A couple of men sent me messages asking for tips on how to
choose the right woman, especially after the article “would you play Russian
roulette with your heart?” So, here we go!
Before you say “I do”
Before we start, let us first understand the purpose of
marriage. I know we live in a twisted world where things are all muddled up,
but everything has a purpose and its right timing. Marriage is a good thing and
whoever finds a wife, happy is he. Every woman may have potential to be a good
wife but only one woman is built with all you need to be happy. Therefore every
man has to take time to understand the purpose of marriage, the right time for
marriage and the right person to marry. You may be a joyful, young and
flourishing man right now, if you marry the wrong woman, your sorrows just
began. Let us ask a few questions and seek for answers:
Q: Why does a man need a wife?
A: For:
1) Companionship- At some point in life a man would need to
have a companion with whom he can share his joys, pains and challenges. When he
feels a void inside and when “hanging with the boys” no longer gives him the
satisfaction and happiness he needs, that is when a man needs a wife.
2) Help/support- As a boy, he probably was busy doing what
boys do-play around, show-off to girls, go back home to mama, eat and sleep.
But when he becomes a man, his brain swings into action, thinking of how to make
an income. Some men go for further training, others look for a job and yet
others start a business. Many get so busy working to meet up and take care of
their responsibility that they get overworked (emotionally, physically and
psychologically); that’s why they need a wife to support them in every area.
Note: If you are still a boy who is not working to take care of business, then
you don’t need any help.
3) Procreation- One of the reasons for marriage is to raise
children. Although nowadays, many people choose to have children before
marriage, in the beginning it was not so. No man should think of making babies
until he is ready to shoulder the responsibility of feeding, clothing and
training them. In those days, part of parental responsibility was saving up
money to give children the best education, these days people make babies without
adequate preparation. Having children is a good thing, but no man should make
babies when he is not ready to provide for them. If you can’t foot the bill,
zip-up until you are ready. Read more here:
http://coach-jasper.blogspot. com/2013/10/stand-and-be- responsible.html
4) Balance- I wonder what it would look like if the world
was full of men only. Unimaginable! If the world was full of only women,
erm…maybe we would have lots of sweet smelling flowers everywhere, cute bow
shaped ribbons all over the streets, huge mirrors on phones, cars, trains,
aircrafts, and in most public places so ladies can adjust themselves very
often. The whole world would probably be decorated with so many pretty things;
but it would be beauty and sweetness of a boring proportion. Men are the
opposite of women so we probably expect the exact opposite if the world was all
men. What men are not is what women are. For example, a man’s body is strong
and muscular but a woman is built soft and tender. This is not bad but all
good. It is the reason why men need women and women need men- for balance. A
man’s mindset/lifestyle may be one-sided but when he marries, she is expected
to help him find a balance.
Q: When is a man ready for marriage?
• When he
knows his purpose. If he does not know why he is here, he definitely is not
ready to marry. The first challenge before every man (indeed everyone), is to
know why you are here. Many young men are still struggling to figure out what
they are here for. It is not wise to start a relationship while you are yet to
understand what it is you are here to do. When you understand why you are here,
then we can say you are half ready for life.
• When he
is matured. Marriage is not for boys but for men. It is for those who are
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature. And please do not ask
me what age is the right age. It is not about the number; when you meet a
matured man, you don’t need anyone to tell you how matured he is. A matured man
is emotionally stable, mentally strong, has a clear vision of where he is
heading, and of course, physically developed.
• When he
has work. Marriage is for men who are busy with work and need help to do what
they do. It is unfortunate that these days many boys go into marriage because
they think they have to, even when they are not ready. An idle man needs work
and not a wife. A working man needs a wife. “Work” does not necessarily mean a
regular office job. It could be a project you are working on. Art, design,
farming, fishing, photography, writing, mission, computer, fashion, ministry,
weaving, import/export, real-estate, acting, carpentry, music, research…it
could be a small venture you are working on, you just got to have work. When
your work grows beyond what you alone can handle, you probably need a wife to
come in and help you; not only to help you work better, but to help you in
every area. Women are built to help and support, and where you don’t have
anything that needs support, you don’t need her.
