in ministry/marriage? No! When things like this happen we cannot “…publish it in the streets…lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph” -2 Samuel 1:20

Before the wrath of God comes upon us I send out this warning:
1)     Refrain from gossiping about men/women of God. God has not made you their judge- Who are we to judge another man’s servant? (cf. Romans 14:4)
2)     Rebuke members of your family or sheepfold who involve themselves in this hideous act
3)     If you are one of those whose wives have what someone has called “verbal diarrhea”, please call her to order before she brings a curse to your home
4)     If your husband is one of the unfortunate men who involve themselves in “old wives’ tales”, I implore you to implore him to desist from such demeaning lifestyle; men ought always to pray and not gossip (cf. Luke 18:1).
5)     It is not too late to repent and ask God to have mercy on us.

Finally my brethren, I urge you to consider your ways. Let us not tempt Christ as some people did in the past and were killed by snakes. Stop gossiping and murmuring as some have murmured and were destroyed. Let him/her who thinks he is standing strong be careful else he fall (cf. I Corinthians 10:9-12). Let God judge His servants who bring shame to His name, stay out of it, you are too small to be involved in this. If you have to say something about it, pray; if you cannot pray about it then, sorry to say, shut your mouth.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Help for my Native Land

Every morning when I wake up, I kneel down to pray and give thanks to God for my life, my family, friends, partners and everyone connected to me in one way or the other. I used to have a prayer list, but now, I must confess I do not have a list anymore. It is probably not possible to keep a list of all the people I pray for. But anyway, I do find a way to pray for everyone connected to me directly or indirectly. However I am concerned about certain things happening in my home land. My motherland.
It hurts me to see that almost every day of the week my home land is in the news. It is either some crazy terrorists have blown up a church and somehow someone connected to me is either hurt or killed, or a plane crashes into a building and several people are roasted. Many times I read about armed bandits waylaying travelers, they rob and sometimes kill. Robbers can strike anywhere; homes, banks, schools and etc and at any time with such impunity and I wonder, do we still have police there? Which should I mention? The ritual killings, Police brutality and acute corruption, the lack of leadership, Government embezzlement of public funds, Poverty, Sicknesses, Commercial Motor bikes maiming people daily?
The most painful is news related to the Church. The so called body of Christ in Nigeria seems to be in a state of complacency. I use the word "complacency" for lack of a better word that will not make it sound like I am anti church. Honestly, I am concerned about the Church. My concern dates back to the 90s when the prosperity message took centre stage. People were told that it was not possible to serve God and not have money. I'm not sure I hate money, I'm not sure I love it either. But the problem is that the preachers made it look like prosperity is money and whoever does not have money is not prosperous. Not as if they taught people the principles of making money. No, people were made to see God as a "money doubler"- "give to God and he will double what you give". Preachers started living extravagantly, brandishing expensive cars, houses, wristwatches and etc. I wonder who they really look like (definitely not our Lord Jesus whose lifestyle was an example for all). After many years of such preaching only the preachers and a few hard working Church goers who understood the principle of 'sowing and reaping' (buying where things are cheap and selling where it is expensive, investing in various fertile areas) and a few others who learned to provide services that people need, prospered. Then came the miracle preaching and preachers.  And then the prophetic preachers. And now, I am afraid to say, might be harsh, but I think the Church in Nigeria needs urgent "Spirituomedical" help.
I am not here to talk about the Church, but my concern for my country is that if the church is in such a state then she is powerless to help the nation. I believe that the church is so powerful that if we, who are called by His name, can only get our act together, team up with others (denominations and Para church organizations, etc.) and take a stand, things will change in that land. I believe that we are not just the salt of the earth; we are the light of the land. But when people's motive for entering the ministry is money then you know that the journey is far. When Christian leaders keep fighting for positions within the church then you know that ignorance has taken over the church. When you see preachers staging miracles just to prove to people that they are what they are not, you know that the end is near. When you see lying prophets in the house and nobody is bold enough to tell them they are telling lies, we are finished. When church folks laugh, applaud and agree with every message preached by different preacher, then something is not right.
I pray for my country Nigeria that God would purge the land and wipe out, in His own special way, all those corrupt politicians. I pray for the great citizens of that country that the eyes of their understanding be opened to know who they are and what the Lord has invested in them. I pray for those bringing shame to the nation that God should bring them to repentance.
And for those killing innocent people, blowing up Churches and shedding blood, I have prayed that the same measure you give shall come back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over; bloodshed will not cease in your household and your generation. To the perpetrators of wickedness and all their sponsors God will punish you and for the remaining days of your miserable life you shall not see anything good.
Indeed it takes more than prayer to solve the problems of my dear native land. We expect the emergence of a new generation of creative thinkers and leaders. I think this current crop of politicians (who indeed are the same old breed), need to sit down or be made to sit down so the fresh brains and fresh hands can apply modern leadership techniques and see how the country can stand back on her feet. I think that people should begin to stand up and speak up. I think we should all begin to do something small in our various corners to effect change. I believe that the time has come for all true Nigerians to stop doing things for self aggrandizement and start doing things for the good of the nation. Let us not criticize the government of corruption when we are corrupt in our own kitchens. If we do not remove the speck in our own eyes as individuals, how can we then see the logs in the eyes of others. Change is now and change starts with you!