• When he
is ready to lead his family. No man should think of marriage if he is not ready
to be a leader. In marriage, a man exercises his leadership prowess which he
has developed over time. This is not to say he has to know everything about
leadership or be a very strong leader, but he has to know the basic principles
and methods of leadership. I believe that as part of preparation for marriage,
every man should be taught leadership. God has put the responsibility of
leading the family on the man. Before marriage comes preparation and part of
the preparation is developing leadership skills.
• When he
is strong enough. Marriage is not for the weak. It is for the strong. Just like
in other aspects of life, a married man will face lots of challenges from work,
family and friends. If you are not strong enough, you would probably crumble
under the pressure and hurt the people who care about you. Many men have
destroyed their marriages because they do not have enough strength to handle
life. Others have abandoned their responsibility and ran away because their
strength failed them. It takes courage to be a husband, until you have such
courage; you are not ready for marriage.
Don’t try bending a dry wood
While some things can easily bend, others are tough to bend
and many others would never bend. For instance, there is a limit to which you
can bend a dry wood. Some would break as you try to bend them and others would
bend a little bit before breaking. Same goes to women. There is a woman who
will easily and willingly bend for you. When it comes to choosing a life partner,
a man should not be thinking of a woman he can bend but one who bends to
him on her own accord.
Any woman who is not ready to bend and submit to you cannot
be your wife. Contrary to popular belief, submission is not a difficult task
for women. Every woman has somebody they naturally will submit to, if you are
not that man, then she is not your woman. It is nothing to fight or fuss over.
If you realize that she is not submissive to you, it is better to look for
another rather than to go into marriage and realize that you are walking alone.
If you do not find her submissive, then don’t expect her to develop it after
you marry her. The morning tells the day. If she is not submissive to you, she
may never be. It is frustrating to have a wife who does not submit to your
leadership, so I advice you to make sure you find one who respects you enough
to submit to you.
Believers or deceivers?
Never marry a woman who does not believe in you and your
vision. Never! Understand that when a woman does not believe in you, she is
against you and when the one who you love and trust is against you, you are
treading on treacherous ground. The pain and frustration is inexplicable. When
you start dating, one key thing you must do is to identify if your vision
excites her. If it does not, please my friend, she is not the one. Do not
forget that your wife is someone who complements you, if she does not believe
in whom you are and what you do then how can she complement you? How can she
help you? Someone may be wondering “can a woman be in love with a man and not
believe in his vision?” Oh yes! Things happen these days. For some reason, some
women do not see the importance of accepting some men’s vision. Some believe
that they can love but not be committed to their husband’s vision. As a matter
of fact, some women would marry one man but give their support to another man’s
vision. I’m not sure what leads to this. I don’t really understand how, one can
be in love with a man but not believe in his vision. Or maybe she believed in
him and his vision but something changed after they got married. Honestly, whatever it is, do not wait to
become a victim of this to understand how and why it happens. Don’t be
deceived, if she does not believe in your vision, she is not the one.
Partnership that works
I have always told men to choose a wife whose purpose is
complementary to theirs. If, for instance, your purpose is to be “bread”, you
would need to marry someone whose purpose complements yours. Maybe you should
marry “butter”, or “milk” or probably “cheese”. Why would you want to marry
“sand” or “stick” or “cotton wool”, when you are “bread”? How does that
complement or enhance your purpose? Your wife should be someone who complements
you. She should help you become a more useful “you” while you help her become
more relevant. Your wife should be the woman who brings out the best in you.
To complement is not the same as to compete. Couples should
never be in competition to outshine each other, rather, each should find ways
to promote and push the other to the top and in doing so, both parties rise to
greatness. But where they are rivals, none of them progresses because when one
comes up with a creative idea to bring about growth, the other castigates and
puts it down. So guys, in choosing the right woman for marriage, make sure she
is one who balances and enhances what you are.
#Quotes: By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll
become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher-Socrates